Deploys the Union dataplane components to onboard a kubernetes cluster to the Union Cloud.
Kubernetes: >= 1.28.0
Repository | Name | Version |
---|---|---| | prometheus(kube-prometheus-stack) | 68.2.2 |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
additionalPodAnnotations | object | {} |
additionalPodEnvVars | object | {} |
additionalPodLabels | object | {} |
clusterName | string | "" |
| | bool | false |
clusterresourcesync.config.cluster_resources.clusterName | string | "{{ include \"getClusterName\" . }}" |
clusterresourcesync.config.cluster_resources.customData[0].production[0].projectQuotaCpu.value | string | "4096" |
clusterresourcesync.config.cluster_resources.customData[0].production[1].projectQuotaMemory.value | string | "2Ti" |
clusterresourcesync.config.cluster_resources.customData[0].production[2].projectQuotaNvidiaGpu.value | string | "256" |
clusterresourcesync.config.cluster_resources.customData[0].production[3].defaultUserRoleKey.value | string | "{{ tpl .Values.userRoleAnnotationKey . }}" |
clusterresourcesync.config.cluster_resources.customData[0].production[4].defaultUserRoleValue.value | string | "{{ tpl .Values.userRoleAnnotationValue . }}" |
clusterresourcesync.config.cluster_resources.customData[1].staging[0].projectQuotaCpu.value | string | "4096" |
clusterresourcesync.config.cluster_resources.customData[1].staging[1].projectQuotaMemory.value | string | "2Ti" |
clusterresourcesync.config.cluster_resources.customData[1].staging[2].projectQuotaNvidiaGpu.value | string | "256" |
clusterresourcesync.config.cluster_resources.customData[1].staging[3].defaultUserRoleKey.value | string | "{{ tpl .Values.userRoleAnnotationKey . }}" |
clusterresourcesync.config.cluster_resources.customData[1].staging[4].defaultUserRoleValue.value | string | "{{ tpl .Values.userRoleAnnotationValue . }}" |
clusterresourcesync.config.cluster_resources.customData[2].development[0].projectQuotaCpu.value | string | "4096" |
clusterresourcesync.config.cluster_resources.customData[2].development[1].projectQuotaMemory.value | string | "2Ti" |
clusterresourcesync.config.cluster_resources.customData[2].development[2].projectQuotaNvidiaGpu.value | string | "256" |
clusterresourcesync.config.cluster_resources.customData[2].development[3].defaultUserRoleKey.value | string | "{{ tpl .Values.userRoleAnnotationKey . }}" |
clusterresourcesync.config.cluster_resources.customData[2].development[4].defaultUserRoleValue.value | string | "{{ tpl .Values.userRoleAnnotationValue . }}" |
clusterresourcesync.config.cluster_resources.standaloneDeployment | bool | true |
clusterresourcesync.config.union.auth.authorizationMetadataKey | string | "flyte-authorization" |
clusterresourcesync.config.union.auth.clientId | string | "{{ tpl .Values.secrets.admin.clientId . }}" |
clusterresourcesync.config.union.auth.clientSecretLocation | string | "/etc/union/secret/client_secret" |
clusterresourcesync.config.union.auth.tokenRefreshWindow | string | "5m" |
clusterresourcesync.config.union.auth.type | string | "ClientSecret" |
| | string | "dns:///{{ tpl . }}" |
clusterresourcesync.enabled | bool | true |
clusterresourcesync.nodeSelector | object | {} |
clusterresourcesync.podAnnotations | object | {} |
clusterresourcesync.podEnv | object | {} |
clusterresourcesync.resources.limits.cpu | string | "1" |
clusterresourcesync.resources.limits.memory | string | "500Mi" |
clusterresourcesync.resources.requests.cpu | string | "500m" |
clusterresourcesync.resources.requests.memory | string | "100Mi" |
clusterresourcesync.secretName | string | "union-base" |
clusterresourcesync.serviceAccountName | string | "" |
clusterresourcesync.templates[0] | object | {"key":"a_namespace.yaml","value":"apiVersion: v1\nkind: Namespace\nmetadata:\n name: {{ namespace }}\n labels:\n flyte\nspec:\n finalizers:\n - kubernetes\n"} |
Template for namespaces resources |
clusterresourcesync.templates[1] | object | {"key":"b_default_service_account.yaml","value":"apiVersion: v1\nkind: ServiceAccount\nmetadata:\n name: default\n namespace: {{ namespace }}\n annotations:\n {{ defaultUserRoleKey }}: {{ defaultUserRoleValue }}\n"} |
Patch default service account |
clusterresourcesync.templates[2].key | string | "c_project_resource_quota.yaml" |
clusterresourcesync.templates[2].value | string | "apiVersion: v1\nkind: ResourceQuota\nmetadata:\n name: project-quota\n namespace: {{ namespace }}\nspec:\n hard:\n limits.cpu: {{ projectQuotaCpu }}\n limits.memory: {{ projectQuotaMemory }}\n {{ projectQuotaNvidiaGpu }}\n" |
