Releases: vkbo/novelWriter
Version 2.4 Beta 1
Release Notes
This is a beta release of the next release version, and is intended for testing purposes. Please be careful when using this version on live writing projects, and make sure you take frequent backups.
Please check the changelog for an overview of changes. The full release notes will be added to the final release.
Detailed Changelog
Major Features
- A global search feature has been added to the main sidebar. The search panel replaces the project and novel tree when activated. PR #1775. Issue #894.
- A new shortcode to highlight text has been added. PR #1715. Issue #705.
- A new heading format for hard scene breaks has been added. It uses
heading markup. The only affect this has in the GUI is that these headings can be independently formatted in the Manuscript tool. PR #1753. Issue #1050. - The document editor and viewer now have a dropdown menu in the header listing all headings of the current document for quick navigation. The list is capped at 30 entries. PR #1764. issue #1059.
Build Tool Improvements
- The Manuscript Build Tool now has a word stats section below the preview that shows a number of word and character counts for the previewed text. PR #1717. Issues #1114 and #1116.
- The Manuscript Build Tool now shows an outline of the previewed document as a tab next to the build settings list. PR #1768. Issue #1765.
- Tabs handling in HTML output now has a separate setting from the other format. PR #1723.
- Hard line breaks can now be excluded from Markdown builds. PR #1723. Issue #944.
- It is now possible to control the centring and page breaks of partition, chapter and scene headings. PR #1723. Issues #1117 and #1661.
- Special titles (
) can now be used in notes as well. PR #1723. - Meta data categories can be filtered out from the manuscript. PR #1723. issue #1132.
- Any heading in a novel document can now be hidden in the manuscript. PR #1759. Issue #1756.
- First line of a paragraph can now be indented in the manuscript. PR #1761. Issue #906.
- Each meta data entry in HTML builds have a new class assigned to it that matches the tag used in the text. PR #1767. Issue #1134.
Other Improvements
- The percentage progress counter in the editor document footer now counts progress per character instead of per line. This is only noticeable on short documents. PR #1725.
- Some improvements have been made to terms on the GUI and some strings have been simplified in order to be easier to understand and to translate. PR #1727. Issue #1726.
- Dates are now formatted according to the selected locale, if such a locale is available. If not, it falls back to the local system locale. PR #1755. Issue #1739.
Code Improvements
Version 2.3.1
Release Notes
This is a patch release that fixes several issues with translations into other languages than the default English, and adds completed translations for French.
Detailed Changelog
- Fix untranslated text on the "Project Word List" dialog. PR #1744. Issue #1746.
- Fix untranslated text on the dialog that pops up after an upgrade, PR #1754. Issue #1749.
- Fix error in Norwegian translation. PR #1744.
- Allow the translated text for adding chapter and scenes on the Welcome dialog to flow around the number selector since the number is inserted into the sentence, and not all languages will split the sentence around the number like is done in English. PR #1754. Issue #1750.
- French translation updated by Albert Aribaud (@aaribaud). PR #1760.
- Minor updates to other translations for the 2.3.1 fixes by other contributors. PR #1760.
Other Changes
- Bump the revision of the project file format to 1.5 Revision 3 from Revision 2. This should have been done in the 2.3 release due to the addition of the Templates root folder type. PR #1748.
Version 2.3
Release Notes
This release introduces a new Welcome dialog that replaces both the previous Open Project dialog and the New Project Wizard. The Welcome dialog has received a friendly custom art design created by Louis Durrant.
The Preferences, Project Settings, Project Details, and About dialogs have received completely new designs and layouts, and the Manuscript Build Settings dialog has been updated to match.
Among new features is a new Templates root folder where the writer can store template documents to be used when creating new project documents and notes. It is now also possible to include Point of View and Focus character names in chapter titles in Manuscripts. A new feature to ignore text has also been added. It behaves similarly to comments, but is never included in a manuscript even if comments in the manuscript are enabled.
See the website for complete Release Notes.
Detailed Changelog
- Fix an issue where the Tags and References panel below the document viewer was not cleared if a project was opened, closed, and a new project with no tags defined were opened again. PR #1720. Issue #1718.
- Fixed an issue where multi-selecting documents in Trash would give the option to again move items to Trash. The menu now properly offers the option to permanently delete the documents. PR #1728.
