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Graphviz Cobra Docker Container

Running the tool locally means installing dependencies like Graphviz and ACI Cobra SDK. To avoid the hassle, use a Docker container that comes with the tool script and all the dependencies pre-packaged. Container is available in DockerHub and has a size of around 500 MB uncompressed.


Use Docker to run a container, and mount your local directory (volume) that you want the output diagram to appear in:

docker run --rm -ti \
-v <localdirectory>:/home/out \
vasilyprokopov/acigraphvizcobra:5.0 bash

Docker will take care of downloading a container from DockerHub.

Usage examples:

In the running container execute the tool similar to the examples below:

python /home/aci-graphviz-cobra/
python /home/aci-graphviz-cobra/ \
-a -u admin -p pass31339 \
-t graphviz1_tn graphviz3_tn graphviz2_tn
python /home/aci-graphviz-cobra/ \
-a \
-c uni/userext/user-admin/usercert-admin_crt -k /home/out/admin.key \
-t graphviz1_tn graphviz3_tn graphviz2_tn

After the successful run find your diagram in /home/out directory as well as in your local directory attached to a container To be able to use certificate-base authentication make sure to put your private key in your local directory attached to a container.

How is it packaged?

Image file is available in this repository. Base image is python:3.7.3-slim, which is small in size (143 MB) and based on Debian. The script depends on pygraphviz, which requires graphviz and libgraphviz-dev. The script also depends on ACI Cobra SDK – acicobra and acimodel, that are also added to the image. To be able to pull the script from GitHub git is added to the image.

After the dependencies have been installed, we pull the script from GitHub and create a link between the /out subdirectory and /home/out directory, that in turn points to your local volume, attached to a container:

ln -s /home/out /home/aci-graphviz-cobra

To make container smaller in size we then remove libgraphviz-dev and git.

Cobra SDK consumes around 800 MB of space, but only small subset of objects are being used by the tool. Hence, we are removing some of the unused objects, like the one below:

rm -rf /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cobra/modelimpl/cloudsec

We also clear Python's cache, as it is worth another 300 MB, but barely adding any performance benefit.

find /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cobra/modelimpl/ | grep -E "(__pycache__|\.pyc|\.pyo$)" | xargs rm -rf

Finally, we remove Cobra's installation files, that were imported into the image in the beggining. This makes the size of the build less then 500 MB, while when built without proper cleaning, the container can easily outgrow 1 GB.

All Linux commands are being put under the single RUN on purpose - to remove unnecessary container layers. Not a perfect solution, but multi-stage build, which might have been a better alternative, has limited applicability to our use case.

From within the build directory create a container:

docker build -t acigraphvizcobra:5.0 -f .


Vasily Prokopov