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The premise of this book is that AI tools offer a rich tapestry of choices that software engineers can weave through to a variety of goals (and which can include ethical goals). This chapter offers specific examples of that process.
We explore ethics since, More and more, AI tools are making decisions that affect people’s lives in such high-stakes applications such as mortgage lending, hiring, and prison sentencing. Many high-stake applications such as finance, hiring, admissions, criminal justice use AI decision-making frequently: Ladd'98; Burrell'16; Corbett'18; Galindo'00; Yan'13; Chalfin'16; Ajit'16; Berk'15; Berk'16.
Unfortunately, some of AI tools are known to exhibit “group discrimination”; i.e. their decisions are inappropriately affected attributes like race, gender, age, etc:
- One older version of a sentiment analyzer from Google gave negative (and wildly inappropriate) scores to sentences like "I am a Jew" and "I am homosexual".
- A popular photo tagging app assigned animal category labels to dark skinned people.
- Recidivism assessment models predict who might commit crimes, in the future. Some such models used by the criminal justice system are more likely to falsely label black defendants as future criminals (at twice the rate as white defendants).
- Facial recognition software which predicts characteristics such as gender, age from images has been found to have a much higher error rate for dark-skinned women compared to light-skinned men
- Amazon.com stopped using automated recruiting tools after finding anti-women bias.
We say that, to some degree, the ethical impact of AI tools can be controlled by the developers building that software. We stress "to some degree" since the best ethical intentions of any developer can be defeated by malevolent forces, or even by just dumb luck. So it is wrong to say that if our guidelines are followed that the result AI tool will always adhere to socially-accepted ethical standards.
But it also wrong to say that just because some ethical goals are not always reached, that we should not strive towards those goals. Developers will always try to adhere to ethical standards. Or, at the very least, they should monitor their AI tools and report unethical usage or consequences.
The Institute for Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE) has recently discussed general principles for implementing autonomous and intelligent systems (A/IS). They propose that the design of such A/IS systems satisfy certain criteria:
- Human Rights: A/IS shall be created and operated to respect, promote, and protect internationally recognized human rights.
- Well-being: A/IS creators shall adopt increased human well-being as a primary success criterion for development.
- Data Agency: A/IS creators shall empower individuals with the ability to access and securely share their data, to maintain people’s capacity to have control over their identity.
- Effectiveness: A/IS creators and operators shall provide evidence of the effectiveness and fitness for purpose of A/IS.
- Transparency: The basis of a particular A/IS decision should always be discoverable.
- Accountability: A/IS shall be created and operated to provide an unambiguous rationale for all decisions made.
- Awareness of Misuse: A/IS creators shall guard against all potential misuses and risks of A/IS in operation.
Other organizations, like Microsoft offer their own principles for AI:
- Transparency AI systems should be understandable
- Fairness: AI systems should treat all people fairly
- Inclusiveness AI systems should empower everyone and engage people
- Reliability & Safety AI systems should perform reliably and safely
- Privacy & Security: AI systems should be secure and respect privacy
- Accountability: AI systems should have algorithmic accountability
Another statement of required ethics from AI systems comes from the European Union:
- Human agency and oversight: AI systems should empower human beings, allowing them to make informed decisions and fostering their fundamental rights. At the same time, proper oversight mechanisms need to be ensured, which can be achieved through human-in-the-loop, human-on-the-loop, and human-in-command approaches
- Technical Robustness and safety: AI systems need to be resilient and secure. They need to be safe, ensuring a fall back plan in case something goes wrong, as well as being accurate, reliable and reproducible. That is the only way to ensure that also unintentional harm can be minimized and prevented.
- Privacy and data governance: besides ensuring full respect for privacy and data protection, adequate data governance mechanisms must also be ensured, taking into account the quality and integrity of the data, and ensuring legitimised access to data.
- Transparency: the data, system and AI business models should be transparent. AI systems and their decisions should be explained in a manner adapted to the stakeholder concerned. Humans need to be aware that they are interacting with an AI system, and must be informed of the system’s capabilities and limitations.
