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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3d4c76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/.sqlx/query-155699a4a106a5e25556e344e78b1ad1eb51d5361e2b9668f400ef03e03b3473.json
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ "db_name": "PostgreSQL",
+ "query": "\n SELECT \n id,\n CAST(utxo_subject_amount(era, cbor, decode($2::varchar, 'hex')) AS INTEGER) AS fuel,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 2 ->> 'bytes' AS TEXT) AS ship_token_name,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 3 ->> 'bytes' AS TEXT) AS pilot_token_name,\n ABS(CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 0 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER)) + ABS(CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 1 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER)) AS distance\n FROM \n utxos\n WHERE \n utxo_address(era, cbor) = from_bech32($3::varchar)\n AND utxo_has_policy_id(era, cbor, decode($1::varchar, 'hex'))\n AND spent_slot IS NULL\n ORDER BY distance ASC\n ",
+ "describe": {
+ "columns": [
+ {
+ "ordinal": 0,
+ "name": "id",
+ "type_info": "Varchar"
+ },
+ {
+ "ordinal": 1,
+ "name": "fuel",
+ "type_info": "Int4"
+ },
+ {
+ "ordinal": 2,
+ "name": "ship_token_name",
+ "type_info": "Text"
+ },
+ {
+ "ordinal": 3,
+ "name": "pilot_token_name",
+ "type_info": "Text"
+ },
+ {
+ "ordinal": 4,
+ "name": "distance",
+ "type_info": "Int4"
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": {
+ "Left": [
+ "Varchar",
+ "Varchar",
+ "Varchar"
+ ]
+ },
+ "nullable": [
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null
+ ]
+ },
+ "hash": "155699a4a106a5e25556e344e78b1ad1eb51d5361e2b9668f400ef03e03b3473"
diff --git a/backend/.sqlx/query-cef6f482bf0223cda6b62ee76a80cc2ef9235d9f45dac9cea0b6c560a049b68d.json b/backend/.sqlx/query-cef6f482bf0223cda6b62ee76a80cc2ef9235d9f45dac9cea0b6c560a049b68d.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc3aac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/.sqlx/query-cef6f482bf0223cda6b62ee76a80cc2ef9235d9f45dac9cea0b6c560a049b68d.json
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ "db_name": "PostgreSQL",
+ "query": "\n WITH data AS (\n SELECT \n id,\n 'Ship' as class,\n CAST(utxo_subject_amount(era, cbor, decode($5::varchar, 'hex')) AS INTEGER) AS fuel,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 0 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS position_x,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 1 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS position_y,\n $4::varchar AS shipyard_policy,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 2 ->> 'bytes' AS TEXT) AS ship_token_name,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 3 ->> 'bytes' AS TEXT) AS pilot_token_name,\n 0 AS total_rewards\n FROM \n utxos\n WHERE \n utxo_address(era, cbor) = from_bech32($6::varchar)\n AND utxo_has_policy_id(era, cbor, decode($4::varchar, 'hex'))\n AND spent_slot IS NULL\n \n UNION ALL\n \n SELECT \n id,\n 'Fuel' as class,\n CAST(utxo_subject_amount(era, cbor, decode($5::varchar, 'hex')) AS INTEGER) AS fuel,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 0 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS position_x,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 1 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS position_y,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 2 ->> 'bytes' AS VARCHAR(56)) AS shipyard_policy,\n NULL AS ship_token_name,\n NULL AS pilot_token_name,\n 0 AS total_rewards\n FROM \n utxos\n WHERE \n utxo_address(era, cbor) = from_bech32($7::varchar)\n AND spent_slot IS NULL\n\n UNION ALL\n \n SELECT \n id,\n 'Asteria' as class,\n 0 AS fuel,\n 0 AS position_x,\n 0 AS position_y,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 1 ->> 'bytes' AS VARCHAR(56)) AS shipyard_policy,\n NULL AS ship_token_name,\n NULL AS pilot_token_name,\n utxo_lovelace(era, cbor) as total_rewards\n FROM \n utxos\n WHERE \n utxo_address(era, cbor) = from_bech32($8::varchar)\n AND spent_slot IS NULL\n )\n SELECT\n id,\n fuel,\n position_x,\n position_y,\n shipyard_policy,\n ship_token_name,\n pilot_token_name,\n class,\n total_rewards\n FROM\n data\n WHERE\n ABS(position_x - $1::int) + ABS(position_y - $2::int) < $3::int\n AND shipyard_policy = $4::text\n ",
+ "describe": {
+ "columns": [
+ {
+ "ordinal": 0,
+ "name": "id",
+ "type_info": "Varchar"
+ },
+ {
+ "ordinal": 1,
+ "name": "fuel",
+ "type_info": "Int4"
+ },
+ {
+ "ordinal": 2,
+ "name": "position_x",
+ "type_info": "Int4"
+ },
+ {
+ "ordinal": 3,
+ "name": "position_y",
+ "type_info": "Int4"
+ },
+ {
+ "ordinal": 4,
+ "name": "shipyard_policy",
+ "type_info": "Varchar"
+ },
+ {
+ "ordinal": 5,
+ "name": "ship_token_name",
+ "type_info": "Text"
+ },
+ {
+ "ordinal": 6,
+ "name": "pilot_token_name",
+ "type_info": "Text"
+ },
+ {
+ "ordinal": 7,
+ "name": "class",
+ "type_info": "Text"
+ },
+ {
+ "ordinal": 8,
+ "name": "total_rewards",
+ "type_info": "Numeric"
+ }
+ ],
+ "parameters": {
+ "Left": [
+ "Int4",
+ "Int4",
+ "Int4",
+ "Varchar",
+ "Varchar",
+ "Varchar",
+ "Varchar",
+ "Varchar"
+ ]
+ },
+ "nullable": [
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null
+ ]
+ },
+ "hash": "cef6f482bf0223cda6b62ee76a80cc2ef9235d9f45dac9cea0b6c560a049b68d"
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deleted file mode 100644
index e649087..0000000
--- a/backend/.sqlx/query-da28879f691d4bea965a00ca5bfac5cb972068c8cd2624e493b6810dd9cdca89.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- "db_name": "PostgreSQL",
- "query": "\n WITH data AS (\n SELECT \n id,\n 'Ship' as class,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 0 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS fuel,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 1 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS position_x,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 2 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS position_y,\n $4::varchar AS shipyard_policy,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 3 ->> 'bytes' AS TEXT) AS ship_token_name,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 4 ->> 'bytes' AS TEXT) AS pilot_token_name,\n 0 AS total_rewards\n FROM \n utxos\n WHERE \n utxo_address(era, cbor) = from_bech32($5::varchar)\n AND utxo_has_policy_id(era, cbor, decode($4::varchar, 'hex'))\n AND spent_slot IS NULL\n \n UNION ALL\n \n SELECT \n id,\n 'Fuel' as class,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 0 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS fuel,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 1 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS position_x,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 2 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS position_y,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 3 ->> 'bytes' AS VARCHAR(56)) AS shipyard_policy,\n NULL AS ship_token_name,\n NULL AS pilot_token_name,\n 0 AS total_rewards\n FROM \n utxos\n WHERE \n utxo_address(era, cbor) = from_bech32($6::varchar)\n AND spent_slot IS NULL\n\n UNION ALL\n \n SELECT \n id,\n 'Asteria' as class,\n 0 AS fuel,\n 0 AS position_x,\n 0 AS position_y,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 1 ->> 'bytes' AS VARCHAR(56)) AS shipyard_policy,\n NULL AS ship_token_name,\n NULL AS pilot_token_name,\n utxo_lovelace(era, cbor) as total_rewards\n FROM \n utxos\n WHERE \n utxo_address(era, cbor) = from_bech32($7::varchar)\n AND spent_slot IS NULL\n )\n SELECT\n id,\n fuel,\n position_x,\n position_y,\n shipyard_policy,\n ship_token_name,\n pilot_token_name,\n class,\n total_rewards\n FROM\n data\n WHERE\n ABS(position_x - $1::int) + ABS(position_y - $2::int) < $3::int\n AND shipyard_policy = $4::text\n ",
- "describe": {
- "columns": [
- {
- "ordinal": 0,
- "name": "id",
- "type_info": "Varchar"
- },
- {
- "ordinal": 1,
- "name": "fuel",
- "type_info": "Int4"
- },
- {
- "ordinal": 2,
- "name": "position_x",
- "type_info": "Int4"
- },
- {
- "ordinal": 3,
- "name": "position_y",
- "type_info": "Int4"
- },
- {
- "ordinal": 4,
- "name": "shipyard_policy",
- "type_info": "Varchar"
- },
- {
- "ordinal": 5,
- "name": "ship_token_name",
- "type_info": "Text"
- },
- {
- "ordinal": 6,
- "name": "pilot_token_name",
- "type_info": "Text"
- },
- {
- "ordinal": 7,
- "name": "class",
- "type_info": "Text"
- },
- {
- "ordinal": 8,
- "name": "total_rewards",
- "type_info": "Numeric"
- }
- ],
- "parameters": {
- "Left": [
- "Int4",
- "Int4",
- "Int4",
- "Varchar",
- "Varchar",
- "Varchar",
- "Varchar"
- ]
- },
- "nullable": [
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null
- ]
- },
- "hash": "da28879f691d4bea965a00ca5bfac5cb972068c8cd2624e493b6810dd9cdca89"
diff --git a/backend/.sqlx/query-e3bd369d305dfe16329071c55cc53a06473e9aa23b5bb52f00384e5da4542464.json b/backend/.sqlx/query-e3bd369d305dfe16329071c55cc53a06473e9aa23b5bb52f00384e5da4542464.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c6a1861..0000000
--- a/backend/.sqlx/query-e3bd369d305dfe16329071c55cc53a06473e9aa23b5bb52f00384e5da4542464.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- "db_name": "PostgreSQL",
- "query": "\n SELECT \n id,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 0 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS fuel,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 3 ->> 'bytes' AS TEXT) AS ship_token_name,\n CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 4 ->> 'bytes' AS TEXT) AS pilot_token_name,\n ABS(CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 1 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER)) + ABS(CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 2 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER)) AS distance\n FROM \n utxos\n WHERE \n utxo_address(era, cbor) = from_bech32($2::varchar)\n AND utxo_has_policy_id(era, cbor, decode($1::varchar, 'hex'))\n AND spent_slot IS NULL\n ORDER BY distance ASC\n ",
- "describe": {
- "columns": [
- {
- "ordinal": 0,
- "name": "id",
- "type_info": "Varchar"
- },
- {
- "ordinal": 1,
- "name": "fuel",
- "type_info": "Int4"
- },
- {
- "ordinal": 2,
- "name": "ship_token_name",
- "type_info": "Text"
- },
- {
- "ordinal": 3,
- "name": "pilot_token_name",
- "type_info": "Text"
- },
- {
- "ordinal": 4,
- "name": "distance",
- "type_info": "Int4"
- }
- ],
- "parameters": {
- "Left": [
- "Varchar",
- "Varchar"
- ]
- },
- "nullable": [
- false,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null
- ]
- },
- "hash": "e3bd369d305dfe16329071c55cc53a06473e9aa23b5bb52f00384e5da4542464"
diff --git a/backend/src/main.rs b/backend/src/main.rs
index 89f2847..12ddd89 100644
--- a/backend/src/main.rs
+++ b/backend/src/main.rs
@@ -305,6 +305,7 @@ impl QueryRoot {
center: PositionInput,
radius: i32,
shipyard_policy_id: String,
+ fuel_policy_id: String,
ship_address: String,
fuel_address: String,
asteria_address: String,
@@ -321,17 +322,17 @@ impl QueryRoot {
'Ship' as class,
- CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 0 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS fuel,
- CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 1 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS position_x,
- CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 2 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS position_y,
+ CAST(utxo_subject_amount(era, cbor, decode($5::varchar, 'hex')) AS INTEGER) AS fuel,
+ CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 0 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS position_x,
+ CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 1 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS position_y,
$4::varchar AS shipyard_policy,
- CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 3 ->> 'bytes' AS TEXT) AS ship_token_name,
- CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 4 ->> 'bytes' AS TEXT) AS pilot_token_name,
+ CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 2 ->> 'bytes' AS TEXT) AS ship_token_name,
+ CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 3 ->> 'bytes' AS TEXT) AS pilot_token_name,
0 AS total_rewards
- utxo_address(era, cbor) = from_bech32($5::varchar)
+ utxo_address(era, cbor) = from_bech32($6::varchar)
AND utxo_has_policy_id(era, cbor, decode($4::varchar, 'hex'))
AND spent_slot IS NULL
@@ -340,17 +341,17 @@ impl QueryRoot {
'Fuel' as class,
- CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 0 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS fuel,
- CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 1 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS position_x,
- CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 2 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS position_y,
- CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 3 ->> 'bytes' AS VARCHAR(56)) AS shipyard_policy,
+ CAST(utxo_subject_amount(era, cbor, decode($5::varchar, 'hex')) AS INTEGER) AS fuel,
+ CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 0 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS position_x,
+ CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 1 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS position_y,
+ CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 2 ->> 'bytes' AS VARCHAR(56)) AS shipyard_policy,
NULL AS ship_token_name,
NULL AS pilot_token_name,
0 AS total_rewards
- utxo_address(era, cbor) = from_bech32($6::varchar)
+ utxo_address(era, cbor) = from_bech32($7::varchar)
AND spent_slot IS NULL
@@ -368,7 +369,7 @@ impl QueryRoot {
- utxo_address(era, cbor) = from_bech32($7::varchar)
+ utxo_address(era, cbor) = from_bech32($8::varchar)
AND spent_slot IS NULL
@@ -391,6 +392,7 @@ impl QueryRoot {
+ fuel_policy_id,
@@ -515,6 +517,7 @@ impl QueryRoot {
ctx: &Context<'_>,
shipyard_policy_id: String,
+ fuel_policy_id: String,
ship_address: String,
) -> Result, Error> {
let pool = ctx
@@ -525,19 +528,20 @@ impl QueryRoot {
- CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 0 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER) AS fuel,
- CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 3 ->> 'bytes' AS TEXT) AS ship_token_name,
- CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 4 ->> 'bytes' AS TEXT) AS pilot_token_name,
- ABS(CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 1 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER)) + ABS(CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 2 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER)) AS distance
+ CAST(utxo_subject_amount(era, cbor, decode($2::varchar, 'hex')) AS INTEGER) AS fuel,
+ CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 2 ->> 'bytes' AS TEXT) AS ship_token_name,
+ CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 3 ->> 'bytes' AS TEXT) AS pilot_token_name,
+ ABS(CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 0 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER)) + ABS(CAST(utxo_plutus_data(era, cbor) -> 'fields' -> 1 ->> 'int' AS INTEGER)) AS distance
- utxo_address(era, cbor) = from_bech32($2::varchar)
+ utxo_address(era, cbor) = from_bech32($3::varchar)
AND utxo_has_policy_id(era, cbor, decode($1::varchar, 'hex'))
AND spent_slot IS NULL
ORDER BY distance ASC
+ fuel_policy_id,
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.frontend b/docker/Dockerfile.frontend
index 1a2260d..db3a5fb 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile.frontend
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.frontend
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ COPY ./frontend/package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY ./frontend ./
+COPY ./frontend/public/godot.png ./public/visualizer/index.png
RUN npm run build
CMD ["npm", "start"]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/package.json b/frontend/package.json
index 069d276..da8951a 100644
--- a/frontend/package.json
+++ b/frontend/package.json
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"version": "0.1.0",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
- "build-godot": "mkdir public/visualizer; godot --path ../godot-visualizer --headless --export-release \"Web\" ../frontend/public/visualizer/index.html",
+ "build-godot": "mkdir public/visualizer; godot --path ../godot-visualizer --headless --export-release \"Web\" ../frontend/public/visualizer/index.html; cp public/godot.png public/visualizer/index.png",
"dev": "npm run build-godot; next dev",
"build": "next build",
"start": "next start"
diff --git a/frontend/public/godot.png b/frontend/public/godot.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3a691c
Binary files /dev/null and b/frontend/public/godot.png differ
diff --git a/frontend/public/txs/build-ship.png b/frontend/public/txs/build-ship.png
index 070160a..1a2a1e5 100644
Binary files a/frontend/public/txs/build-ship.png and b/frontend/public/txs/build-ship.png differ
diff --git a/frontend/public/txs/gather-fuel.png b/frontend/public/txs/gather-fuel.png
index 611cd70..a88a0df 100644
Binary files a/frontend/public/txs/gather-fuel.png and b/frontend/public/txs/gather-fuel.png differ
diff --git a/frontend/public/txs/mine-asteria.png b/frontend/public/txs/mine-asteria.png
index 821ad54..f4af218 100644
Binary files a/frontend/public/txs/mine-asteria.png and b/frontend/public/txs/mine-asteria.png differ
diff --git a/frontend/public/txs/move-ship.png b/frontend/public/txs/move-ship.png
index 3bd0736..8c1370a 100644
Binary files a/frontend/public/txs/move-ship.png and b/frontend/public/txs/move-ship.png differ
diff --git a/frontend/public/txs/quit.png b/frontend/public/txs/quit.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f7a48f..0000000
Binary files a/frontend/public/txs/quit.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/CodeBlock.tsx b/frontend/src/components/CodeBlock.tsx
index 5a74479..5e5d4b1 100644
--- a/frontend/src/components/CodeBlock.tsx
+++ b/frontend/src/components/CodeBlock.tsx
@@ -5,13 +5,15 @@ import { codeToHtml } from "shiki";
const CodeBlock = ({
+ lang
}: {
+ lang?: string;
content: string;
}) => {
const [code, setCode] = useState('');
useEffect(() => {
- codeToHtml(content, { lang: 'typescript', theme: 'dark-plus' }).then(setCode);
+ codeToHtml(content, { lang: lang ? lang : 'typescript', theme: 'dark-plus' }).then(setCode);
}, [content]);
return ;
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/NavBar.tsx b/frontend/src/components/NavBar.tsx
index 72f2b03..07244f8 100644
--- a/frontend/src/components/NavBar.tsx
+++ b/frontend/src/components/NavBar.tsx
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ const NavBar: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/Sidebar.tsx b/frontend/src/components/Sidebar.tsx
index e32ddb9..9d312d9 100644
--- a/frontend/src/components/Sidebar.tsx
+++ b/frontend/src/components/Sidebar.tsx
@@ -31,22 +31,28 @@ const Sidebar: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
return (
- Introduction
- Gameplay
- Glossary
- Build Ship
- Move Ship
- Gather Fuel
- Mine Asteria
- Backend API
- Preview Challenge
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/backend-api.mdx b/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/backend-api.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..997127e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/backend-api.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+import Layout from "./layout";
+import CodeBlock from "@/components/CodeBlock";
+export default ({ children }) => {children};
+# Querying the Backend API
+Project Asteria provides a `GraphQL` API to query the state of the game. The primary query used is `objectsInRadius`, which retrieves objects within a specified radius around a given point.
+## Example Query
+Below is an example of a query to get objects around the center point (0,0) with a radius of 10:
+## Example Response
+A preview testnet `GraphQL` endpoint is available at [https://dmtr_scrolls_v0_preview_1t9nhgnmxtpzrzm2gwv0723cu.scrolls-m0.demeter.run/graphql](https://dmtr_scrolls_v0_preview_1t9nhgnmxtpzrzm2gwv0723cu.scrolls-m0.demeter.run/graphql).
