1.9.0 (Scholar 4.9.0) 12/5/2023
- Upgrade ruby to 2.7.8
- Bundle Update
- Remove remaining references to ClamAV Gem
- Deprecation Warnings IIIF Viewer
- Deprecation Warnings attach_file_to_work
- Deprecation Warnings success?predicate
- Deprecation Warnings URI.escape in Active_Fedora
- Deprecation Warnings stub_chain
- Deprecation Warnings Removed outdated should syntax
- Deprecation Warnings embargo_notify.rake
- Deprecation Warnings Webdrivers
- Deprecation Warnings DISTINCT
- Deprecation Warnings FactoryBot
- Unused Parameters: SelectorQuery
- Unused Parameters: SelectorQuery - contact
- Unused Parameters: Capybara Parameters
- Unused Parameters: SelectorQuery - shibboleth
- Unused Parameters: SelectorQuery - files
- Capistrano prompts Confirmation Check
- Refactor Coveralls to use Coveralls-Reborn and SimpleCov
- User profile page: Added field for ORCID
- Bug Fixes
- Stats graph showing on load
- Fixed Shibboleth Update with logout problems.
- Fixed Broken links footer
1.8.0 (Scholar 4.8.0) 1/25/2023
- Update SOLR to version 8.11.1
- Update FITS to version 1.5.5
1.7.0 (Scholar 4.7.0) 11/3/2022
- Update BulkRAX gem to version 4.3.0
- Add Monastic Badge to README
- Bug Fixes
- Installed Monkey Patch to allow Re-indexing
- Remove Standard Filter Factory in preparation for SOLR upgrade
- Sanitize string outputs from mark helper to improve search
1.6.0 (Scholar 4.6.0) 3/29/2022
- Configured x-ray logs
- Update gems (nokogiri, addressable, rexml, rack, puma, browse_everything
- Sets custom URI parsers for access controls
- Adds brakeman and bundler_audit
- Upgrade to Ruby 2.7.5
- Upgrade to Hyrax 2.9.6
- New contact form created with jot form
- Upgrade to Rails
- Bug Fixes * Escape output for mark_helper * Fix catalog popup bug * Unhide share tab * Fix capatability list security vulnerability * Redirect deny access users to uc central login
1.5.0 (Scholar 4.5.0) 4/3/2021
- Removed link to What’s New
- Movd collection information on show page
- Hid relationship partial if empty
- Highlight search terms in discovery
- Installed and configured Bulkrax admin tool
- Added filesystem to BrowseEverything
- Updated the FAQ
- Updated to Hyrax 2.9.4
- Updatesd to Ruby 2.7.2
- Installed clamby for virus protection.
- Installed cloudwatch and x-ray for monitoring.
- Bug Fixes
- Attribute label overlap
- Human readable video type in catalog
1.4.0 (Scholar 4.4.0) 2/7/2020
- Added Research Directory to user profile
- Built Rest API
- Added support for Dropbox and Google Drive
- Updated to Hyrax 2.6.0
- Pinned sidekiq to version 5.2.7
- Updated puma to version 4.3.1
- Updated ruby to version 2.5.5
- Updated nokogiri to version 1.10.5
- Added fixity checking task
- Added all of the fields to the works manifest
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed broken links on home page
- Fixed travis bundler errors
1.3.0 (Scholar 4.3.0) 11/21/2019
- Add Docker support
- Update welcome email
- Upgrade Hyrax gem to 2.5.1
- update FAQ page
- Add Capistrano support
- Bug Fixes
- Fix auto-fill for the publisher field
- Change DOI link on work show page
- Change Discovery to Visibility
- Stop parameterizing worktype in work show view
- Fix auto-populate creator
- Resolve blacklight deprecation
- Set flash message for publisher/doi validation
- Always show english worktype in work show view
- Fix DOI emabrgo change
- Reinstate orcid about page
1.2.0 (Scholar 4.2.0) 7/25/2019
- Added seeds for each work type with all metadata filled out
- Upgraded riiif to version 2.0
- Updated chromedriver version on Travis to match Chrome version
- Added date uploaded and date modified to work show page
- Updated DOI labels to use explicite name
- Updated bootstrap-sass gem version
- Updated change_manager gem version
- Replaced chromedriver with webdrivers for capybara tests
- Enabled notifications for editor removal
- Added college field to user profile page
- Updated the welcome page
- Updated vulnerable gems
- Limited description to 5 lines on catalog index page
- Added support for DataCite JSON API
- Added link to parent work when viewing child work
- Updated Chinese and Spanish translations
- Bug fixes
- Aligned time period field on Media work form
- Updated shibboleth attributes on every login
- Corrections to collections export
- Re-enabled DOI in bulk ingest
- Implemented changes to static page line lengths
- Users are prevented from adding themselves as a proxy
- Fixed contact form error messages
- Added missing fields to works manifest
- Fixed file labels in create work
- Changed padding to margin to avoid visible text after ellipses
- Fixed broken links in static pages
1.1.0 (Scholar 4.1.0) 2/27/2019
- Collections can now be exported to .csv files
- The order that fields are displayed on work pages has been updated
- Work pages now display the last modified date
- Bug fixes
- Solr reindexing no longer times out
- Collection descriptions are now displayed
- The featured work image on the home page is now properly aligned
- The CAPTCHA on the contact form now works properly
- The Department facet now only shows after the College facet has been selected
- User atrributes for UC Central Logins are now properly used
- Description and Date Created fields are now singular on batch create
- The user's language choice now persists in all parts of the application
- Field labels are not shown for empty metadata fields
- The password reset from address is now scholar@uc.edu
- Batch create now requires files to be uploaded to be saved
- Creating and then immediately deleting a proxy no longer errors
- The ETD work page now shows proper labels for Degree and Degree Program
1.0.0 (Scholar 4.0) 1/24/2019
- Updated to Hyrax version 2.3.3
- Updated to Ruby version 2.5.3
- Ported over from Scholar
- Proxy removal
- Facet configuration
- 404 error page instead of template
- Change Manager
- Sorting and reverse sorting alphabetically.
