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- What are data pre-processors? Can you list three pre-processors in scikit-learn? Use two sentences to explain each of them. Why do we use pre-processors?
- What does the train_test_split function do in scikit learn?
- Can you explain the steps of K-nearest neighbors?
- What are the strategies to split the data with decision tree? (Need to know how to calculate Gini index and information gain)
- What are the differences between Decision Tree and Random Forest?
- Can you explain how Logistic Regression works? What is quantizer? How does multi-class logistic regression work?
- Need to understand and know how to compute confusion matrix, recall, false positive rate, precision, f-measure and g-measure
- How to determine the centroids in KMeans clustering algorithms?
- Explain linear regression. What are simple linear regression and multiple linear regression?
- What are the differences between Decision Tree classification and Decision Tree Regression
- How to evaluate regression models? Can you list two metrics to evaluate regresion models?