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Red Horizon - CLI

A collection of command-line tools that serve as entry points to the Red Horizon project's capabilities.


Requires Java 17 on macOS 10.15 Catalina and newer, or Windows 10 64-bit and newer, with graphics hardware that supports OpenGL 4.1+

Download the distribution bundle from the project releases page, then unzip it to somewhere on your computer.

CLI tools


The main file conversion utility under which more specialized converters exist as subcommands.

Usage: redhorizon convert [-hV] COMMAND
  -h, --help      Show this help message and exit.
  -V, --version   Print version information and exit.
  pcx2cps    Convert a PCX file to a Command & Conquer CPS file
  png2shp    Convert a paletted PNG file to a Command & Conquer SHP file
  png2shpd2  Convert a paletted PNG file to a Dune 2 SHP file

convert pcx2cps

Usage: redhorizon convert pcx2cps <sourceFile> <destFile>
Convert a PCX file to a Command & Conquer CPS file
      <sourceFile>   A 320x200 PCX image.  If creating a paletted CPS, then the
                       PCX file must have an internal palette.
      <destFile>     Path for the CPS file to be written to.

convert png2shp

Usage: redhorizon convert png2shp -h=<height> -n=<numImages> -w=<width>
                                  <sourceFile> <destFile>
Convert a paletted PNG file to a Command & Conquer SHP file
      <sourceFile>        The sounce PNG image.
      <destFile>          Path for the SHP file to be written to.
  -h, --height=<height>   Height of each SHP image
  -n, --numImages=<numImages>
                          The number of images for the SHP file
  -w, --width=<width>     Width of each SHP image

convert png2shpd2

Usage: redhorizon convert png2shpd2 [--faction] -h=<height> -n=<numImages>
                                    -w=<width> <sourceFile> <destFile>
Convert a paletted PNG file to a Dune 2 SHP file
      <sourceFile>        The sounce PNG image.
      <destFile>          Path for the SHP file to be written to.
      --faction           Generate a SHP file whose red-palette colours
                            (indexes 144-150) will be exchanged for the proper
                            faction colours in-game.
  -h, --height=<height>   Height of each SHP image
  -n, --numImages=<numImages>
                          The number of images for the SHP file
  -w, --width=<width>     Width of each SHP image


A file explorer-like interface for viewing classic C&C file formats, including peeking inside MIX files.

Usage: redhorizon explorer [--palette=<paletteType>]
         Which game palette to apply to a paletted image.  One of ra-snow,
           ra-temperate, td-temperate.  Defaults to ra-temperate

Screenshot of the Explorer interface


A MIX file reader for extracting files from them.

Usage: redhorizon mix [-hV] <mixFile> <entryName>
Extract an entry from a mix file, saving it to disk with the same name.
      <mixFile>     Path to the mix file to read
      <entryName>   Name of the entry in the mix file
  -h, --help        Show this help message and exit.
  -V, --version     Print version information and exit.


A media player for viewing or playing back various C&C media formats.

Usage: redhorizon play [-hV] [--full-screen] [--maximized] [--scanlines]
                       [--palette=<paletteType>] [--volume=<volume>] <file>
Play/View a variety of supported media formats
      <file>              Path to the file to open, or a mix file that contains
                            the target object
      [<entryName>]       If <file> is a mix file, this is the name of the
                            object in the mix file to open
      --full-screen       Start in full screen mode.  Windows only, macOS users
                            can use the full screen button for full screen mode
  -h, --help              Show this help message and exit.
      --maximized         Use a maximized window
                          Which game palette to apply to a paletted image.  One
                            of ra-snow, ra-temperate, td-temperate.  Defaults
                            to ra-temperate
      --scanlines         Add scanlines to the image, emulating the look of
                            images on CRT displays
  -V, --version           Print version information and exit.
      --volume=<volume>   The volume level, as a number from 0-100.  Defaults
                            to 50

Demo of WSA (animation format) playback on YouTube (note the command line path is old as all commands have been moved to be subcommands of redhorizon):

Red Horizon - Play WSA file demo

Demo of VQA (video format) playback on YouTube


Unit/structure and map viewer. Currently supports only a handful of units - those which I have built configuration files for - and non-interior theater maps.

Usage: redhorizon view [-hV] [--full-screen] [--maximized] [--scanlines]
                       [--touchpad-input] [--palette=<paletteType>] <file>
      <file>             Path to the file to open, or a mix file that contains
                           the target object
      [<entryName>]      If <file> is a mix file, this is the name of the
                           object in the mix file to open
      --full-screen      Start in full screen mode.  Windows only, macOS users
                           can use the full screen button for full screen mode
  -h, --help             Show this help message and exit.
      --maximized        Use a maximized window
                         Which game palette to apply to a paletted image.  One
                           of ra-snow, ra-temperate, td-temperate.  Defaults to
      --scanlines        Add scanlines to the image, emulating the look of
                           images on CRT displays
      --touchpad-input   Use touchpad scroll gestures to navigate
  -V, --version          Print version information and exit.

Demo of the unit viewer on YouTube

Demo of the map viewer on YouTube