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97 lines (77 loc) · 3.87 KB

File metadata and controls

97 lines (77 loc) · 3.87 KB

San Jose State University

Enterprise Software - CMPE 172 / Spring 2020

Team 11 's Members : Uyen Nguyen, Dung Pham, Sara Aktar

Project Introduction

Almost 3.3 million dogs enter dog shelters every year. Because of this, some dog shelters struggle with housing dogs and getting them adopted quickly to do so. These shelters cannot make this process faster and easier if there are not enough resources. Sometimes, they lack the proper organization and structure to determine which dogs need to be adopted or which factors contribute to this process. Our project is to create a database and use its analytics to help these shelters. We will create a mock database that will analyze which dog breeds get entered into the system the most and which get adopted the most. Some dog shelters house more dogs of certain breeds, age, or gender than others; the same applies to adoption. Dog shelters will use the analytics of the database as a way to improve their adoption rates. Our project will incorporate concepts in Enterprise Software to create this solution. In specific, we will focus on which breed comes in the most as our analytics.

Demo Screenshots

Screen Shot 2020-05-05 at 9 26 57 PM

Screen Shot 2020-05-05 at 9 24 35 PM


  • Spring Tool Editor
  • MySQL WorkBrench
  • Database Schema testdb, username: root, password: key91191
  • Web browser: Google Chrome

How To Run The Project

  • On your termial
  • cd Desktop(where you save the project folder source)
  • git clone
  • Open your Spring Tool Editor(you can install any supported Spring editor )
  • File--> Open file from..(Desktop/CMPE-172-Proj)
  • You show have your database schema and Dog table created.
  • Click Run As Spring Boot App
  • Go to Chrome and type localhost:8080/dog/ or localhost:8080/dog/add/


  • UML Class Diagram

Screen Shot 2020-05-07 at 8 06 59 PM

  • Sequence Diagram

Screen Shot 2020-05-05 at 10 45 26 PM

Database Queries

(username: root, pass:key91191)

Screen Shot 2020-05-07 at 8 09 03 PM

Midtier APIs

  • Client: Thymeleaf, CSS, JS
  • Apllication: SpringBoot, Java
  • Database: AWS, Docker

UI Data Transport