+## Implementation Details
+The backend uses a SQL query with a Manhattan distance calculation to find objects within the specified radius. The query ensures that the objects are within the bounds defined by the radius and the center point.
+## Database and Projection
+The database consists of UTXOs in the smart contract validators. These UTXOs are projected into a materialized view using [Mumak](https://github.com/txpipe/mumak), a PostgreSQL extension that allows developers to project or filter CBOR data within PostgreSQL. The generated materialized view is queried by the backend API as if it were a regular table. This enables efficient distance queries over CBOR data directly within PostgreSQL.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/build-ship.mdx b/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/build-ship.mdx
index 8163d58..31286ac 100644
--- a/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/build-ship.mdx
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/build-ship.mdx
@@ -12,151 +12,58 @@ Creates a `ShipState` UTxO locking min ada and a `ShipToken` (minted in this tx)
You can use the following Lucid script to build your ship. The supporting files are available [here](https://github.com/txpipe/asteria/tree/main/offchain).
- {
- const lucid = await lucidBase();
- const seed = Deno.env.get("SEED");
- if (!seed) {
- throw Error("Unable to read wallet's seed from env");
- }
- lucid.selectWalletFromSeed(seed);
- const asteriaRefTxHash: { txHash: string } = JSON.parse(
- await Deno.readTextFile("./script-refs/asteria-ref.json")
- );
- const asteriaRef = await fetchReferenceScript(lucid, asteriaRefTxHash.txHash);
- const asteriaValidator = asteriaRef.scriptRef as Script;
- const asteriaAddressBech32 = lucid.utils.validatorToAddress(asteriaValidator);
- asteria.datum as string,
- AsteriaDatum as unknown as AsteriaDatumT
- );
+ const pos_x = 20n;
+ const pos_y = 20n;
- const asteriaInfo = {
- ship_counter: asteriaInputDatum.ship_counter + 1n,
- shipyard_policy: asteriaInputDatum.shipyard_policy,
+ const gameIdentifier: GameIdentifier = {
+ asteria_utxo,
+ spacetime_script_reference,
+ pellet_script_reference,
+ asteria_script_reference,
- const asteriaOutputDatum = Data.to(
- asteriaInfo,
- AsteriaDatum as unknown as AsteriaDatumT
- );
- const fuelTokenName = fromText("FUEL");
- const shipTokenName = fromText("SHIP" + asteriaInputDatum.ship_counter);
- const pilotTokenName = fromText("PILOT" + asteriaInputDatum.ship_counter);
- const shipInfo = {
- pos_x: pos_x,
- pos_y: pos_y,
- ship_token_name: shipTokenName,
- pilot_token_name: pilotTokenName,
- last_move_latest_time: tx_latest_posix_time,
- };
- const shipDatum = Data.to(
- shipInfo,
- ShipDatum as unknown as ShipDatumT
+ const tx = await createShip(
+ address,
+ gameIdentifier,
+ pos_x,
+ pos_y,
- const adminTokenUnit = toUnit(admin_token.policy, admin_token.name);
- const fuelTokenUnit = toUnit(fuelPolicyId, fuelTokenName);
- const shipTokenUnit = toUnit(shipyardPolicyId, shipTokenName);
- const pilotTokenUnit = toUnit(shipyardPolicyId, pilotTokenName);
- const addNewShipRedeemer = Data.to(new Constr(0, []));
- const mintFuelRedeemer = Data.to(new Constr(0, []));
- const mintShipRedeemer = Data.to(new Constr(0, []));
- const tx = await lucid
- .newTx()
- .validTo(Number(tx_latest_posix_time))
- .readFrom([asteriaRef, spacetimeRef, pelletRef])
- .mintAssets(
- {
- [shipTokenUnit]: BigInt(1),
- [pilotTokenUnit]: BigInt(1),
- },
- mintShipRedeemer
- )
- .mintAssets(
- {
- [fuelTokenUnit]: initial_fuel,
- },
- mintFuelRedeemer
- )
- .collectFrom([asteria], addNewShipRedeemer)
- .payToContract(
- spacetimeAddressBech32,
- { inline: shipDatum },
- {
- [shipTokenUnit]: BigInt(1),
- [fuelTokenUnit]: initial_fuel,
- }
- )
- .payToContract(
- asteriaAddressBech32,
- { inline: asteriaOutputDatum },
- {
- [adminTokenUnit]: BigInt(1),
- lovelace: asteriaInputAda + ship_mint_lovelace_fee,
- }
- )
- .complete();
+ return tx;
- const signedTx = await tx.sign().complete();
- return signedTx.submit();
- }
+main().then((tx) => {
+ console.log(tx.toCbor());
`} />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/gather-fuel.mdx b/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/gather-fuel.mdx
index 92b80cf..6703fea 100644
--- a/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/gather-fuel.mdx
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/gather-fuel.mdx
@@ -12,165 +12,54 @@ Updates the `fuel` datum field of the `ShipState` UTxO by adding the amount of f
You can use the following Lucid script to gather fuel for your ship. The supporting files are available [here](https://github.com/txpipe/asteria/tree/main/offchain).
