The Resistor Color Code Generator is a web application that allows users to determine the resistor value based on color bands and vice versa. It is designed to be user-friendly and mobile-friendly, providing an intuitive interface for both novice and experienced electronics enthusiasts.
- Input Resistor Value: Users can input a resistor value (in ohms) to generate the corresponding color bands.
- Select Color Bands: Users can select four color bands (two significant figures, one multiplier, and one tolerance) to calculate the resistor value.
- Responsive Design: The application is designed to work on both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring accessibility for all users.
- Color Representation: Displays selected colors as colored blocks alongside their names, enhancing the visual understanding of the color coding system.
To Generate Color Code:
- Enter the desired resistor value in ohms in the provided input field.
- Click the "Generate Color Code" button to see the corresponding color bands.
To Calculate Resistor Value:
- Select the color bands from the dropdown menus for Band 1, Band 2, Multiplier, and Tolerance.
- Click the "Generate Value" button to calculate and display the resistor value.
The application is built using the following technologies:
- HTML: Structure of the web application.
- CSS: Styling and layout, ensuring a modern and responsive design.
- JavaScript: Functionality for generating color codes and calculating resistor values.
Name: Vishwa Pramuditha
Instagram: @cripysdev
About Me:
I am a web developer with a passion for creating innovative and user-friendly applications. My skills include both front-end and back-end development, with experience in technologies such as React.js and Node.js. I strive to build applications that enhance user experience and solve real-world problems.
The Resistor Color Code Ge