clusterresourcesync.unionCallbackEnabled | bool | true |
config.admin | object | {"admin":{"clientId":"{{ tpl .Values.secrets.admin.clientId . }}","clientSecretLocation":"/etc/union/secret/client_secret","endpoint":"dns:///{{ tpl . }}","insecure":false},"event":{"capacity":1000,"rate":500,"type":"admin"}} |
Admin Client configuration structure |
config.authorizer.type | string | "noop" |
config.catalog | object | {"catalog-cache":{"endpoint":"datacatalog:89","insecure":true,"type":"datacatalog"}} |
Catalog Client configuration structure Additional advanced Catalog configuration here |
config.catalog_cache | object | {} |
config.clusters.clusterConfigs | list | [] |
config.clusters.labelClusterMap | object | {} |
config.copilot | object | {"plugins":{"k8s":{"co-pilot":{"image":"{{ .Values.image.flytecopilot.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.flytecopilot.tag }}","name":"flyte-copilot-","start-timeout":"30s"}}}} |
Copilot configuration | | object | {"image":"{{ .Values.image.flytecopilot.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.flytecopilot.tag }}","name":"flyte-copilot-","start-timeout":"30s"} |
Structure documented here |
config.core | object | {"propeller":{"downstream-eval-duration":"30s","enable-admin-launcher":true,"leader-election":{"enabled":true,"lease-duration":"15s","lock-config-map":{"name":"propeller-leader","namespace":"union"},"renew-deadline":"10s","retry-period":"2s"},"limit-namespace":"all","literal-offloading-config":{"enabled":true},"max-workflow-retries":30,"metadata-prefix":"metadata/propeller","metrics-prefix":"flyte","prof-port":10254,"queue":{"batch-size":-1,"batching-interval":"2s","queue":{"base-delay":"5s","capacity":1000,"max-delay":"120s","rate":100,"type":"maxof"},"sub-queue":{"capacity":100,"rate":10,"type":"bucket"},"type":"batch"},"rawoutput-prefix":"s3://{{ }}","workers":4,"workflow-reeval-duration":"30s"},"webhook":{"certDir":"/etc/webhook/certs","serviceName":"flyte-pod-webhook"}} |
Core propeller configuration |
config.core.propeller | object | {"downstream-eval-duration":"30s","enable-admin-launcher":true,"leader-election":{"enabled":true,"lease-duration":"15s","lock-config-map":{"name":"propeller-leader","namespace":"union"},"renew-deadline":"10s","retry-period":"2s"},"limit-namespace":"all","literal-offloading-config":{"enabled":true},"max-workflow-retries":30,"metadata-prefix":"metadata/propeller","metrics-prefix":"flyte","prof-port":10254,"queue":{"batch-size":-1,"batching-interval":"2s","queue":{"base-delay":"5s","capacity":1000,"max-delay":"120s","rate":100,"type":"maxof"},"sub-queue":{"capacity":100,"rate":10,"type":"bucket"},"type":"batch"},"rawoutput-prefix":"s3://{{ }}","workers":4,"workflow-reeval-duration":"30s"} |
follows the structure specified here. |
config.datacatalogServer | object | {"application":{"grpcPort":8089,"grpcServerReflection":true,"httpPort":8080},"datacatalog":{"heartbeat-grace-period-multiplier":3,"max-reservation-heartbeat":"30s","metrics-scope":"datacatalog","profiler-port":10254,"storage-prefix":"metadata/datacatalog"}} |
Datacatalog server config |
config.domain | object | {"domains":[{"id":"development","name":"development"},{"id":"staging","name":"staging"},{"id":"production","name":"production"}]} |
Domains configuration for Flyte projects. This enables the specified number of domains across all projects in Flyte. |
config.enabled_plugins.tasks | object | {"task-plugins":{"default-for-task-types":{"container":"container","container_array":"k8s-array","sidecar":"sidecar"},"enabled-plugins":["container","sidecar","k8s-array","agent-service","echo"]}} |
Tasks specific configuration structure |
config.enabled_plugins.tasks.task-plugins | object | {"default-for-task-types":{"container":"container","container_array":"k8s-array","sidecar":"sidecar"},"enabled-plugins":["container","sidecar","k8s-array","agent-service","echo"]} |
Plugins configuration, structure |
config.enabled_plugins.tasks.task-plugins.enabled-plugins | list | ["container","sidecar","k8s-array","agent-service","echo"] |
Enabled Plugins. Enable sagemaker*, athena if you install the backend plugins |
config.k8s | object | {"plugins":{"k8s":{"default-cpus":"100m","default-env-vars":[],"default-memory":"100Mi"}}} |
Kubernetes specific Flyte configuration |
config.k8s.plugins.k8s | object | {"default-cpus":"100m","default-env-vars":[],"default-memory":"100Mi"} |
Configuration section for all K8s specific plugins Configuration structure |
config.logger.level | int | 4 |
| | bool | true |
config.operator.apps.enabled | bool | false |
config.operator.clusterData.appId | string | "{{ .Values.secrets.admin.clientId }}" |
config.operator.clusterData.bucketName | string | "{{ }}" |
config.operator.clusterData.bucketRegion | string | "{{ }}" |
config.operator.clusterData.cloudHostName | string | "{{ }}" |
config.operator.clusterData.gcpProjectId | string | "{{ }}" |
config.operator.clusterData.metadataBucketPrefix | string | "s3://" |
config.operator.clusterData.storageType | string | "{{ .Values.provider }}" |
config.operator.clusterData.userRole | string | `"{{ tpl (.Values.userRoleAnnotationValue | toString) $ }}"` |
config.operator.clusterData.userRoleKey | string | `"{{ tpl (.Values.userRoleAnnotationKey | toString) $ }}"` |
config.operator.clusterId.organization | string | "{{ .Values.orgName }}" |
config.operator.collectUsages.enabled | bool | true |
config.operator.customStorageConfig | string | "" |
config.operator.dependenciesHeartbeat.prometheus.endpoint | string | "{{ include \"\" . }}" |
config.operator.dependenciesHeartbeat.propeller.endpoint | string | "{{ include \"\" . }}" |
config.operator.dependenciesHeartbeat.proxy.endpoint | string | "{{ include \"\" . }}" |
config.operator.enableTunnelService | bool | true |
config.operator.enabled | bool | true |
config.operator.syncClusterConfig.enabled | bool | false |
config.qubole | object | {} |
config.remoteData.remoteData.region | string | "us-east-1" |
config.remoteData.remoteData.scheme | string | "local" |
config.remoteData.remoteData.signedUrls.durationMinutes | int | 3 |
config.resource_manager | object | {"propeller":{"resourcemanager":{"type":"noop"}}} |
Resource manager configuration |
config.resource_manager.propeller | object | {"resourcemanager":{"type":"noop"}} |
resource manager configuration |
config.schedulerConfig.scheduler.metricsScope | string | "flyte:" |
config.schedulerConfig.scheduler.profilerPort | int | 10254 |
config.task_logs | object | {"plugins":{"logs":{"cloudwatch-enabled":false,"kubernetes-enabled":false}}} |
Section that configures how the Task logs are displayed on the UI. This has to be changed based on your actual logging provider. Refer to structure to understand how to configure various logging engines |
config.task_logs.plugins.logs.cloudwatch-enabled | bool | false |
One option is to enable cloudwatch logging for EKS, update the region and log group accordingly |
config.task_resource_defaults | object | {"task_resources":{"defaults":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"500Mi"},"limits":{"cpu":2,"gpu":1,"memory":"1Gi"}}} |
Task default resources configuration Refer to the full structure. |
config.task_resource_defaults.task_resources | object | {"defaults":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"500Mi"},"limits":{"cpu":2,"gpu":1,"memory":"1Gi"}} |
Task default resources parameters |
config.union.auth.authorizationMetadataKey | string | "flyte-authorization" |
config.union.auth.clientId | string | "{{ .Values.secrets.admin.clientId }}" |
config.union.auth.clientSecretLocation | string | "/etc/union/secret/client_secret" |
config.union.auth.tokenRefreshWindow | string | "5m" |
config.union.auth.type | string | "ClientSecret" |
| | string | "dns:///{{ }}" |
databricks.enabled | bool | false |
databricks.plugin_config | object | {} |
dcgmExporter.affinity | object | {} |
dcgmExporter.arguments[0] | string | "-f" |
dcgmExporter.arguments[1] | string | "/etc/dcgm-exporter/dcp-metrics-included.csv" |
dcgmExporter.extraHostVolumes[0].hostPath | string | "/home/kubernetes/bin/nvidia" |
dcgmExporter.extraHostVolumes[0].name | string | "nvidia-install-dir-host" |
dcgmExporter.extraVolumeMounts[0].mountPath | string | "/usr/local/nvidia" |
dcgmExporter.extraVolumeMounts[0].name | string | "nvidia-install-dir-host" |
dcgmExporter.extraVolumeMounts[0].readOnly | bool | true |
dcgmExporter.kubeletPath | string | "/var/lib/kubelet/pod-resources" |
dcgmExporter.podSecurityContext | object | {} |
dcgmExporter.resources.limits.cpu | string | "100m" |
dcgmExporter.resources.limits.ephemeral-storage | string | "500Mi" |
dcgmExporter.resources.limits.memory | string | "400Mi" |
dcgmExporter.resources.requests.cpu | string | "100m" |
