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ufrisk edited this page Sep 23, 2019 · 6 revisions

The root directory

The root directory of the Memory Process File System contains multiple directories and files which contains the physical memory of the target.

Process directories:

The /name/ and /pid/ directories list processes by name and by pid.

Plugin directories:

Other directories are related to plugins with primary examples being the .status and py directories.


The file memory.pmem contains the raw physical memory being analyzed.

The file memory.dmp contains the physical memory being analyzed slightly adjusted to conform with the Microsoft crash dump format and WinDbg. The file exists on Windows 7 or later.

The files are writable if a write-capable memory acquisition device is used.


The example below shows hex editing of the pmem file which reflects the physical memory of the target being analyzed. In this example the low stub is being analyzed and the kernel page table base (PML4) is marked at address 0x10a0.


For Developers

It is possible to add sub-directories if registering general/root functionality in native plugins.

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