- Fixed an issue where multi-select for deletion would only process the item right-clicked, and not all the selected items. PR #1728.
- Changed the error message that pops up when trying to open a project from the Welcome dialog that no longer exists. The error message should no indicate that the project was not found, as opposed to unreadable. PR #1740. Issue #1737.
- The build tool no longer inserts a scene separator immediately after a partition heading, and should now behave the same way as for chapters. If there is text before the first scene break, the text flows continuously without a separator. PR #1716. Issue #1704.
- Added one new GUI theme named "Cyberpunk Night" by @alemvigh. Also added a matching "Cyberpunk Night" document editor theme by @alemvigh, and a new Tango theme by @vkbo. PR #1738. Issue #1730.
- When the Welcome dialog fails to open a project, and there is not already a project open in the app, the Welcome dialog appears again. PR #1740. Issue #1737.
- Norwegian and US English translations updated by @vkbo. PR #1714.
- Japanese translation updated by @hebekeg. PR #1714.
- Italian translation updated by Lou Cyper (loucyper1). PR #1714.
- Dutch translation updated by Annelotte and Martijn van der Kleijn (@mvdkleijn). PR #1714.
- Latin American Spanish translation updated by @tmarplatt. PR #1741.
- German translation updated by Myian (@HeyMyian). PR #1741.
Other Changes
Version 2.3 RC 1
Release Notes
This is a release candidate of the next release version, and is intended for testing purposes. Please be careful when using this version on live writing projects, and make sure you take frequent backups.
Please check the changelog for an overview of changes. The full release notes will be added to the final release.
Detailed Changelog
- Redesign the buttons on the new Welcome dialog so that they only show buttons related to the visible page. Drop the additional buttons on the New Project page. Issue #1706. PRs #1707 and #1709.
- Drop the Language setting on the Welcome dialog's New Project page. PR #1707.
- Hide the additional settings for Fresh Projects on the New Project page of the new Welcome dialog. Issue #1705. PR #1707.
- Update the Templates root folder icon. PR #1709.
- Scene separators are now hidden after a new title in manuscript builds, also when there are no chapters. Issue #1704. PR #1711.
- Scene and chapter counters are now reset when a novel title is encountered. PR #1711.
Version 2.3 Beta 1
Release Notes
This is a beta release of the next release version, and is intended for testing purposes. Please be careful when using this version on live writing projects, and make sure you take frequent backups.
Please check the changelog for an overview of changes. The full release notes will be added to the final release.
Detailed Changelog
Major Features
- A new Welcome dialog has been added. The dialog replaces the Open Project dialog and the New Project Wizard. The Welcome dialog features artwork created by Louis Durrant, and a custom design for the project list. New projects can be created by a form available from the same dialog, and features a simplified set of options. Issue #1506. PRs #1647, #1681 and #1689.
- It is now possible to create a new project by copying the content of another project, or a Zip file of a project, including a backup. This option is available from the New Project feature of the Welcome dialog. Issue #841. PRs #1680 and #1684.
- The Preferences dialog has been completely redesigned. All options are now available in a single, scrollable list with appropriate section headers. All sections are available as navigation buttons along the side, and it is also possible to search for settings in a search box at the
top. The design matches that created for the Manuscript Build Settings dialog added in 2.1. Issues #1603 and #1604. PR #1652. - The Project Details dialog has been redesigned to match the other new dialogs. It has also been modified to properly handle multiple novel folders. The novel selector is placed at the top of the dialog, and affects all data in the tabs. The Novel Title info has been removed. PR #1665.
- The Manuscript Build Settings dialog has been updated to use the new config layout classes, which are more flexible in terms of content flow. PR #1674.
- A new root folder type called "Templates" has been added. Any document added here will show up in the Add Item menu in the Project Tree view under a "From Template" submenu. Selecting such an entry will create a new document at the selected location in the project, and populate it with the content of the template file. Issues #996 and #1125. PR #1688.
- The About novelWriter dialog has been simplified to only show some key information and the credits text. A link to the releases page is available for checking release notes. Keeping the release notes online means it is easier to update them, and make them more visually interesting as the formatting of the dialog box is limited. PR #1695.