- {
- const lucid = await lucidBase();
- const seed = Deno.env.get("SEED");
- if (!seed) {
- throw Error("Unable to read wallet's seed from env");
- }
- lucid.selectWalletFromSeed(seed);
- const spacetimeRefTxHash: { txHash: string } = JSON.parse(
- await Deno.readTextFile("./script-refs/spacetime-ref.json")
- );
- const spacetimeRef = await fetchReferenceScript(
- lucid,
- spacetimeRefTxHash.txHash
- );
- const spacetimeValidator = spacetimeRef.scriptRef as Script;
- const spacetimeAddressBech32 =
- lucid.utils.validatorToAddress(spacetimeValidator);
- const shipyardPolicyId = lucid.utils.mintingPolicyToId(spacetimeValidator);
- const pelletRefTxHash: { txHash: string } = JSON.parse(
- await Deno.readTextFile("./script-refs/pellet-ref.json")
- );
- const pelletRef = await fetchReferenceScript(lucid, pelletRefTxHash.txHash);
- const pelletValidator = pelletRef.scriptRef as Script;
- const pelletAddressBech32 = lucid.utils.validatorToAddress(pelletValidator);
- const fuelPolicyId = lucid.utils.mintingPolicyToId(pelletValidator);
- const ship: UTxO = (
- await lucid.utxosByOutRef([
- {
- txHash: ship_tx_hash,
- outputIndex: 0,
- },
- ])
- )[0];
- if (!ship.datum) {
- throw Error("Ship datum not found");
- }
- const shipAda = ship.assets.lovelace;
- const pellet: UTxO = (
- await lucid.utxosByOutRef([
- {
- txHash: pellet_tx_hash,
- outputIndex: pellet_tx_index,
- },
- ])
- )[0];
- if (!pellet.datum) {
- throw Error("Pellet datum not found");
- }
- const pelletAda = pellet.assets.lovelace;
- ship.datum as string,
- ShipDatum as unknown as ShipDatumT
- );
- const shipInfo = {
- pos_x: shipInputDatum.pos_x,
- pos_y: shipInputDatum.pos_y,
- ship_token_name: shipInputDatum.ship_token_name,
- pilot_token_name: shipInputDatum.pilot_token_name,
- last_move_latest_time: shipInputDatum.last_move_latest_time,
+ const spacetime_script_reference: OutRef = {
+ tx_hash:
+ "41e5881cd3bdc3f08bcf341796347e9027e3bcd8d58608b4fcfca5c16cbf5921",
+ tx_index: 0n,
- const shipOutputDatum = Data.to(
- shipInfo,
- ShipDatum as unknown as ShipDatumT
- );
- const pelletInputDatum = Data.from(
- pellet.datum as string,
- PelletDatum as unknown as PelletDatumT
- );
- const pelletInfo = {
- pos_x: pelletInputDatum.pos_x,
- pos_y: pelletInputDatum.pos_y,
- shipyard_policy: shipyardPolicyId,
+ const pellet_script_reference: OutRef = {
+ tx_hash:
+ "ba6fab625d70a81f5d1b699e7efde4b74922d06224bef1f6b84f3adf0a61f3f3",
+ tx_index: 0n,
- const pelletOutputDatum = Data.to(
- pelletInfo,
- PelletDatum as unknown as PelletDatumT
- );
- const shipTokenUnit = toUnit(
- shipyardPolicyId,
- shipInputDatum.ship_token_name
- );
- const pilotTokenUnit = toUnit(
- shipyardPolicyId,
- shipInputDatum.pilot_token_name
- );
- const adminTokenUnit = toUnit(admin_token.policy, admin_token.name);
- const fuelTokenUnit = toUnit(fuelPolicyId, fromText("FUEL"));
- const shipFuel = ship.assets[fuelTokenUnit];
- const pelletFuel = pellet.assets[fuelTokenUnit];
+ const gather_fuel_identifier: GameIdentifier = {
+ ship_utxo,
+ pellet_utxo,
+ spacetime_script_reference,
+ pellet_script_reference,
+ };
- const shipRedeemer = Data.to(new Constr(1, [new Constr(1, [gather_amount])]));
- const pelletRedeemer = Data.to(
- new Constr(1, [new Constr(0, [gather_amount])])
+ const tx = await gatherFuel(
+ address,
+ gather_fuel_identifier,
- const tx = await lucid
- .newTx()
- .validFrom(Number(tx_earliest_posix_time))
- .collectFrom([ship], shipRedeemer)
- .collectFrom([pellet], pelletRedeemer)
- .readFrom([spacetimeRef, pelletRef])
- .payToContract(
- spacetimeAddressBech32,
- { inline: shipOutputDatum },
- {
- [shipTokenUnit]: BigInt(1),
- [fuelTokenUnit]: shipFuel + gather_amount,
- lovelace: shipAda,
- }
- )
- .payToContract(
- pelletAddressBech32,
- { inline: pelletOutputDatum },
- {
- [adminTokenUnit]: BigInt(1),
- [fuelTokenUnit]: pelletFuel - gather_amount,
- lovelace: pelletAda,
- }
- )
- .payToAddress(await lucid.wallet.address(), {
- [pilotTokenUnit]: BigInt(1),
- })
- .complete();
- const signedTx = await tx.sign().complete();
- return signedTx.submit();
- }
+ return tx;
- export { gatherFuel };
+main().then((tx) => {
+ console.log(tx.toCbor());
`} />
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/mine-asteria.mdx b/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/mine-asteria.mdx
index 6cc70ff..4b6f967 100644
--- a/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/mine-asteria.mdx
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/mine-asteria.mdx
@@ -12,155 +12,62 @@ Updates the `AsteriaUtxo` by transferring its value to the ship owner's address.
You can use the following Lucid script to mine Asteria with your ship. The supporting files are available [here](https://github.com/txpipe/asteria/tree/main/offchain).
- {
- const lucid = await lucidBase();
- const seed = Deno.env.get("SEED");
- if (!seed) {
- throw Error("Unable to read wallet's seed from env");
- }
- lucid.selectWalletFromSeed(seed);
- const spacetimeRefTxHash: { txHash: string } = JSON.parse(
- await Deno.readTextFile("./script-refs/spacetime-ref.json")
- );
- const spacetimeRef = await fetchReferenceScript(
- lucid,
- spacetimeRefTxHash.txHash
- );
- const spacetimeValidator = spacetimeRef.scriptRef as Script;
- const shipyardPolicyId = lucid.utils.mintingPolicyToId(spacetimeValidator);
- ship.datum as string,
- ShipDatum as unknown as ShipDatumT
- );
- const shipFuel = ship.assets[fuelTokenUnit];
- const asterias: UTxO[] = await lucid.utxosAt(asteriaAddressBech32);
- if (asterias.length != 1) {
- throw Error(
- "Expected only one Asteria UTxO, but found: " + asterias.length
- );
- }
- const asteria = asterias[0];
- if (!asteria.datum) {
- throw Error("Asteria datum not found");
- }
- const rewards = asteria.assets.lovelace;
- const minedRewards = BigInt(
- Math.floor((Number(rewards) * Number(max_asteria_mining)) / 100)
- );
+ const asteria_script_reference: OutRef = {
+ tx_hash:
+ "39871aab15b7c5ab1075ba431d7475f3977fe40fbb8d654b6bdf6f6726659277",
+ tx_index: 0n,
+ };
+ const asteria_utxo: OutRef = {
+ tx_hash:
+ "bbcdff5ed1c0dd78c58c42dab8356c161f865d0c3efc1ea281026140a0d38516",
+ tx_index: 1n,
+ };
- const asteriaInputDatum = Data.from(
- asteria.datum as string,
- AsteriaDatum as unknown as AsteriaDatumT
- );
- const asteriaInfo = {
- ship_counter: asteriaInputDatum.ship_counter,
- shipyard_policy: shipyardPolicyId,
+ const ship_utxo: OutRef = {
+ tx_hash:
+ "594fb0c4baff88873d15d5973103efc667052deec3315ba4bc89aeaaf53dd407",
+ tx_index: 0n,
