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In this article, you will get known how to get a saiserver docker and get a builder to build saiserver binary

  1. Check SONiC version in a DUT Old version might hit some issue caused by related package upgrade, you can always use the latest tag of a major version(i.e major is 20201231) but notice the matching image version.

    #Image build with tag
    show version
    SONiC Software Version: SONiC.20201231.39
    #Image build without tag
    SONiC Software Version: SONiC.master.39085-dirty-20210923.145659
  2. Get the commit id from sonic-buildimage.

    ps. sonic-buildimage is a repository which used to build sonic images and docker images. SAI is a submodule in sonic-buildimage(/sonic-buildimage/tree/master/src/sonic-sairedis). The commit id in sonic-buildimage can be used to get all the submodule for its submodule, like sai.

    In your dev envrironment, install prerequirment lib, e.g. pip and jinja, re-located code to that tag and resident on a new branch, here we use repository sonic-buildimage Follow the doc at Check SAI header version and SONiC branch

  • Get commit id from tag.

    # git checkout tags/<tag> -b <branch>
    # Example:
    git checkout tags/20201231.39 -b richardyu/20201231-39
    #check the commit id
    git rev-list -n 1 20201231.39
  • Get commit id from docker image

    #Get image name
    docker images
    REPOSITORY                                        TAG                                  IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    docker-orchagent                                  latest                               99d39d932020        6 weeks ago         443MB

    Check image information

    docker image inspect docker-orchagent:latest
    "Image": "sha256:...",
          "Volumes": null,
          "WorkingDir": "",
          "OnBuild": null,
          "Labels": {
              "Tag": "master.39085-bc06c6fcb",

    bc06c6fcb is the commit id in sonic-buildimage

note: Check submodule recursively

git submodule update --init --recursive

# Execute make init once after cloning the repo, or after fetching remote repo with submodule updates

make init

Note: Follow the resource to get how to build a binary and docker

GitHub - sonic-net/sonic-buildimage: Scripts which perform an installable binary image build for SONiC

  1. Start a local build

    # Clean environment as needed
    make reset
    # Init env
    make init
    # NOSTRETCH=y : Current image is buster
    # KEEP_SLAVE_ON=yes: Keeps slave container up and active after building process concludes.
    #setup environment as broadcom flatform
    make configure PLATFORM=broadcom
    #start build
    NOSTRETCH=y NOJESSIE=y KEEP_SLAVE_ON=yes ENABLE_SYNCD_RPC=y make target/debs/buster/saiserver_0.9.4_amd64.deb

    You can get this build target by running command like(adjust as needed): NOSTRETCH=y NOJESSIE=y ENABLE_SYNCD_RPC=y make list

  2. Wait for the build process

  3. In the end, you will get something like this, and prompt as below (inside docker)

    # Check if thrift installed
    richardyu@a0363ed6ca36:/sonic$ thrift
    Usage: thrift [options] file
    Use thrift -help for a list of options
  4. Keep this terminal and start another terminal, login the same host

  • Check the docker, the builder appears with the name as sonic-slave-***, it always the recently created one
    docker ps
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                 COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS
    PORTS                                     NAMES
    e1df2df072c4   sonic-slave-buster-richardyu:86ef76a28e6              "bash -c 'make -f sl…"   36 minutes ago   Up 36 minutes
    22/tcp                                         condescending_lovelace
  • Commit that docker as a saiserver-docker builder for other bugging or related resource building usages.
    docker commit <docker_name> <docker_image>:<tag>
    docker commit condescending_lovelace saisever-builder-20201231-39:0.0.1
  1. Then, exit from the docker above (console as 'richardyu@e1df2df072c4'), you can get your buildout artifacts in folder ./target, there also contains the logs, and other accessories
  2. For building the saiserver binary, you can mount your local SAI repository to that docker and just start that docker for your building purpose.
    # SAI repo is located inside local /code folder
    docker run --name saisever-builder-20201231-39 -v  /code:/data -di saisever-builder-20201231-39:0.0.1 bash