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In the 21st century, it is impossible to manually browse all available software project data. For example, at the time of this writing (Jan 2016), our web searches show that Mozilla Firefox has over 1.1 million bug reports, and platforms such as GitHub host over 14 million projects.
Faced with this data overload, researchers in empirical SE use data miners to generate defect predictors from static code measures. Such measures can be automatically extracted from the code base, with very little effort even for very large software systems.
One of the "black arts" of data mining is setting the tuning parameters that control the choices within a data miner. Prior to this work, our intuition was that:
- tuning would change the behavior or a data miner, to some degree.
Nevertheless, we rarely tuned our defect predictors since we reasoned that:
- a data miner’s default tunings have been well-explored by the developers of those algorithms (in which case tuning would not lead to large performance improvements).
- Also, we suspected that tuning would take so long time and be so CPU intensive that the benefits gained would not be worth effort.
Wrong and wrong (at least for SE). Let me show you why.
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Differential_evolution.
Differential evolution (DE) is a method that optimizes a problem by iteratively trying to improve a candidate solution with regard to a given measure of quality. Such methods are commonly known as metaheuristics as they make few or no assumptions about the problem being optimized and can search very large spaces of candidate solutions. However, metaheuristics such as DE do not guarantee an optimal solution is ever found.
DE is used for multidimensional real-valued functions but does not use the gradient of the problem being optimized, which means DE does not require for the optimization problem to be differentiable as is required by classic optimization methods such as gradient descent and quasi-newton methods. DE can therefore also be used on optimization problems that are not even continuous, are noisy, change over time, etc.
DE optimizes a problem by maintaining a population of candidate solutions and creating new candidate solutions by combining existing ones according to its simple formulae, and then keeping whichever candidate solution has the best score or fitness on the optimization problem at hand. In this way the optimization problem is treated as a black box that merely provides a measure of quality given a candidate solution and the gradient is therefore not needed.
Invented by:
Storn, R.; Price, K. (1997). "Differential evolution - a simple and efficient heuristic for global optimization over continuous spaces". Journal of Global Optimization 11: 341-359. doi:10.1023/A:1008202821328.
Storn, R. (1996). "On the usage of differential evolution for function optimization". Biennial Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS). pp. 519-523.
For further information:
- Differential Evolution Home page
- Includes DE implementations in dozens of languages.
When building a new population, do not just add promising members into the old:
- That way leads to over-population (computationally slower);
- Instead, if you find something better, jettison something else.
When finding the frontier, do not do all pairs comparison
- Too slow
- Instead, compare frontier to randomly generated items
- Replace any dominated ones
When building mutants:
- Build those mutants using an archive of known good solutions
When building new candidates, extrapolate between members of the current frontier:
- No needs for frequency tables of better ranges
- The frontier has the better ranges;
- Pick three things (X,Y,Z);
- At some probability (called the crossover factor):
- New = X + f * (Y - Z)
Warning: pseudo-code only. Never executed.
Somehow, your models need to be able to report themselves as follows.
Ranges for decision d:
def lo(d): # return max range of decision d
def hi(d): # return min range of decision d
List of decision indexes:
def decisions(): # return list of indexes of the decisions
Making sure something is in range:
def trim(x,d) : # trim to legal range
return max(lo(d), min(x, hi(d)))
Creating a new candidate. Candidates are things with id,score. They also have some decisions which are initialized at random from lo to hi.
def candidate():
myDecisions = [lo(d) + n(hi(d) - lo(d))
for d in decisions()])
new = Thing()
new.have = myDecisions
return new
def n(max):
return int(random.uniform(0,max))
class Thing():
id = 0
def __init__(self, **entries):
self.id = Thing.id = Thing.id + 1
Main function (which looks like any other evolutionary optimizer) creates an frontier, tries to update it, stopping if we are good enough:
def de(max = 100, # number of repeats
np = 100, # number of candidates
f = 0.75, # extrapolate amount
cf = 0.3 # prob of cross-over
frontier = [candidate() for _ in range(np)]
for _ in range(max):
frontier = update(f,cf,frontier)
return frontier
Action at each iteration. Make sure we have a score for the old timer on the frontier. If some newly created candidate is better than the old timer, then replace the old timer with the new candidate (and update the cache of scores). Returns the total of scores of the frontier (and its size).