- Footer elements
- Toolbar links
- ETD committe members
- Flash message wording
- Disabled Hyrax features
- Citation features
- BrowseEverything on batch create
- Rights on all forms
- Collection export
- Search label
- Enhancements
- Updated collection form by removing unnecessary fields
- Updated license view in collections
- Set new collection default visibility to public
- Added contextual help for proxy management
- Implemented autocomplete on specific new work form fields
- Enabled the collection facet
- Added a What's New page
- Made session and login cookies secure on production
- Updated Spanish and Mandarin translations
- Added batch upload
- Added noid initializer
- Restructured file uploader and added new CSS classes
- Bug Fixes
- Added Mendely meta-tags
- Fixed collection license persistence
- Implemented accessibility violation fixes
- Fixed owner file permission problem with proxy deposit
- Got original filename for box files
- Deleted the double quote if the description or note ends in double quote
- Handled slashes in paths for riiif
- Fixed Etd type_field and publisher field
- Fixed managed works title wrapping in Dashboard
- Resolved bug that shows department field incorrectly
0.6.0 7/20/2018
- Ported over Scholar features
- Replicated home page content
- Replicated "jumbotron" home page image
- Replicated featured researcher/collection/work
- Migrated metadata profiles for all work types
- Updated content on static pages
- Updated the embargo notify task
- Updated the sitemap generator
- Applied bug fix to welcome page
- Removed the group sharing option from works
- Added help message to Dataset work type
- Fixed bug that broke user search with trailing white space
- New works now default to public visibility
- Replicated the "What are you uploading?" page
- Removed admin set controls from works
0.5.0 7/6/2018
- Updated to Hyrax version 2.1.0 (final)
- Added the bixby gem (for rubocop inheritance)
- Ported over Scholar features
- Added a "Browse" button to the main search bar
- Added permalinks to works, files, collections, and profiles
- Changed the product name to "Scholar@UC"
- Updated the navbar menu links to match Scholar's navbar
- Incorporated recent changes from Scholar's People page
- Updated the text in the Visibility pane to match Scholar
- Line breaks are now preserved for work description fields
0.4.0 05/30/2018
- Update to ruby 2.5.1
- Updated to Hyrax v2.1.0.rc3
- Added /show/ path for works, files, and collections
- Removed the lease choice for work visibility options
- Enable support for virus scanning with ClamAV
- Added deploy status to the footer
- Removed all language translations expect for Mandarin and Spanish
- Added ability for users to export metadata for all works in a collection
- Ported over Scholar features
- Show same fields as Scholar on user profile page
- Show welcome page and send welcome email to new users
- Added /sitemap.xml
- Generated Scholar work types
- Added all Scholar help and about pages
- Boosted collections to top of search results
- Allowed works to be created without files attached
- The creator field is now set to the current users when creating works
- Integrated ORCID support into user profiles
0.3.0 3/27/2018
- Updated to Hyrax gem reference 01d8ad5ecdf5b5658e6800d23d570c5d7b2c9cdc
- Added an RSS feed of recently added works (/feed.rss)
- The /users page now hides admins and users without content (Admin users can still see all users)
- Removed several deprecations
- Removed the option for users to set a lease on works
- Renamed app/service to app/services
- Added task to seed test users and works (rails db:seed)
- Copied new and modified feature specs from Hyrax
- Added the ability for users to change their account password
- Removed the ability for Shibboleth users to change their password
0.2.0 3/2/2018
- Updated to Hyrax gem version 2.1.0.beta1
- Created services to export a collection's work metadata to a CSV file
- Added first and last name fields to user profiles
- Users that have added their name into their profiles will have their name displayed in the application instead of email address
- Allow users to log in via UC's Central Login service (Shibboleth)
- Users are now required to complete a CAPTCHA on the contact form if they are not logged in
- Uploaded files are limited to a maximum size of 3 GB (per file)
- Users can now upload files from cloud providers
0.1.0 2/18/2018
- Turned on the IIIF image viewer
- Set the ruby verion and gemset
- Configured Travis CI
- Configured Coveralls
- Configured Rubocop
- Configured Sidekiq
- Configured an 'admin' role
- Copied feature specs from Hyrax
- Added README