- The old Check for Updates dialog has been removed. Checking for new releases of novelWriter can be done directly in the Welcome dialog or the About dialog by clicking "Check Now" next to the "Latest Version" label. PR #1696.
Minor Features
- A new drop down menu in the References panel below the Document Viewer has an option to filter out inactive notes in the various tag lists in the tabs on the panel. Issue #1653. PR #1654.
- The Novel Title fields, which no longer makes much sense after it was possible to add multiple novel folders to a project, has been fully dropped. Issue #1655. PR #1669.
- The document header for ODT manuscript files can now be customised. Issue #1505. PR #1675.
- The Manuscript Build tool can now insert characters (Point of View or Focus) into chapter headers and other headers. By default, it inserts the tag value, but the display name for a tag can be set with a
character in the@tag
definition if a different text is desired. Issue #1468. PR #1677. - A new modified comment format for the editor has been added. Instead of the regular comment using
, this one uses%~
. The only difference is that the latter will never be exported to a manuscript at all, while regular comments can be exported when a setting is enabled. Issue #1075. PR #1690. - It is now possible to change a document's label from the first heading in the document by right-clicking on it and selecting "Rename to heading". Issue #1443. PR #1692.
- The content of the Project Word List can now be exported and imported using plain text files. Issue #1560. PR #1691.
- The content of the Outline View can now be exported to a CSV file to be opened in any spreadsheet application. Issue #1507. PR #1697.
- A Create New submenu in the Project Tree context menu has been added, which give quick access to the items at the top level of the Add Item menu. Issue #1519. PR #1679.
- When multiple paragraphs are selected in the editor, and any of the comment features are toggled, or formatting is reset, the action is applied to all selected paragraphs, not just the first. Issue #1042 and #1687. PR #1690.
- The in-app version format is now identical to the version tag, and the format for Ubuntu pre-release packages has been updated so that they are compatible with release packages. That is, if you add both the release and pre-release repos from Launchpad, release packages will now properly replace pre-release packages when running apt upgrade. PR #1659.
Code Improvements
- The Storage class has been refactored. It is the class that handles the project storage folder for a novelWriter project. The refactoring is a step towards allowing single file storage for projects as an alternative to project folders. Issue #977. PR #1635.
- All theme colours are now proper QColor objects from the start, which avoids the need to create a large number of these where they are used. PR #1656.
- A nwProject.bak file is no longer kept in the project folder. It never really served any purpose. The project file is still written to a temp file before the old file is replaced, which prevents partial overwrites. PR #1670.
- Other minor code improvements in PRs #1693 and 1694.
Version 2.2.1
Release Notes
This is a patch release that fixes an issue where the Project View would sometimes switch to the Novel View when a new item was created. This patch also includes updated translations for German and Chinese.
Detailed Changelog
- Fix a bug in the toggle for the tree view on the left would trigger each time a new project item was created. Issue #1649. PR #1648.
- Fix an issue where multiple Manuscript and Writing Stats dialogs could be opened. PR #1671.
Version 2.2
Release Notes
This release comes with a number of new features. These are some highlights.
In addition to the common Markdown style formatting for bold, italic and strike through, a set of new shortcodes have been added. The shortcodes are far more flexible than the Markdown style syntax, and can be used for more complex formatting cases. Like when you need to add multiple, overlapping formats, or add emphasis to just a part of a word. The shortcodes also allow for underline, subscript and superscript, which the Markdown syntax does not. The new formats are available in the "Format" menu, and in a new toolbar in the editor that can be enabled by clicking the three dots in the top--left corner. The shortcode format was chosen because it can later be extended to include other requested features as well. Please have a look at the documentation for more details about the new shortcodes.
The Tags and References system has been improved. The tags themselves are no longer case sensitive when you use them in references, but they are still displayed as you typed them in the tag definition when they are displayed in the user interface. Starting to type the @
symbol in the text editor, on a new line, will now open an auto-completer menu which will display available options. It may not display all of your tags if you have a lot of them, but starting to type more characters will filter the list down further.
You can now automatically create a note file for a new tag that you have added to a reference list in a document, but is not yet defined in a project note. So, for instance, if you come up with a new character while writing, and add a new tag to your @char
references, you can right-click the new tag and create a new note for that entry directly. In addition, it is now also possible to right-click a heading in an open document and set the item label in the project tree to match the heading.
In addition to the changes in the editor, the "References" panel below the document viewer has also been completely redesigned. It now shows all the references to the document you are viewing as a list, with a lot more details than before. In addition, tabs in the panel will appear to show all the tags you have defined in your notes, sorted as one tab per category. Like for instance Characters, Locations, Objects, etc. You can also give each note a short description comment on the same format as the summary comments for chapters and scenes. The short description comment can be added from the "Insert" menu under "Special Comments".
The last major change in this release is the new multi-select feature in the project tree. You can now select multiple documents and folders using the mouse while pressing Ctrl
or Shift
. By right-clicking the selected items, you can perform a limited set of operations on all of them, like changing active status, and the status or importance labels. You can also drag and drop multiple items under the condition that all the selected items are in the same folder, at the same level. This restriction is in place due to limitations in the framework novelWriter is based on. But this should help in cases where multiple documents need to be moved in and out of folders or between folders. Note that adding the multi-select feature meant that the undo feature of the project tree had to be removed. It may be added back later.
These Release Notes also include the changes from the 2.2 Beta 1 and 2.2 RC 1 releases.
Detailed Changelog
- Fix column widths for columns with no text in the viewer panel lists, and fix an issues where icons were not updated on theme switch. Issue #1627. PR #1626.
- Fix auto-selection of words with apostrophes. Issue #1624. PR #1632.
- Use
Ctrl+K, H
for inserting short description comments (alias to synopsis), drop the space after the%
symbol when inserting special comments, add a browse icon to the open open project dialog, and remove the popup warning for Alpha releases. PR #1626. - Menu entries no longer clear the status bar message when they are hovered. This was caused by a status tip feature in Qt, which prints a blank message to the status bar. PR #1630.
- The novel view panel now scrolls to bring the current document into view when iteratively searching through documents in the project. Issue #1555. PR #1632.
- The progress bar on the Manuscript Build dialog now stays for 3 seconds after completion instead of 1 second. PR #1634.
- The document viewer panel now shows the importance label next to each entry, and double-clicking an entry will open it in the viewer. All entries also now show the content in tooltips so that the columns can be shrunk to only view the icon if there is too little space. Issue #1620. PR #1639.
- The editor toolbar no longer uses the same buttons for markdown and shortcodes style formatting. They have each received their separate buttons. Some additional space has been added between the two types of buttons to visually separate them. Issues #1636 and #1637. PR #1638.
- Convert the Synopsis and Comment buttons in the document viewer footer to buttons with both icon and text, and drop the label. Issue #1628. PR #1638.
- Updated US English, Norwegian, Japanese, Latin American Spanish, French, and Italian translations. PRs #1625 and #1641.
- The documentation has been updated to cover new features in 2.2. PR #1640.
Code Improvements
- Improve memory usage by making sure C++ objects are deleted when they are no longer used. There is an issue between the Python and Qt side of things where objects are left in memory and not properly garbage collected when they run out of scope. A number of deferred delete calls have been added that seems to solve most of these cases. A
flag has been added to the command line arguments to provide diagnostic data to help debug such issues. PR #1629. - Improve handling of alert boxes and their memory clean up, and refactor event filters. PR #1631.
- Clean up unused methods in GUI extensions. PR #1634.
Version 2.2 RC 1
Release Notes
This is a release candidate of the next release version, and is intended for testing purposes. Please be careful when using this version on live writing projects, and make sure you take frequent backups.
Please check the changelog for an overview of changes. The full release notes will be added to the final release.
Detailed Changelog
- Revert the change of keyboard shortcut to delete a project tree item made in 2.2 Beta 1 as it blocks certain features in the editor. This is a regression. PR 1616.
- The old References panel under the Document Viewer has been replaced with a completely new widget with a lot more features. The Back-references panel is still there, but is now a scrollable list with a lot more information. In addition, tabs for each category of tags are available when there are tags defined for them. These panels list all available tags, with a good deal of information about them that may be useful to the writer, as well as buttons to open them in the viewer or editor. Issues #925 and #998. PR #1606.