def update(f,cf,frontier):
for pos,old in enumerate(frontier):
new = extrapolate(frontier,old,f,cf)
if better(new,old)
frontier[pos]= new
return frontier
def better(this,that):
"indicator or binary domination"
Note one design choice in the above: better mutants get added into the frontier as soon as we find them; i.e. during one pass over the frontier, it might be possible to revisit mutations made earlier in that single pass.
The core DE extrapolation-based mutator. Alters a field at probability cf, X + f*(Y - Z).
def extrapolate(frontier,one,f,cf):
out.have = [None for _ in one.some] # empty box
two,three,four = threeOthers(frontier,one)
changed = False
for d in decisions():
new = d
if rand() < cr:
x,y,z = two.have[d], three.have[d], four.have[d]
changed = True
new = x + f*(y - z)
out.have[d] = trim(new,d) # keep in range
if not changed:
d = a(decisions())
out.have[d] = two[d]
out.score = score(out) # remember to score it
return out
def a(lst) :
return lst[n(len(lst))]
In the above code, note the use of the changed variable that assures us that at least one new value is introduced into out.
Finally, one small detail. The function threeOthers finds 3 items from frontier that are different to the parent we might be replacing. For our definition of different, we will use that id value stored in our candidate:
#Returns three different things that are not 'avoid'.
def threeOthers(lst, avoid):
def oneOther():
x = avoid
while x.id in seen:
x = a(lst)
seen.append( x.id )
return x
# -----------------------
seen = [ avoid.id ]
this = oneOther()
that = oneOther()
theOtherThing = oneOther()
return this, that, theOtherThing
The CR has range one to zero.
- Try CR=0.3
- If no convergence, try CR in the range 0.8 to 1
For many applications:
- NP=10 times the number of decisions.
F is usually chosen 0.5 to 1.
- The higher the population size NP is chosen, the lower F.
DE is actually a family of algorithms, all doing similar things to the above.
Recall that the above DE mutated as follows:
- X + F*(Y - Z)
Storn denotes DE variants as DE/selection/extrapolations. For example, the above DE is actually DE/rand/1;
- We extrapolate from some candidate X, chosen at random.
- We only add in values from one other extrapolation
DE/best/2 would use two extrapolations, but based on the best X seen so far:
- Xbest + F * (A + B - Y - Z)
- Here, A,B,Y,Z are candidates selected at random
DE/rand-to-best/1 places the perturbation at a location between a randomly chosen population member and the best population member:
- X + D*(Xbest - X) + F*(Y - Z)
- Here, D is some number 0..1
DE/closest/1 would select X to the instance closest to the parent we are considering replacing. How to measure closeness? Well:
- DE/closest(dec)/1 would find the closest in decision space;
- DE/closest(obj)/1 would find the closest in objective space;
I leave it to your imagination to invent new DE variants. But note the computational cost of the above:
- The best variants can be fast since the only extra stuff here is to test each new candidate as it is created and remember the best seen so far (that takes linear time).
- The closest variants can be very slow: all those distance calculations! (and much slower in decision space than objective space: why?).
- Tuning for Software Analytics: is it Really Necessary? by Wei Fu, Tim Menzies, Xipeng Shen. IST journal, 2016.
- What is Wrong with Topic Modeling? (and How to Fix it Using Search-based SE) by Amritanshu Agrawal, Wei Fu, Tim Menzies. Submitted to ICSE'17.
So many variants of ye olde DE:
Recent surveys on DE:
- Recent advances in differential evolution–an updated survey (2016)
- Al-Dabbagh, R. D., Neri, F., Idris, N., & Baba, M. S. (2018). Algorithmic design issues in adaptive differential evolution schemes: Review and taxonomy. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 43, 284-311.
A subjective opinion on what DE variants work best: