The Personal Finance App is a web-based application designed to help users manage their personal finances efficiently. Users can create, update, and delete transactions for specific accounts, and the app automatically updates the account balance accordingly. The application also supports recurring transactions and provides a clear view of account details.
- Java 22: The programming language used for developing the backend services.
- Spring Boot 3.3.1: Framework used for building the backend REST API.
- Spring Data JPA: For data persistence and ORM.
- PostgreSQL: The relational database management system used to store the data.
- React 18.3.1: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- React Bootstrap 2.10.4: For responsive UI components.
- Axios 1.7.2: For making HTTP requests to the backend API.
- React Router DOM 6.24.1: For routing within the React application.
Before running the application, ensure you have the following installed on your machine:
- Java 22: Download Java
- Node.js and npm: Download Node.js
- PostgreSQL: Download PostgreSQL
Clone the Repository
git clone cd projec1-backend
Configure Database
- Create a PostgreSQL database and update the file with your database credentials.
spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/your-database spring.datasource.username=your-username spring.datasource.password=your-password spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update
Build and Run
mvn clean install mvn spring-boot:run
Navigate to the Frontend Directory
cd project1-frontend
Install Dependencies
npm install
Run the Application
npm start
-The frontend application should now be running on http://localhost:3000
- GET /transactions: Retrieve all transactions.
- POST /transactions/{accountId}: Add a new transaction to an account.
- PUT /transactions/{id}: Update an existing transaction.
- DELETE /transactions/{id}: Delete a transaction.
- GET /transactions/account/{accountId}: Retrieve transactions by account ID.
- GET /transactions/user/{userId}: Retrieve transactions by user ID.
- GET /transactions/date/{date}: Retrieve transactions by date.
- GET /transactions/recurring: Retrieve recurring transactions.
- GET /transactions/type/{transactionType}: Retrieve transactions by type.
- POST /transactions/transfer: Transfer funds between accounts.
This is just some of the endpoints available.
- All requests and responses are in JSON format.
- Ensure your PostgreSQL server is running and accessible.
- Keep the file updated with the correct database credentials.
- Use the mvn spring-boot:run command to run the backend server in development mode.
- Ensure the backend server is running before starting the frontend.
- Use npm start to run the frontend application in development mode.