- Multi-select is now possible in the project tree, with some limitations. Drag and drop is only permitted if the selected items have the same parent item. Any other drag and drop selection will be cancelled and the user notified. A new context menu has been added for the case when multiple items are selected, with a reduced set of options that can be collectively applied to them. Issues #1549 and #1592. PR #1612.
- The "Scroll Past End" setting in Preferences has been added back in. It is slightly different than the old one, as this one uses the Qt Plain Text Editor implementation, which has some side effects some users may want to avoid. Issue #1602. PR #1605.
- For Windows users, there is now an "Add Dictionaries" tool in the Tools menu where new spell check dictionaries can be added. Links are provided to sources for these dictionaries, and a file selector tool to import the files into novelWriter. Issue #982. PR #1611.
- You can now update the name of a document by right-clicking on any heading inside the document and select "Set as Document Name". This will open the Rename dialog with the text of the heading pre-filled. Issue #1503. PR #1614.
- A new special comment, called "Short" can be added to Project Notes. They are identical to Synopsis comments, and are in fact just an alias for them. The "Short Description" will be displayed alongside the tags in the new panel under the Document Viewer. Issues #1617 and #1621. PRs #1617, #1619 and #1622.
- The feature to auto select word under cursor no longer uses the default Qt implementation, and has instead been implemented by iterating backward and forward in the text to find the nearest word boundaries. It will stop on characters that aren't Unicode alphanumeric as per Python's definition. Toggling markup will also move the cursor to after the markup if it was already at the end of the word. Otherwise it remains within the word at the same position. The word is not selected after formatting if it wasn't selected before. If no selection was made, and no word is auto selected, the formatting tags are inserted in-place with the cursor in the middle. Issues #1333 and #1598. PR #1600.
- The auto complete context menu is now only triggered on actual user input consisting of adding or removing a single character. PR #1601.
- Various improvements to the visibility of the cursor when the dimensions of the editor changes have been added. Like for instance keeping the cursor visible when opening or closing the Viewer panel, or toggling Focus Mode. Issues #1302 and #1478. PR #1608.
- The Manuscript Build dialog now has a button to open the output folder. Issue #1554. PR #1613.
Code Improvements
- Improve test coverage. PR #1607.
Version 2.2 Beta 1
Release Notes
This is a beta release of the next release version, and is intended for testing purposes. Please be careful when using this version on live writing projects, and make sure you take frequent backups.
Please check the changelog for an overview of changes. The full release notes will be added to the final release.
Detailed Changelog
- novelWriter has a new logo and icon. PR #1593.
- The Document Editor is now a true plain text editor. This has a number of benefits and a couple of drawbacks. The most important benefits is that the editor responds a lot faster, and can hold much larger text documents. The big document limit has therefore been removed. It mostly affected automatic spell checking. The syntax highlighter and spell checker are also more efficient, which allows for needed improvements to these. The drawbacks are mainly that the editor now scrolls one line at a time, instead of scrolling pixel by pixel like before. PRs #1521 and #1525.
- Tags and References are now case insensitive. Their display name on the user interface remains the same as the value set for the
entry. Issue #1313. PRs #1522 and #1578. - Keywords for Tags and References, and the References themselves, now have an auto-complete menu that pops up in the editor on lines starting with the
character. It will first suggest what keyword you want to use, and when it has been added, use that keyword to look up suggestions for references to add. The suggestions improve as you type by looking for the characters you've already typed in the tags you've previously defined. Issue #823. PR #1581. - You can now right-click an undefined tag, and a context menu option to create a Project Note for that tag will appear in the menu. On selection, it will create a note in the first root folder of the correct kind, and set the title and tag to match the undefined reference, making it instantly defined. Issues #1580 and #823. PR #1582.
- Shortcodes have been added to the Document Editor. Shorcodes are HTML-like syntax, but uses square brackets instead of angular brackets. So
will make the word "text" appear as bold. Shortcodes currently support bold, italic, striketrough, underline, superscript and subscript text. The first three are complimentary to the Markdown-like syntax that. The benefit of the shortcode emphasis syntax, however, is that it does not care about word boundaries, and can therefore be used any place in the text. Including in the middle of words. Issues #1337 and #1444. PRs #1540 and #1583. - A show/hide toolbar has been added to the editor where toolbuttons for formatting options are available. The toolbar is hidden by default, but can be activated from a three dots icon in the top left corner of the editor. Issue #1585. PR #1584.
