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Setup (Ubuntu)

Jason Wang edited this page Aug 30, 2022 · 29 revisions

Get Ubuntu (a Linux Distribution)

You will need Ubuntu 20.04. You can either either

  • Purchase a dedicated higher performance computer with Nvidia GPU (Recommended)
  • Dual Boot your PC to Ubuntu and Windows (Possible)

The recommendation is to Dual Boot or have an entire computer dedicated to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS because Robot Software is quite CPU/GPU heavy and you need a lot of system resources to run them.

  • Make sure its Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and not 18.04.5 LTS and not 22.04 LTS
  • Make sure the Ubuntu storage size is at least 200GB.

For Dual Boot

For Virtual Machine (D

  • VM Emulator
  • Ubuntu Desktop Download the Desktop image
  • Make sure when you setup the Virtual Machine, move the .iso into the virtual machine files and also enable more CPU for the virtual machine. 50% of your CPU is good
  • Configuring Virtual Machine Hardware
    • After setting up a virtual machine on VMware, you can head to "Edit virtual machine settings" under the power button for your virtual machine. You can use the settings to dedicate certain resources such as RAM, storage, and video memory but the values will depend on your hardware.
    • First for memory dedicate all of your system's RAM so that it can be used by the VM while it is running. This amount will be indicated by the blue bar on the slider labeled "maximum recommended memory".
    • For processors, dedicate 50% or more of your CPU (ideally all). The values for the cores will depend on your CPU. For example, an i7-10750H should be set to 6 processors and 2 cores per processor.
    • Finally, head on to display and use the maximum amount available for graphics memory. Finally, check the box for "Accelerate 3D Graphics" and save your settings (IMPORTANT).

Verify that your system will work