- const asteriaOutputDatum = Data.to(
- asteriaInfo,
- AsteriaDatum as unknown as AsteriaDatumT
- );
- const adminTokenUnit = toUnit(admin_token.policy, admin_token.name);
- const shipTokenUnit = toUnit(
- shipyardPolicyId,
- shipInputDatum.ship_token_name
- );
- const pilotTokenUnit = toUnit(
- shipyardPolicyId,
- shipInputDatum.pilot_token_name
+ const gameIdentifier: GameIdentifier = {
+ asteria_utxo,
+ ship_utxo,
+ spacetime_script_reference,
+ pellet_script_reference,
+ asteria_script_reference,
+ };
+ const tx = await mineAsteria(
+ address,
+ gameIdentifier,
- const shipRedeemer = Data.to(new Constr(1, [new Constr(2, [])]));
- const asteriaRedeemer = Data.to(new Constr(1, []));
- const burnShipRedeemer = Data.to(new Constr(1, []));
- const burnFuelRedeemer = Data.to(new Constr(1, []));
- const tx = await lucid
- .newTx()
- .validFrom(Number(tx_earliest_posix_time))
- .mintAssets(
- {
- [shipTokenUnit]: BigInt(-1),
- },
- burnShipRedeemer
- )
- .mintAssets(
- {
- [fuelTokenUnit]: -shipFuel,
- },
- burnFuelRedeemer
- )
- .collectFrom([ship], shipRedeemer)
- .collectFrom([asteria], asteriaRedeemer)
- .readFrom([spacetimeRef, asteriaRef, pelletRef])
- .payToContract(
- asteriaAddressBech32,
- { inline: asteriaOutputDatum },
- {
- [adminTokenUnit]: BigInt(1),
- lovelace: rewards - minedRewards,
- }
- )
- .payToAddress(await lucid.wallet.address(), {
- [pilotTokenUnit]: BigInt(1),
- lovelace: 1_500_000n,
- })
- .complete();
- const signedTx = await tx.sign().complete();
- return signedTx.submit();
- }
+ return tx;
+main().then((tx) => {
+ console.log(tx.toCbor());
`} />
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/move-ship.mdx b/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/move-ship.mdx
index 9194602..54afba9 100644
--- a/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/move-ship.mdx
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/move-ship.mdx
@@ -12,100 +12,51 @@ Updates the `pos_x`, `pos_y` and `fuel` datum fields of the `ShipState` UTxO by
You can use the following Lucid script to move your ship. The supporting files are available [here](https://github.com/txpipe/asteria/tree/main/offchain).
- {
- const lucid = await lucidBase();
- const spacetimeRefTxHash: { txHash: string } = JSON.parse(
- await Deno.readTextFile("./spacetime-ref.json")
- );
- const spacetimeRef = await lucid.utxosByOutRef([
- {
- txHash: spacetimeRefTxHash.txHash,
- outputIndex: 0,
- },
- ]);
- const spacetimeValidator = spacetimeRef[0].scriptRef;
- if (!spacetimeValidator) {
- throw Error("Could not read spacetime validator from ref UTxO");
- }
- const spacetimeAddressBech32 =
- lucid.utils.validatorToAddress(spacetimeValidator);
+ const ship_utxo: OutRef = {
+ tx_hash:
+ "41f2a593e131a3c5db878bbe7753b89c8c6de555b7127e812c0f488d1a898368",
+ tx_index: 0n,
+ };
- const shipyardPolicyId = lucid.utils.mintingPolicyToId(spacetimeValidator);
- const shipTokenUnit = toUnit(shipyardPolicyId, ship_token_name);
- const pilotTokenUnit = toUnit(shipyardPolicyId, pilot_token_name);
+ const spacetime_script_reference: OutRef = {
+ tx_hash:
+ "41e5881cd3bdc3f08bcf341796347e9027e3bcd8d58608b4fcfca5c16cbf5921",
+ tx_index: 0n,
+ };
- const ship: UTxO = (
- await lucid.utxosByOutRef([
- {
- txHash: shipTxHash,
- outputIndex: 0,
- },
- ])
- )[0];
- if (!ship.datum) {
- throw Error("Ship datum not found");
- }
- const shipAda = ship.assets.lovelace;
+ const pellet_script_reference: OutRef = {
+ tx_hash:
+ "ba6fab625d70a81f5d1b699e7efde4b74922d06224bef1f6b84f3adf0a61f3f3",
+ tx_index: 0n,
+ };
- const shipInputDatum = Data.from(
- ship.datum as string,
- ShipDatum as unknown as ShipDatumT
- );
+ const delta_x = -1n;
+ const delta_y = -1n
- const moved_distance = distance(delta_x, delta_y);
- const spent_fuel = required_fuel(moved_distance, fuel_per_step);
- const shipInfo = {
- fuel: shipInputDatum.fuel - spent_fuel,
- pos_x: shipInputDatum.pos_x + delta_x,
- pos_y: shipInputDatum.pos_y + delta_y,
- ship_token_name: shipInputDatum.ship_token_name,
- pilot_token_name: shipInputDatum.pilot_token_name,
+ const move_ship_identifier: GameIdentifier = {
+ ship_utxo,
+ spacetime_script_reference,
+ pellet_script_reference,
- const shipOutputDatum = Data.to(
- shipInfo,
- ShipDatum as unknown as ShipDatumT
- );
- const moveShipRedeemer = Data.to(
- new Constr(1, [new Constr(0, [delta_x, delta_y])])
+ const tx = await moveShip(
+ address,
+ move_ship_identifier,
+ delta_x,
+ delta_y,
- const tx = await lucid
- .newTx()
- .collectFrom([ship], moveShipRedeemer)
- .readFrom(spacetimeRef)
- .payToContract(
- spacetimeAddressBech32,
- { inline: shipOutputDatum },
- {
- [shipTokenUnit]: BigInt(1),
- lovelace: shipAda,
- }
- )
- .payToAddress(await lucid.wallet.address(), {
- [pilotTokenUnit]: BigInt(1),
- })
- .complete();
- }
+ return tx;
+main().then((tx) => {
+ console.log(tx.toCbor());
`} />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/preview-challenge.mdx b/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/preview-challenge.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c56cfc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/how-to-play/preview-challenge.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import Layout from "./layout";
+export default ({ children }) => {children};
+# Preview Challenge
+## Parameters
+ Parameter |
+ Value |
+ `max_ship_fuel` |
+ 1500 |
+ `fuel_per_step` |
+ 60 |
+ `initial_fuel` |
+ 480 |
+ `ship_mint_lovelace_fee` |
+ 1 ADA |
+ `max_asteria_mining` |
+ 50% |
+ `max_speed` |
+ 1 step / minute |
+## Validators
+ Validator |
+ Address |
+ Spacetime |
+ `addr_test1wqr27cm4w35gzwragtsfja7wsfk5n393gp8vzn98t2j92wclzmt4v` |
+ Pellet |
+ `addr_test1wrwy0q8xtcngksdxk7nxd8kxwxvssmha5kl62nyxk7dmuqsf3slrx` |
+ Asteria |
+ `addr_test1wr44k7mvy2aznjn5qk69xa5gax0fsxmv4q8n9xv9040kqjs9kcchd` |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/index.tsx b/frontend/src/pages/index.tsx
index b6abf3f..3fc09e3 100644
--- a/frontend/src/pages/index.tsx
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/index.tsx
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ export default function Landing() {
Network | { challenge.network }
- Shipyard Policy | { challenge.policyId }
+ Shipyard Policy | { challenge.shipyardPolicyId }
{ challenge.label }
@@ -104,10 +104,7 @@ export default function Landing() {
disabled={selected === index}
className="font-monocraft-regular text-[#07F3E6] border border-[#07F3E6] bg-transparent py-4 px-6 rounded-full text-lg flex-initial disabled:opacity-50"
