From 51afdf3493c39a22597bae122b5cfa066f51d41e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Richard-Hansen <>
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2021 17:49:59 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Feature/34/untagged resource by name (#36)
Resources that have no owner tagged are listed under their respective accounts. #34
--- | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++--------
templates/aws_report.html | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 0a442278..050da766 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
class Report:
+ UNTAGGED = '(untagged)'
def __init__(self, *, platform: str, date:, config_path: str):
self.platform = platform
@@ -126,6 +127,10 @@ def render_email(self,
class AWSReport(Report):
+ # TODO: Should move this into a config file. Holding off for now as there is a config refactor in the near future
+ RESOURCE_SHORTHAND = {"Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud": "AWS EC2",
+ "Amazon Simple Storage Service": "AWS S3 Bucket",
+ "Amazon Elastic Block Store": "AWS EBS"}
def __init__(self, config_path: str, date:
super().__init__(platform='aws', config_path=config_path, date=date)
@@ -161,20 +166,28 @@ def generate_report(self) -> str:
ec2_owner_by_account_today = nested_dict()
ec2_by_name = collections.defaultdict(Decimal)
ec2_by_name_today = collections.defaultdict(Decimal)
+ untagged_resource_by_account = collections.defaultdict(dict)
today ='%Y-%m-%d')
for row in report_csv:
- account = self.accounts.get(row['lineItem/UsageAccountId'], '(unknown)')
- service = row['product/ProductName']
- amount = Decimal(row['lineItem/BlendedCost'])
+ account = self.accounts.get(row['lineItem/UsageAccountId'], '(unknown)') # account for resource
+ resource_id = row['lineItem/ResourceId'] # id of the resource
+ service = row['product/ProductName'] # which type of product this is
+ amount = Decimal(row['lineItem/BlendedCost']) # the cost associated with this
when = row['lineItem/UsageStartDate'][0:10] # ISO8601
+ owner = row['resourceTags/user:Owner'] or self.UNTAGGED # owner of the resource, untagged if none specified
+ name = row['resourceTags/user:Name'] or self.UNTAGGED # name of the resource, untagged if none specified
+ # if the resource is untagged, we want to explicitly list it under it's respective account
+ if (owner == self.UNTAGGED) \
+ and service == "Amazon Simple Storage Service" \
+ and len(resource_id) != 0:
+ untagged_resource_by_account[account][resource_id] = self.RESOURCE_SHORTHAND[service]
if when == today:
service_by_account_today[account][service] += amount
service_by_account[account][service] += amount
if service == 'Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud':
- owner = row['resourceTags/user:Owner'] or '(untagged)'
- name = row['resourceTags/user:Name'] or '(untagged)'
ec2_by_name_today[name] += amount
ec2_by_name[name] += amount
ec2_owner_by_account_today[account][owner] += amount
@@ -182,8 +195,6 @@ def generate_report(self) -> str:
elif when < today:
service_by_account[account][service] += amount
if service == 'Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud':
- owner = row['resourceTags/user:Owner'] or '(untagged)'
- name = row['resourceTags/user:Name'] or '(untagged)'
ec2_by_name[name] += amount
ec2_owner_by_account[account][owner] += amount
@@ -194,7 +205,8 @@ def generate_report(self) -> str:
- ec2_by_name_today=ec2_by_name_today
+ ec2_by_name_today=ec2_by_name_today,
+ untagged_resource_by_account=untagged_resource_by_account
diff --git a/templates/aws_report.html b/templates/aws_report.html
index ef4b0f2b..d4027fc7 100644
--- a/templates/aws_report.html
+++ b/templates/aws_report.html
@@ -33,6 +33,25 @@
Totals by account
{% for account_id, services in service_by_account.items()|sort %}
Report for account {{ account_id }}
+ Non-compliant Resource Breakdown
+ Resource ID |
+ Product Type |
+ {% for resource_id, product_type in untagged_resource_by_account[account_id].items()|sort(attribute='1') %}
+ {{ resource_id }} |
+ {{ product_type }} |
+ {% endfor %}
{% if service_by_account[account_id].get('Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud') %}
EC2 Breakdown by Owner
@@ -63,6 +82,7 @@ Report for account {{ account_id }}
{% endif %}
+ Service Summary
Service |