- Diversity, non-discrimination and fairness: Unfair bias must be avoided, as it could could have multiple negative implications, from the marginalization of vulnerable groups, to the exacerbation of prejudice and discrimination. Fostering diversity, AI systems should be accessible to all, regardless of any disability, and involve relevant stakeholders throughout their entire life circle.
- Societal and environmental well-being: AI systems should benefit all human beings, including future generations. It must hence be ensured that they are sustainable and environmentally friendly. Moreover, they should take into account the environment, including other living beings, and their social and societal impact should be carefully considered.
- Accountability: Mechanisms should be put in place to ensure responsibility and accountability for AI systems and their outcomes. Auditability, which enables the assessment of algorithms, data and design processes plays a key role therein, especially in critical applications. Moreover, adequate an accessible redress should be ensured.
Ethics is a rapidly evolving concept so it hardly surprising to say that mapping the stated ethical concerns of one organization into another is not easy. Nevertheless, the following tables shows one way we might map together these three sets of ethical concerns. Note that:
- "accountability" and "transparency" appear in all three statements. Clearly these are concerns shared by many people.
- Missing from the Microsoft list is "effectiveness". Maybe Microsoft always assumes that their software is always effective?
- Assessed in terms of the Microsoft terminology, the IEEE goals or "well-being" and "awareness of misuse" are synonyms since they both reply on "fairness and "reliability and safely".
Here's IEEE in the rows and Microsoft (in the columns):
Accountable | Transparent | Fairness | Reliability + Safety | Inclusive | Privacy + Security | |
Accountability | ✔ | |||||
Transparency | ✔ | |||||
Well-being + aware of misuse |
✔ | ✔ | ||||
Human-rights | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |||
Data agency | ✔ | ✔ | ||||
Effectiveness | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Here's IEEE in the rows and the EU (in the columns):
Accountability | Transparency | Human agency + oversight | Technical robustness + safety | Privacy + data governance | Diversity, no-discrimination + fairness | Societal + environmental wellbeing | |
Accountability | ✔ | ✔ | |||||
Transparency | ✔ | ||||||
Well-being + aware of misuse |
✔ | ||||||
Human-rights | ✔ | ||||||
Data agency | ✔ | ||||||
Effectiveness | ✔ | ✔ |
The reader might dispute this mapping, perhaps saying that we have missed, or missed out, or misrepresented, some vital ethical concern. This would be a good thing since that would mean you are now engaging in discussions about software and ethics. In fact, the best thing that could happen below is that you say "that is wrong; a better way to do that would be..." As George Box said, all models are wrong; but some are useful.
In any case, what the above table does demonstrate is that:
- Large organizations are now very concerned with ethics.
- When they talk about ethics, there is much overlap in what they say.
- This is a pressing need to extend our current design thinking for AI tools. Hence, this book.
The above table maps between ethical concerns from different organizations. The rest of this chapter discusses how different algorithm choices enable these ethical goals.
It is unethical to deliver an AI tool that is performing poorly, particularly when there are so many ways to make an AI tool perform better. As discussed in our chapter on Baselines, no AI tool works best for all problems. Hence, we exploring new problems, there must be a commissioning process where different AI tools are explored and/or adjusted to the local problem:
- AI tools come with defaults from their control settings. Those defaults may be wildly inappropriate for new problem. For examples of this of this, see Section 2 of Nair et al.. Hyperparameter optimizers are tools for automatically finding tunings that can greatly improve effectiveness. For examples of this, see Fu et al. and Agrawal et al.. One way to implement such hyperparameter optimization is via active learning (see below).
The faster the algorithm, the easier it is to fiddle with. So measured in terms of commissioning effort, we prefer linear time methods (e.g. Naive Bayes) to very slow algorithms (e.g. KNN, that scale very poorly to large data sets).