- Play
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/leaderboard/index.tsx b/frontend/src/pages/leaderboard/index.tsx
index 3972ab7..5a12874 100644
--- a/frontend/src/pages/leaderboard/index.tsx
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/leaderboard/index.tsx
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ import { useChallengeStore } from '@/stores/challenge';
const PAGE_SIZE = 10;
- query Leaderboard($shipyardPolicyId: String, $shipAddress: String) {
- leaderboard(shipyardPolicyId: $shipyardPolicyId, shipAddress: $shipAddress) {
+ query Leaderboard($shipyardPolicyId: String, $fuelPolicyId: String, $shipAddress: String) {
+ leaderboard(shipyardPolicyId: $shipyardPolicyId, fuelPolicyId: $fuelPolicyId, shipAddress: $shipAddress) {
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ export default function Leaderboard() {
const { data } = useQuery(GET_LEADERBOARD_RECORDS, {
variables: {
shipyardPolicyId: current().shipyardPolicyId,
+ fuelPolicyId: current().fuelPolicyId,
shipAddress: current().shipAddress,
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/map/index.tsx b/frontend/src/pages/map/index.tsx
index f9beba6..08aec8b 100644
--- a/frontend/src/pages/map/index.tsx
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/map/index.tsx
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ export default function Map() {
const params = new URLSearchParams([
['apiUrl', `${process.env.API_URL}/graphql`],
['shipyardPolicyId', current().shipyardPolicyId],
+ ['fuelPolicyId', current().fuelPolicyId],
['shipAddress', current().shipAddress],
['fuelAddress', current().fuelAddress],
['asteriaAddress', current().asteriaAddress]
diff --git a/frontend/src/stores/challenge.ts b/frontend/src/stores/challenge.ts
index f73664c..1d82dd4 100644
--- a/frontend/src/stores/challenge.ts
+++ b/frontend/src/stores/challenge.ts
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { create } from 'zustand';
export interface Challenge {
label: string;
shipyardPolicyId: string;
+ fuelPolicyId: string;
shipAddress: string;
fuelAddress: string;
asteriaAddress: string;
@@ -19,18 +20,12 @@ export interface ChallengeStoreState {
export const useChallengeStore = create((set, get) => ({
selected: 0,
challenges: [{
- label: 'New challenge',
- shipyardPolicyId: '06af6375746881387d42e09977ce826d49c4b1404ec14ca75aa4553b',
- shipAddress: 'addr_test1wqr27cm4w35gzwragtsfja7wsfk5n393gp8vzn98t2j92wclzmt4v',
- fuelAddress: 'addr_test1wrwy0q8xtcngksdxk7nxd8kxwxvssmha5kl62nyxk7dmuqsf3slrx',
- asteriaAddress: 'addr_test1wr44k7mvy2aznjn5qk69xa5gax0fsxmv4q8n9xv9040kqjs9kcchd',
- network: 'preview',
- }, {
- label: 'Builder fest workshop',
- shipyardPolicyId: 'ecb96725c35e957f96be46bc1873cc8ae5b134f1b00f457675700511',
- shipAddress: 'addr_test1wrktjee9cd0f2lukhertcxrnej9wtvf57xcq73tkw4cq2ygnz27xu',
- fuelAddress: 'addr_test1wr37gywvcn3284cuxy4jke2w7np75jfm9apej7ns8d7n5ws3ecjrt',
- asteriaAddress: 'addr_test1wzup673azpl4s09hckcxr496xpx6cghnhfhlj4ydsxwpf5qygteap',
+ label: 'Preview Challenge',
+ shipyardPolicyId: 'f9497fc64e87c4da4ec6d2bd1a839b6af10a77c10817db7143ac3d20',
+ fuelPolicyId: 'fc8ad4f84181b85dc04f7b8c2984b129284c4e272ef45cd6440575fd4655454c',
+ shipAddress: 'addr_test1wru5jl7xf6rufkjwcmft6x5rnd40zznhcyyp0km3gwkr6gq6sxzm6',
+ fuelAddress: 'addr_test1wr7g448cgxqmshwqfaacc2vyky5jsnzwyuh0ghxkgszhtlgzrxj63',
+ asteriaAddress: 'addr_test1wqdsuy97njefz53rkhd4v6a2kuqk0md5mrn996ygwekrdyq369wjg',
network: 'preview',
current: () => get().challenges[get().selected],
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[node name="Main" type="Node"]
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[node name="VBoxContainerEnd" type="VBoxContainer" parent="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer"]
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@@ -426,47 +328,140 @@ theme_override_constants/margin_bottom = 40
[node name="HBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerBottom"]
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flat = true
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theme_override_styles/focus = SubResource("StyleBoxEmpty_iitb5")
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[node name="CenterContainer" type="CenterContainer" parent="GUICanvasLayer"]
anchors_preset = 15
@@ -484,21 +479,13 @@ expand_mode = 1
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[connection signal="dataset_updated" from="." to="MapCanvasLayer/Map" method="_on_main_dataset_updated"]
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[connection signal="hide_tooltip" from="MapCanvasLayer/Map" to="." method="_on_map_hide_tooltip"]
[connection signal="show_asteria_tooltip" from="MapCanvasLayer/Map" to="." method="_on_map_show_asteria_tooltip"]
[connection signal="show_fuel_tooltip" from="MapCanvasLayer/Map" to="." method="_on_map_show_fuel_tooltip"]
[connection signal="show_ship_tooltip" from="MapCanvasLayer/Map" to="." method="_on_map_show_ship_tooltip"]
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[connection signal="mouse_exited" from="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerTop/HBoxContainer/ModalPanel" to="MapCanvasLayer/Map" method="_on_modal_panel_mouse_exited"]
[connection signal="pressed" from="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerTop/HBoxContainer/ModalPanel/MarginContainer/VBoxContainer/MarginContainer/HBoxContainer/CloseButton" to="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerTop/HBoxContainer/ModalPanel" method="_on_close_button_pressed"]
@@ -508,5 +495,13 @@ stretch_mode = 3
[connection signal="pressed" from="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerTop/HBoxContainer/SidebarPanel/CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/MoveButton" to="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerTop/HBoxContainer/ModalPanel" method="_on_move_button_pressed"]
[connection signal="pressed" from="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerTop/HBoxContainer/SidebarPanel/CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/GatherFuelButton" to="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerTop/HBoxContainer/ModalPanel" method="_on_gather_fuel_button_pressed"]
[connection signal="pressed" from="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerTop/HBoxContainer/SidebarPanel/CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/MineTokenButton" to="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerTop/HBoxContainer/ModalPanel" method="_on_mine_token_button_pressed"]