- Build Definitions in the Manuscript Build tool can now be re-ordered, and the order is preserved when the tool is closed and re-opened. Issue #1542. PR #1591.
- The Settings menu in the sidebar now always pops out to the right and upwards from the bottom of the icon. The previous behaviour was not guaranteed to stay in the visible area of the screen. PR #1520.
- The right click action on a misspelled word now uses the actual spell checker data for lookup. Previously, the spell checker would underline a word that was misspelled, but the right click action actually had no way of reading where the error line was, so it had to guess again what word the user was clicking. Since these two parts of the code used different logic, they sometimes produced different results. The spell checker now saves the location of each spell check error, and the right click action retrieves this data when generating suggestions, which should eliminate the problem of picking the correct word boundaries. Issue #1532. PR #1525.
- The language of a project is not set in the New Project Wizard and in Project Settings. It is no longer defined in the Build Settings panel. Issue #1588. PR #1589.
- The way switching focus and view in the main GUI has changed. Pressing
will now switch focus to the Project or Novel Tree if focus is elsewhere, or if either have focus already, it will switch view to the other tree. PressingCtrl+E
will switch focus and view to the Document Editor. PressingCtrl+Shift+T
will do the same for the Outline View. The old Alt-based shortcuts have been removed. Issues #1310 and #1291. PR #1590.
User Interface
- The labels under the sidebar buttons have been removed. The tool tips have the necessary information. PR #1520.
Other Improvements
- Also the Tags and References keywords are now translated into the project language when these are included in Manuscript builds. As long as the phrases have been translated. PR #1586.
Version 2.1.1
Release Notes
This is a patch release that fixes a layout issue and internationalisation issues with the new Manuscript Build tool. It also fixes a number of issues related to bugs in the underlying Qt framework that affects drag and drop functionality in the project tree. These issues were mostly
only affecting Debian Linux package releases.
Other, minor issues related to updating the editor on colour theme change and project word list changes have been fixed as well. See the full changelog for more details.
Detailed Changelog
- Fix an issue with width of the last two columns on Selection page of the Build Settings dialog on Windows. They were far too wide by default. Issue #1551. PR #1553.
- Fix an issue where a lot of string were not translated to the UI language in the new Manuscript Build tool. Issue #1563. PR #1565.
- Fix an issue in the Document Viewer where it wouldn't scroll to a heading further down the page when following a reference pointing to it. Issue #1566. PR #1568.
- Add back in checks for illegal drag and drop moves in the project tree. In 2.0, the logic here was changed to set certain restrictions on the elements of the project tree itself, but there are numerous bugs in the Qt framework related to drag and drop, so the checks are ignored on at least Qt 5.15.8. In particular, it is possible to drop items on the root level, and it's possible to move root items to other locations. Neither should be possible and will severely mess up the project if done. Issue #1569. PR #1570.
- Add a custom autoscroll feature when dragging an item in the project tree to near the top or bottom. This is actually a default feature of the tree widget in the Qt library, but this too is broken in some versions of Qt 5.15.x. The default feature has been permanently disabled and replaced by a custom written feature that behaves similarly. Issue #1561. PR #1571.
- Fix an issue where the editor document wasn't re-highlighted when the Syntax Theme for it was changed. Issue #1535. PR #1573.
- Fix an issue where editing the Project Word List would not refresh the spell checking of the editor. Issue #1559. PR #1573.
- Changed how the default UI language is selected. It used to default to the system locale, but that is now changed to British English if the system local is not available in novelWriter. The only real effects of this is that the dropdown box in Preferences now selects British English if the system locale is not available rather than the first in the list (currently Deutch). The second effect is that the language on buttons and other Qt components will match the rest of the UI. Issue #1564. PR #1565.
- There is a bug in Qt on Wayland desktops where menus don't open in the correct location. According to one Qt ticket, QTBUG-68636, this can be mitigated by ensuring all QMenu instances have a parent set. This does not fix all issues, but it should help. The menus without a parent set have now been updated. Issue #1536. PR #1572.
- Fixed a number of spelling errors and typing mistakes in the documentation for 2.1. Contributed by @nisemono-neko. PR #1567.