Assessing the veracity of claims is a vital capability in the modern world, but it is a task that the public is often ill-equipped to do. This is evidenced, for example, in debates around human contribution to climate change, public health policies and political elections. As a result of targeted disinformation campaigns, many users are inadvertently spreading misinformation, without critically reflecting about its sources, as the information is often presented without further context. As experts cannot provide contextualising explanations about the validity of a claim instantaneously, this gives the opportunity to research into automated claim and fact verification approaches.
This tool mimics the work of fact verification journalists, such as those from Full Fact, by generating articles that explain why a claim might be false in human-understandable terms.
The tool is being developed by Aditya Agarwal under the supervision of Viktor Schlegel
and Riza theresa Batista-navarro
at The Univesity of Manchester.
To run in development mode, use
REACT_APP_ENV=dev npm start
To build for production mode, use
npm run build
A demo is worth a thousand words -