Naive Bayes
classifiers keep different statistics on rows of different
classes. When new data arrives, such a classier can be quickly updated, just by
adding to the stats of the class of that new row.
New examples are classified according to what old data they are most similar too.
For example, at right, if sepal length is 2.5, the Virginica is most likely.
On the other hand,
KNN algorithms make conclusions by interpolating between
the k nearest neighbors. For example, at right, at
, the green test instance
is more likely to be a red default
In practice, this is very slow (especially for large data sets) since finding the
Kth-nearest neighbors requires a full pass over all the training data for each
new test instance.
KNN can be made
faster via clustering algorithms that group together similar examples.
Once grouped, KNN only needs to within a group.
Just as an aside,
clustering can be made very fast using tricks
recursive random projections (RRP).
After a few random samples, it is possible to find two moderately distant points "east" and "west"
Data can be clustered into two groups, depending or if they are closest
to "east" or "west".
Repeating this recursively "D" times generates a tree of clusters of depth "D",
the leaves of which holds
data that is
similar according to "D" random projections over "east,west" pairs.
Another way
to "cluster" is to split the data according to what attribute best separates
the class variables, then recurse on each split. For example, in the example
at right, the best split to divide blue and red dots is
x2 < 3
Note that this is a "supervised" approach (whereas standard clustering, that
does not use the class variables, is called "unsupervised").
This kind of decision tree learning can be very fast,
but it won't work without some target class.
It is important to stress that the commissioning effort cannot
be the only way we assess an AI tool. For high dimensional image
data, deep learning] has proved to be very effective.
Deep learners
are n-layered neural networks were layer "i" find
new features that layer "i+1" uses to make new conclusions.
Training such learners can be a very slow process, so tuning and comparing with other learners may be impractical. In this book we made no case that deep learning (or any other AI tool) is inherently better or worse. Rather, our goal is to map the trade-offs associated with AI tool such that the best one can be selected from the next problem.
Machine learning software, by its nature, is always a form of statistical discrimination. This discrimination becomes objectionable when it places certain social groups (e.g. those characterized by age, sex, gender, nationality) at a systematic advantage or disadvantage
There are various measures that can be applied to measure unfariness. The first step is to identify “protected attributes” (e.g. race, age, gender, etc). Next, we use all attributes (privileged and otherwise) to build a classifier. Thirdly, we measure unfariness using measures like:
- EOD: the delta of true positive rates in unprivileged and privileged groups;
- AOD: the average delta in false positive rates and true positive rates between privileged and unprivileged groups.
After that, handling unfairness becomes a hyperparameter optimization issue. Recent result shows that hyperparameter tuning can find fairer models (where “fair” measured by EOD and AOD). The trick here is that such optimization must strive for fairness AND performance (precision, recall etc) since experiments show that optimizing for performance separately to fairness means that we can succeed on one and fail on the other.
AI tools that include humans in their reasoning process must do several things:
- They must not unfairly discriminate against particular social groups (see above).
- The humans must be be able to understand why an AI tool has made a conclusion.
- For this purpose, explanation algorithms are useful.
- Humans must be able to adjust that conclusion.
- For this purpose, active learning is useful.
- Further, to better support the above, AI tools must understand and respect the goals of the humans involved in this process.
- For this purpose, multi-goal reasoning is useful.
Inclusiveness is helped by AI tools that generate succinct human-readable models since humans can read and understand such models. Rule-based learners like contrast set learners and FFTrees are useful for generating such succinct models:
- According to George Kelly, humans reason about the world via lists of differences between things (as apposed to list of things abut each object). This is an interesting since the list of obvious difference between things can be much shorter than a description of the things (e.g. the difference between clouds and oceans is that one you have to look up to see one of them). Contrast set learners can generate very short rules describing a domain by reporting the difference between things, weighted by the frequency of each of difference.
- According to Gerd Gigerenzer, humans reason in a
"frugal manner"; that is, they ignore much of the available information to find
good-enough solutions1.