dcgmExporter.resources.requests.ephemeral-storage | string | "500Mi" |
dcgmExporter.resources.requests.memory | string | "128Mi" |
dcgmExporter.securityContext.capabilities.add[0] | string | "SYS_ADMIN" |
dcgmExporter.securityContext.privileged | bool | true |
dcgmExporter.securityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | false |
dcgmExporter.securityContext.runAsUser | int | 0 |
dcgmExporter.serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
dcgmExporter.serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
| | string | "dcgm-exporter-system" |
dcgmExporter.tolerations | object | {} |
flyteagent.enabled | bool | false |
flyteagent.plugin_config | object | {} |
flytepropeller.additionalContainers | object | {} |
flytepropeller.additionalVolumeMounts | object | {} |
flytepropeller.additionalVolumes | object | {} |
flytepropeller.affinity | object | {} |
affinity for Flytepropeller deployment |
flytepropeller.cacheSizeMbs | int | 0 |
flytepropeller.configPath | string | "/etc/flyte/config/*.yaml" |
Default regex string for searching configuration files |
flytepropeller.enabled | bool | true |
flytepropeller.extraArgs | object | {} |
extra arguments to pass to propeller. |
flytepropeller.nodeSelector | object | {} |
nodeSelector for Flytepropeller deployment |
flytepropeller.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Annotations for Flytepropeller pods |
flytepropeller.podEnv | object | {} |
flytepropeller.podLabels | object | {} |
Labels for the Flytepropeller pods |
flytepropeller.priorityClassName | string | "system-cluster-critical" |
flytepropeller.replicaCount | int | 1 |
Replicas count for Flytepropeller deployment |
flytepropeller.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"1","ephemeral-storage":"500Mi","memory":"2Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"1","ephemeral-storage":"500Mi","memory":"2Gi"}} |
Default resources requests and limits for Flytepropeller deployment |
flytepropeller.service.additionalPorts[0].name | string | "fasttask" |
flytepropeller.service.additionalPorts[0].port | int | 15605 |
flytepropeller.service.additionalPorts[0].protocol | string | "TCP" |
flytepropeller.service.additionalPorts[0].targetPort | int | 15605 |
flytepropeller.service.enabled | bool | true |
flytepropeller.serviceAccount | object | {"annotations":{},"create":true,"imagePullSecrets":[]} |
Configuration for service accounts for FlytePropeller |
flytepropeller.serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
Annotations for ServiceAccount attached to FlytePropeller pods |
flytepropeller.serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
Should a service account be created for FlytePropeller |
flytepropeller.serviceAccount.imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
ImapgePullSecrets to automatically assign to the service account |
flytepropeller.terminationMessagePolicy | string | "" |
flytepropeller.tolerations | list | [] |
tolerations for Flytepropeller deployment |
flytepropellerwebhook.autoscaling.enabled | bool | false |
flytepropellerwebhook.autoscaling.maxReplicas | int | 10 |
flytepropellerwebhook.autoscaling.metrics[0] | string | "cpu" |
flytepropellerwebhook.autoscaling.metrics[0] | int | 80 |
flytepropellerwebhook.autoscaling.metrics[0] | string | "Utilization" |
flytepropellerwebhook.autoscaling.metrics[0].type | string | "Resource" |
flytepropellerwebhook.autoscaling.metrics[1] | string | "memory" |
flytepropellerwebhook.autoscaling.metrics[1] | int | 80 |
flytepropellerwebhook.autoscaling.metrics[1] | string | "Utilization" |
flytepropellerwebhook.autoscaling.metrics[1].type | string | "Resource" |
flytepropellerwebhook.autoscaling.minReplicas | int | 1 |
flytepropellerwebhook.enabled | bool | true |
enable or disable secrets webhook |
flytepropellerwebhook.nodeSelector | object | {} |
nodeSelector for webhook deployment |
flytepropellerwebhook.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Annotations for webhook pods |
flytepropellerwebhook.podEnv | object | {} |
Additional webhook container environment variables |
flytepropellerwebhook.podLabels | object | {} |
Labels for webhook pods |
flytepropellerwebhook.priorityClassName | string | "" |
Sets priorityClassName for webhook pod |
flytepropellerwebhook.replicaCount | int | 1 |
Replicas |
flytepropellerwebhook.resources.requests.cpu | string | "200m" |
