A Rails-based implementation of the Workstation Tracking server.
In order to login to this application, the user must be a member of the following Grouper group (https://grouper.umd.edu/):
- Application Roles/Libraries/WorkstationTracking/WorkstationTracking-Administrator
The following endpoints do not require a login:
- /ping - Used by Kubernetes for application health checks
- /track - Used by the "wstrack" clients to update workstation status
- /availability - Used to report workstation availability, by location
The following instructions assume RVM (https://rvm.io/) is installed, to enable the setup of an isolated Ruby environment.
To run locally, the following must be installed:
Ruby v2.7.5
Bundler v2.1.4
node v8.16.1 or later
yarn v1.22.0 or later
Edit the "/etc/hosts" file and add wstrack-local
If you use rbenv (https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv) instead of RVM for Ruby
version management, you will need to symlink your rbenv install of Ruby 2.7.5
to ruby-2.7.5
cd "$(rbenv root)/versions"
ln -s 2.7.5 ruby-2.7.5
Clone the Git repository and switch to the directory:
$ git clone git@github.com:umd-lib/wstrack.git $ cd wstrack/server
Switching into the directory should trigger RVM to set up a gemset.
Copy the "env_example" file to ".env":
$ cp env_example .env
Determine the values for the "SAML_SP_PRIVATE_KEY" and "SAML_SP_CERTIFICATE" variables:
> kubectl -n test get secret wstrack-common-env-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.SAML_SP_PRIVATE_KEY}' | base64 --decode > kubectl -n test get secret wstrack-common-env-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.SAML_SP_CERTIFICATE}' | base64 --decode
Note: These values are also available from the "test/sp.crt" and "test/sp.key" files in the "wstrack-saml.zip" file in the "SSDR/Developer Resources/DIT SAML Configurations/" directory on Box.
Edit the '.env" file:
> vi .env
and set the parameters:
Parameter Value HOST wstrack-local SAML_SP_PRIVATE_KEY (Output from first kubectl command) SAML_SP_CERTIFICATE (Output from second kubectl command) -
Because this application is currently built with an older Ruby (2.7.5), you will need to use OpenSSL 1.1 when building the puma native extensions. Before running
bundle install
, you should install OpenSSL 1.1 and configure the shell environment to use it:brew install openssl@1.1 export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1/lib" export CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1/include" export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1/lib/pkgconfig"
Run the following commands to setup the application:
$ bundle config set without 'production' $ bundle install $ yarn $ rails db:reset $ rails server
The application will be available at http://wstrack-local:3000/
To run the tests:
$ rails test:system test
The application uses Rubocop to enforce a coding standard. To run:
$ rubocop -D
This application provides the following functionality:
a "/track" endpoint used by the "wstrack" client application to report workstation logins and logouts.
Workstation Statuses - displays the workstations currently known by the application (via clients accessing the "/track" endpoint)
Availability - displays workstation availability by physical location in HTML, JSON, and XML formats.
Locations - a editable list of regular expressions mapping workstation names to physical locations.
The application also generates CSV files of the workstation logins and logouts history for analysis.
The "/track" endpoint accepts an HTTP GET request, using a URL of the following format:
- <APPLICATION_BASE_URL> - The base URL for the server
- <WORKSTATION_NAME> - The name of the workstation (expected, but not required, to conform to one of the "Locations" regular expressions)
- <STATUS> - Accepted values: "login" or "logout"
- <OS> - The operating system description
- <GUEST_FLAG> - Accepted values: "t" (true) or "f" (false)
- <USER_HASH> - The hashcode for the user
The application records workstation login/logout activity to a CSV file. Only activity on the "wstrack_client" endpoint ("/track") is recorded. New records, edits, or deletions through the GUI are not recorded.
Activity for each day is recorded in files named for that day (the filename format is "YYYY-MM-DD.csv").
The directory that the CSV files are written to is configured via the "config.x.history.storage_dir" parameter in "config/application.rb". The value for this parameter can be set via a "HISTORY_STORAGE_DIR" environment variable, otherwise it defaults to the "tmp" subdirectory in the project root. The directory will be created, if it does not exist.
The application has been configured (via the "config.time_zone" parameter in "config/application.rb") to use the "Eastern Time (US & Canada)" timezone, to ensure that files are rolled over at EST/EDT midnight.
The CSV file contains a "timestamp" field that reflects the "EST/EDT" timezone.
$ rails db:populate_sample_data
$ rails db:reset_with_sample_data
The following tasks are intended to support the migration of data from the Grails "wstrack" application. These tasks can be removed once the Grails "wstrack" application has been retired.
Clears the "WorkstationStatus" table, prior to importing data from the CSV file from the Grails "wstrack" application.
$ rails db:clear_current_workstation_status
Populates the "WorkstationStatus" table with a CSV file generated from the "Current" entries in the Grails "wstrack" application.
$ rails db:import_current_workstation_status['<CSV_FILE>']
where <CSV_FILE> is the full path to the CSV file. For example, if the CSV file is located at "/tmp/grails_wstrack_current.csv", the command would beL
$ rails db:import_current_workstation_status['/tmp/grails_wstrack_current.csv']
To generate the CSV from the Grails "wstrack" application:
Switch to the approriate Kubernetes namespace:
$ kubectl config use-context <K8S_NAMESPACE>
where <K8S_NAMESPACE> is the Kubernetes namespace. For example, for the "test" namespace", the command would be:
$ kubectl config use-context test
Run the following command to output a CSV file to the "/tmp/grails_wstrack_current.csv" file in the "wstrack-app-0" pod:
$ kubectl exec wstrack-db-0 -- psql --username wstrack --dbname wstrack -c \ "COPY (SELECT * FROM current ORDER BY id ASC) TO '/tmp/grails_wstrack_current.csv' WITH (FORMAT CSV, HEADER)"
Copy the "/tmp/grails_wstrack_current.csv" file to "/tmp/grails_wstrack_current.csv" on the local workstation
$ kubectl cp wstrack-db-0:/tmp/grails_wstrack_current.csv /tmp/grails_wstrack_current.csv