- A frugal tree generator ranks different divisions of data columns according the goal of the learning (e.g. for each division, how many positive/negative examples does in cover).
- Next, various learning
biases are tested. At every level of its tree building, FFtrees fork sub-trees
two biases (the subsets of the data that do/do not match the worst/best division).
In this way, dividing "N" levels produces
$$2^N$$ different trees. The tree that performs best (on the training data) is then selected to apply to the test data. - In practice, frugal trees are binary trees of depth four or less. Humans can quickly glance at such trees, then critique or apply them. Despite their small size, they can be remarkably effective.
Another interesting approach to explanation is to use locality
reasoning. The LIME explanation algorithm
builds some model M1
using examples near the
example of interest (LIME does not specify which model is used).
Next, LIMES builds a local regression mode M2
using the predictions
from M1
. The coefficients of M2
are then informative as to what
factors are most influential. For example, in the diagram at
right, the example of interest is marked with a red cross and the
coefficients would reveal why this example is labeled (say)
ref, not blue).
For a discussion of other explanation algorithms, see Gosiekska and Biecek.
Once a system can explain itself, then most probably humans will
want to change some part of it. Active learning is a general
framework within which humans and AI can learn from each other, in
the context of specific examples.
- Active learners incrementally build models using the minimum number of queries
to some oracle (e.g. some human).
- For example, if some as-yet-unlabelled examples fall near the decision boundary between two classes, then the label for that example is uncertain.
- One active learning stratefy is to ask the oracle about the next most uncertain example, the update the model using that new information.
- Such learning strategies often dramatically descreses the number of examples need to build a ground truth or comission a model.
- Active learning is simpler when models can quickly update themselves.
- Examples of such fast incremental update algorithms include Naive Bayes and RRP and many others besides.
- Sequential
model-based optimization (SMBO) is an active learner that assumes it is fast to guess a value for a new example (if we have a model) but slow to confirm that guess (by running some oracle).
- For example, when optimizing a data miner, SMBO might explore random settings to the control parameters of that learner.
- As it evaluates different settings, it builds a model predicting the effect of a particular setting.
- The next setting it tries might be the one that is guessed to achieve the highest predicted score.
One of the lessons of research into requirements engineering is that the stakeholders for software have many competing goals. Simple AI tools know how to chase a single goals (e.g. a classifier might try to maximize the accuracy of its predictions). Better AI tools now how to trade off between the multiple competing goals of different stakeholders.
One way to trade-off between competing goals are multi-goal reasoners.
Pareto frontiers were introduced in tools in the
section discussing how data miners use optimizers. Recall that,
given many solutions floating in a space of multiple goals, the
"Pareto frontier" are those solutions that are not demonstrably
worse that anything else. In the figure at right, if we wish to
maximize both the quantities, then "heaven" is top right so "K,N"
are not on the frontier (since there are other items between them
and heaven). On the other hand, "A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H" are on the frontier
since they have a clear line of sight to heaven.
There are many methods for finding the Pareto frontier including
genetic algorithms and sequential model-based optimization and the
three data mining methods described below. Once the frontier is
found, the reasoning can stop. Alternatively, in multi-generational
reasoning, this frontier becomes the seed for a new round of
Another optimization method is particle swarm optimization which is an example
of social cognition. Here, each particle is mutating a solution and those mutations
proceed in some direction with some momentum. Each keeps a memory of what best solution
it ever found along its path. The particles' are pulled along by two "rubber bands";
- Φ1: one "pull" towards the best solution ever seen by this particle;
- Φ2: another "pull" towards the best solution ever seen by any particle;
Usually, particles believe themselves twice as much as everyone else; i.e. Φ1 = 2Φ2. As a result, the particles circle around looking for better and better solutions. A standard PSO rig is 30 particles, which run around till they stop seeing improvements more that Ε.