flytepropellerwebhook.resources.requests.ephemeral-storage | string | "500Mi" |
flytepropellerwebhook.resources.requests.memory | string | "500Mi" |
flytepropellerwebhook.securityContext | object | {"fsGroup":65534,"fsGroupChangePolicy":"Always","runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":1001,"seLinuxOptions":{"type":"spc_t"}} |
Sets securityContext for webhook pod(s). |
flytepropellerwebhook.service | object | {"annotations":{"":"grpc"},"type":"ClusterIP"} |
Service settings for the webhook |
flytepropellerwebhook.serviceAccount | object | {"create":true,"imagePullSecrets":[]} |
Configuration for service accounts for the webhook |
flytepropellerwebhook.serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
Should a service account be created for the webhook |
flytepropellerwebhook.serviceAccount.imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
ImagePullSecrets to automatically assign to the service account |
fullnameOverride | string | "" |
host | string | "" |
image.dcgmExporter.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
image.dcgmExporter.repository | string | "" |
image.dcgmExporter.tag | string | "3.1.7-3.1.4-ubuntu20.04" |
image.flytecopilot.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
image.flytecopilot.repository | string | "" |
image.flytecopilot.tag | string | "v1.14.1" |
image.kubeStateMetrics.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
image.kubeStateMetrics.repository | string | "" |
image.kubeStateMetrics.tag | string | "v2.11.0" |
image.tunnel.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
image.tunnel.repository | string | "cloudflare/cloudflared" |
image.tunnel.tag | string | "2024.6.1" |
image.union.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
image.union.repository | string | "" |
image.union.tag | string | "2025.01.0" |
integration.databricks | bool | false |
integration.ray | bool | false |
integration.spark | bool | false |
monitoring.dcgmExporter.enabled | bool | false |
monitoring.kubeStateMetrics.enabled | bool | false |
monitoring.prometheus.enabled | bool | true |
nameOverride | string | "" |
objectStore.service.grpcPort | int | 8089 |
objectStore.service.httpPort | int | 8080 |
operator.affinity | object | {} |
operator.autoscaling.enabled | bool | false |
operator.autoscaling.maxReplicas | int | 20 |
operator.autoscaling.minReplicas | int | 1 |
operator.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | int | 80 |
operator.enableTunnelService | bool | true |
operator.imagePullSecrets | object | {} |
operator.nodeSelector | object | {} |
operator.podAnnotations | object | {} |
operator.podEnv | object | {} |
operator.podLabels | object | {} |
operator.podSecurityContext | object | {} |
operator.priorityClassName | string | "" |
operator.replicas | int | 1 |
operator.resources.limits.cpu | string | "1" |
operator.resources.limits.memory | string | "500Mi" |
operator.resources.requests.cpu | string | "500m" |
operator.resources.requests.memory | string | "100Mi" |
operator.secretName | string | "union-secret-auth" |
operator.securityContext | object | {} |
operator.serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
| | string | "operator-system" |
operator.tolerations | list | [] |
orgName | string | "" |
prometheus.additionalPrometheusRulesMap | object | {} |
prometheus.alertmanager.enabled | bool | false |
prometheus.crds.enabled | bool | true |
prometheus.defaultRules.create | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.alertmanager | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.configReloaders | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.etcd | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.general | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.k8sContainerCpuUsageSecondsTotal | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.k8sContainerMemoryCache | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.k8sContainerMemoryRss | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.k8sContainerMemorySwap | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.k8sContainerMemoryWorkingSetBytes | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.k8sContainerResource | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.k8sPodOwner | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.kubeApiserverAvailability | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.kubeApiserverBurnrate | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.kubeApiserverHistogram | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.kubeApiserverSlos | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.kubeControllerManager | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.kubePrometheusGeneral | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.kubePrometheusNodeRecording | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.kubeProxy | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.kubeSchedulerAlerting | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.kubeSchedulerRecording | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.kubeStateMetrics | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.kubelet | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.kubernetesApps | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.kubernetesResources | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.kubernetesStorage | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.kubernetesSystem | bool | false |
| | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.node | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.nodeExporterAlerting | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.nodeExporterRecording | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.prometheus | bool | false |
prometheus.defaultRules.rules.prometheusOperator | bool | false |
| | bool | false |
prometheus.fullnameOverride | string | "union" |
prometheus.grafana.enabled | bool | false |
prometheus.ingress.annotations | object | {} |
prometheus.ingress.enabled | bool | false |
prometheus.ingress.hosts | list | [] |
prometheus.kube-state-metrics.namespaceOverride | string | "kube-system" |
prometheus.nameOverride | string | "" |
prometheus.namespaceOverride | string | "union" |
prometheus.nodeExporter.enabled | bool | false |
prometheus.prometheus-node-exporter.namespaceOverride | string | "kube-system" |
prometheus.prometheus.enabled | bool | true |
prometheus.prometheus.prometheusSpec.resources.resources.limits.cpu | string | "1" |
prometheus.prometheus.prometheusSpec.resources.resources.limits.memory | string | "2Gi" |
prometheus.prometheus.prometheusSpec.resources.resources.requests.cpu | string | "1" |
prometheus.prometheus.prometheusSpec.resources.resources.requests.memory | string | "2Gi" |
prometheus.prometheusOperator.fullnameOverride | string | "prometheus-operator" |
provider | string | "metal" |
proxy.affinity | object | {} |
proxy.autoscaling.enabled | bool | false |
proxy.autoscaling.maxReplicas | int | 10 |
proxy.autoscaling.minReplicas | int | 1 |
proxy.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | int | 80 |
proxy.enableTunnelService | bool | true |
proxy.imagePullSecrets | object | {} |
proxy.nodeSelector | object | {} |
proxy.podAnnotations | object | {} |
proxy.podEnv | object | {} |
proxy.podLabels | object | {} |
proxy.podSecurityContext | object | {} |
proxy.priorityClassName | string | "" |
proxy.replicas | int | 1 |
proxy.resources.limits.cpu | string | "1" |
proxy.resources.limits.memory | string | "500Mi" |
proxy.resources.requests.cpu | string | "500m" |
proxy.resources.requests.memory | string | "100Mi" |
proxy.secretName | string | "union-secret-auth" |
proxy.securityContext | object | {} |
proxy.serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
| | string | "proxy-system" |
proxy.tolerations | list | [] |
resourcequota.create | bool | false |
secrets.admin.clientId | string | "dataplane-operator" |
secrets.admin.clientSecret | string | "" |
secrets.admin.enabled | bool | true |
sparkoperator.enabled | bool | false |
sparkoperator.plugin_config | object | {} |
storage.accessKey | string | "" |
storage.authType | string | "accesskey" |
storage.bucketName | string | "" |
storage.cache.maxSizeMBs | int | 0 |
storage.cache.targetGCPercent | int | 70 |
storage.custom | object | {} |
storage.disableSSL | bool | false |
storage.enableMultiContainer | bool | false |
storage.endpoint | string | "" |
storage.fastRegistrationBucketName | string | "" |
storage.gcp.projectId | string | "" |
storage.injectPodEnvVars | bool | true |
storage.limits.maxDownloadMBs | int | 10 |
storage.provider | string | "compat" |
storage.region | string | "us-east-1" |
storage.secretKey | string | "" |
userRoleAnnotationKey | string | "" |
userRoleAnnotationValue | string | "arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_ID:role/flyte_project_role" |