This tutorial shows how to add new nodes to the local dEF-Pi environment, as setup in Running dEF-Pi on a local Linux machine.
New nodes have to be added to the same Docker Swarm as the node running the orchestrator is in. For this a token is required which can be acquired at the machine that initialized the Docker Swarm:
docker swarm join-token worker
This returns a command like:
docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-XXX-XXX IPADDRESS:PORT
Important for this command to work is that the shown IP address is accessibly by the host you want to add to the dEF-Pi environment.
When the node is correctly added to the dEF-Pi environment, it should appear in the web interface on the Unidentified nodes page. When its status is READY, the node can be categorized via the step 5 described in Running dEF-Pi on a local Linux machine