One of the lessons of this book is that building ethical systems is not hard. If developers really understand how their AI tools work, it is possible to refactor them and produce simpler systems that can better achieve the desired goals. For example, in this section, we offer three very simple data mining methods that implement multi-goal optimization.
One way to use data mining method to implement multi-goal reasoning
is via recursive random projections. Krall et al.
and Chen et al.
applied RPP to randomly generated candidates. Instead of evaluating
all N
Krall and Chen just evaluated the O(log2(N))
pairs. There approach achieved similar (and sometimes better) results
than standard optimizers while running much faster (for one large
model, RRP terminated in minutes, not the hours required for standard
optimizers). Chen et al. improved on Krall's work by showing that
if the initial candidate size was large (say 10,000) then (a)
multi-generational reasoning was not required while at the same
time leading to (b) results competitive with other methods.
A second way to use data mining to implement multi-goal reasoning is via frugal trees. Recall from the above that a frugal tree generator ranks different divisions of data columns according the goal of the learning. Chen et al. out-performed the prior state of the art (in one are) by ranking their divisions using a pair of two-dimensional goals:
- Goal1: minimize false alarms, maximize recall
- Goal2: maximize for most program defects seen in the minimal number of lines of code.
A third way to use data mining to implement multi-goal reasoning
is to use contrast set learning and the Zitler and
Künnzli indicator measure I
Row x
is better than row y
if we "lose more"
going x
to y
than going y
to x
; i.e. I(x,y) < I(y,x)
What | How |
N | number of goals |
x.i, y.i |
i-th goal of row x,y |
w.i |
if we want to minimize, maximize goal i then w.i=-1,1 |
m(z) |
function to normalize z into 0..1 for min..max |
Δ(i,w,x,y) |
= 10^( w.i( m(x.i) - m(y.i) ) / N ) |
I(x,y) |
= - Σi Δ(i,w,x,y) / N |
For source code for this, see http://menzies.us/fun/row.html#scoring-rows.
Rows can be sorted according to how many times they are better than
(say) M=100
other rows (selected at random).
- Contrast set learning can then be applied to discover what selects for the (say) 20% top scoring rows (while avoiding the rest).
- Note that, in practice, we have seen this indicator measure work well for up to 5 goals.
These three examples demonstrate the value of understanding AI tools. All the above refactor existing AI tools (RRP, frugal trees, contrast set learning) to achieve better systems:
- In the case of RRP, the multi-goal reasoning ran much faster.
- In the case of frugal trees, the resulting system out-performed the state of art. Also, it generated tiny models that could be readily read and understood.
- In the case of contrast set learner and the Zilter indicator, the resulting system is very easy to build.
This three points are an excellent demonstrator of the main point of this book: AI tools give software developers more choices in how to implement a system. Developers can use those choices they can use to great benefit, including ethical benefits).
Formally, reliability is the probability of failure-free software operation for a specified period of time in a specified environment. Since modern software is so complex, we cannot usually assign such a probability. Instead, a more pragmatic goal for "reliable software" is to decreases the odds that it is will do harm, in the future.
Four tools for pragmatically assessing AI tool reliability are
- Understanding the goals of the system. As mentioned above, one of results of requirements engineering is most system stakeholders have multiple competing goals. Hence, when we talk about "doing harm", we must also carefully define "harm" for the perspective of the users. In practice, this requires some degree of trade-off between competing humans goals (enter multi-goal optimization).
- Perturbation analysis: In this approach, we mess with some aspect of the software the check the impact of that perturbation on the model. Note that, to some degree, the design of a system can be mitigate for perturbation. For example, randomly reordering the inputs can lead to certain clustering algorithms generating different clusters. Agrawal et al. report that learning parameters found by hyperparamter optimization can reduce that problem. For example, compare Table3 and Table8 (after hyperparamter optimziation) in https://arxiv.org/pdf/1608.08176.pdf
- Certification envelopes: In this approach, AI tools are shipped with some data structure
that summarizes the data used to certify that system. If some new input arrives, and it is
outside of this certification envelope, then we know not to trust the conclusions of the AI.
- Note that for this to work, some anomaly detection algorithm must test if new inputs are outside of the envelope.
- One way to build an anomaly detector is to use RRP. As a side-effect of computing distance to each "east,west" pair in any cluster, we can collect the mean and standard deviation of all the distances seen in that cluster. With that information, we can declare something to be anomalous if its distance is more than "N" standard deviations away from the mean.
- Another way to build an anomaly detector is to continuing active learning (including SBMO) after the comissioning process. Anomalies can be reported when the predictions from active learning/SMBO do not match the newly incoming data.
- Repair operators that can mitigate for poor behavior or the system leaving the certification envelope.
- Hierarchical clustering tools like RPP make repair somewhat easier since they divide the whole monitoring problem into numerous smaller ones. In we colelct the anomalies seen in a subtree, and if the number of anomalies exceeds some threshold, then we can relearn our models/subtree using the data and anomalies in that sub-tree. Diana Gordon reports one application wherer this repair-in-subtrees method can tens of thousands times fsater than soem global reset and relearn over all data.
- Another way to run repair operators is to never stop learning. If we keep running (e.g.) sequential model-based optimization whenever new data arrives, then our models will always be changing in response to new data. From a pragmatic perspective, this approach works best when the model within SMBO can update itself incrementally, very quickly.
Further to the last point, certification envelopes have two major issues. Firstly, from a privacy perspective, it is problematic to share data least it reveals private information. For more on this point, see the next section.
Secondly , from a systems perspective, it can be primitively expensive to pass around large amounts of data with each AI tool. To address this problem, we suggest:
- Learning prototypes; i.e. rows of the data that are exemplars for many of their neighbors. Certification envelopes comprising prototypes can be much smaller than those comprising all the data. To find prototypes, run some clustering algorithm (e.g. RP) and the return only a random sample of examples within each cluster.
- Focus on anomalies. If data is passed from site to site, let each new site just add in their data that has not been seen before; i.e. that is anomalous.
To share data, while maintaining privacy, two important tricks are prototype section and mutation. Prototype section as discussed above. Piracy-based mutation must be done with care since, if otherwise, Grechanik et al. and Brickell et al. warn that the more we obfuscate data (to maintain privacy), the worse the effectiveness of the models learned from that data.
Peters et al. addresses this problem via supervised mutation methods. In that approach, after prototype selection, data is mutated by a random amount up to, but not more than the hyperspace boundary between classes.
Need to add notes on the following
- privacy and sharing, cmompression (prootoype detection), streaming, sharing (transfer learning)
- discretization to convert columns into bins
- importantance ranking for bins
- better bins better select for the target class
- column pruning
- to prune the dull columns
- row purning (to prune rows without important bins)
- clustering (to group the rows)
- anomaly detection (to report when enw data is unlike what is already in the clsuter)
- sharing via "keep the anaomalies" (only sharedata that extends an existing cache; i.e. only your anomalies)
- privacy via row + column pruing, then mutation of the surivors up to, but not over the boudnary between this class and that
privacy.centralized. target fr hackers. ditsibuted with transitions: dat tehft during transitions. why send alld ata prorotype generation.
- transparent makes users of a system aware ot the use and misue of that ssytem
- see explanation work [Feather'02] [Menzies'07] [Gay'12] [Matheer'16]
- enabled by trasnparency and relaiblity abd safety
Repair: reliabiltiy planning drihan EFFECTIVENESS, RELIABILTIY, Krishna (Ph.D. 2019?):
- planning. repair, sharing (transfer learning)
Gigerenzer's thinking was influenced by the Nobel-Prize winning economist and AI pioneer Herbert Simon. Simon argued that humans do make optimizer decisions, since such optimality assumes complete knowledge about a situation. Rather, says Simon, humans reason via "satisficing" ( a portmanteau of satisfy and suffice) in which they seek solutions good enough for the current context. ↩