-[connection signal="pressed" from="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerBottom/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/PanelZoomPlus/ZoomPlusButton" to="MapCanvasLayer/Map" method="_on_zoom_plus_button_pressed"]
-[connection signal="pressed" from="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerBottom/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/PanelZoomLess/ZoomLessButton" to="MapCanvasLayer/Map" method="_on_zoom_less_button_pressed"]
+[connection signal="minimap_position_changed" from="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerBottom/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/MarginContainer/MarginContainer/Minimap" to="MapCanvasLayer/Map" method="_on_minimap_minimap_position_changed"]
+[connection signal="mouse_entered" from="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerBottom/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/MarginContainer/MarginContainer/Minimap" to="MapCanvasLayer/Map" method="_on_minimap_mouse_entered"]
+[connection signal="mouse_exited" from="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerBottom/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/MarginContainer/MarginContainer/Minimap" to="MapCanvasLayer/Map" method="_on_minimap_mouse_exited"]
+[connection signal="mouse_entered" from="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerBottom/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/CenterContainer/MarginContainer/MinimapControlPanel" to="MapCanvasLayer/Map" method="_on_minimap_control_panel_mouse_entered"]
+[connection signal="mouse_exited" from="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerBottom/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/CenterContainer/MarginContainer/MinimapControlPanel" to="MapCanvasLayer/Map" method="_on_minimap_control_panel_mouse_exited"]
+[connection signal="toggled" from="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerBottom/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/CenterContainer/MarginContainer/MinimapControlPanel/CenterContainer/HBoxContainer/ShipButton" to="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerBottom/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/MarginContainer/MarginContainer/Minimap" method="_on_ship_button_toggled"]
+[connection signal="toggled" from="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerBottom/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/CenterContainer/MarginContainer/MinimapControlPanel/CenterContainer/HBoxContainer/FuelButton" to="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerBottom/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/MarginContainer/MarginContainer/Minimap" method="_on_fuel_button_toggled"]
+[connection signal="toggled" from="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerBottom/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/CenterContainer/MarginContainer/MinimapControlPanel/CenterContainer/HBoxContainer/TokenButton" to="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerBottom/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/MarginContainer/MarginContainer/Minimap" method="_on_token_button_toggled"]
+[connection signal="pressed" from="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerBottom/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer/VBoxContainer/PanelZoomPlus/ZoomPlusButton" to="MapCanvasLayer/Map" method="_on_zoom_plus_button_pressed"]
+[connection signal="pressed" from="GUICanvasLayer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainerEnd/MarginContainerBottom/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer/VBoxContainer/PanelZoomLess/ZoomLessButton" to="MapCanvasLayer/Map" method="_on_zoom_less_button_pressed"]
diff --git a/godot-visualizer/scripts/global.gd b/godot-visualizer/scripts/global.gd
index c3713ba..f4658a9 100644
--- a/godot-visualizer/scripts/global.gd
+++ b/godot-visualizer/scripts/global.gd
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
extends Node
-const grid_size = 200
+const grid_size = 80
const cell_size = 128
var ships: Array[ShipData] = []
diff --git a/godot-visualizer/scripts/main.gd b/godot-visualizer/scripts/main.gd
index 4c6a866..1ca2f8f 100644
--- a/godot-visualizer/scripts/main.gd
+++ b/godot-visualizer/scripts/main.gd
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ const radius = 1000
var api_url = ""
var shipyard_policy_id = ""
+var fuel_policy_id = ""
var ship_address = ""
var fuel_address = ""
var asteria_address = ""
@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ const query = """
center: { x: 0, y: 0 },
radius: %s,
shipyardPolicyId: "%s",
+ fuelPolicyId: "%s",
shipAddress: "%s",
fuelAddress: "%s",
asteriaAddress: "%s"
@@ -51,6 +53,7 @@ func fetch_data():
"query": query % [
+ fuel_policy_id,
@@ -65,6 +68,7 @@ func _process(delta: float) -> void:
func _ready():
api_url = JavaScriptBridge.eval("new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.get('apiUrl')")
shipyard_policy_id = JavaScriptBridge.eval("new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.get('shipyardPolicyId')")
+ fuel_policy_id = JavaScriptBridge.eval("new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.get('fuelPolicyId')")
ship_address = JavaScriptBridge.eval("new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.get('shipAddress')")
fuel_address = JavaScriptBridge.eval("new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.get('fuelAddress')")
asteria_address = JavaScriptBridge.eval("new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.get('asteriaAddress')")
diff --git a/godot-visualizer/scripts/orbits.gd b/godot-visualizer/scripts/orbits.gd
index 54e8210..d06006d 100644
--- a/godot-visualizer/scripts/orbits.gd
+++ b/godot-visualizer/scripts/orbits.gd
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ func _draw():
var grid_size = Global.get_grid_size()
var cell_size = Global.get_cell_size()
- for i in range(4, grid_size/2, 2):
+ for i in range(4, grid_size/2, 4):
draw_circle(Vector2(0, 0), i * cell_size + (cell_size/2), Color("#FFF75D", .15), false, 2, true)
# TODO: Improve this
- for i in range(grid_size/2, grid_size/(PI/2)+PI, 2):
+ for i in range(grid_size/2+2, grid_size/(PI/2)+PI, 4):
var opacity = (round(grid_size/(PI/2)+PI)-i-2)/(round(grid_size/(PI/2)+PI)-grid_size/2-2) * .15
draw_circle(Vector2(0, 0), i * cell_size + (cell_size/2), Color("#FFF75D", opacity), false, 2, true)