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This repository contains the University of Leeds wayfinding application Spacefinder which is a jekyll site using the spacefinder jekyll theme and with data about spaces on the University of Leeds campus.

How to use the Spacefinder jekyll theme

This repository uses the remote_theme plugin to load the Spacefinder theme from a Github repository:

This plugin is enabled by default for Github pages, but you will need to specify it explicitly in your Gemfile in order to build the site locally:

source ""
gem "github-pages", "~> 219", group: :jekyll_plugins
gem "jekyll-remote-theme"

You need to include the following line in you _config.yml file to use the theme:

remote_theme: uol-library/spacefinder

The theme includes layouts and includes, but the following files must be in any site using the theme for it to work:

  • filters.json - this is a markdown file which does not build when using a remote theme - it must be present in order to create filters.json in the _site.
  • spaces.json - this is the main data file for the spaces. In this repository it is built from individual JSON files in the spaces directory using the node script _scripts/concat.js
  • _data/config.yml - this data file defines all the filters / taxonomies used on the site
  • _includes/javascript/templates.js - this contains two functions which are used to render space data in the UI.
  • _includes/top-bar.html - the top navigation bar with your logo
  • _includes/pages/ - About page
  • _includes/pages/ - Privacy statement
  • _includes/pages/ - Accessibility statement
  • - the main page
  • _config.yml - jekyll configuration file

Other files included in this repository cover things like:

  • Icons - using icons in assets/favicons and the file _includes/favicons.html
  • Photos for spaces in assets/photos


University of Leeds wayfinding application using spacefinder remote theme







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