- Retail: Updated for the "Undermined" game patch.
- Retail: Added support for the new addon list native grouping capabilities.
- All: Updated item database.
- Updated TOC.
- Updated for The War Within.
- Retail and Cataclysm: Fixed bug causing wrong dataset to be loaded.
- Improved dataset loading speed, especially on classic servers.
- Updated mandarin locale.
- Now checks for current expansion instead of client branch (more accurate).
- Updated Ludwig frame design details.
- Dragonflight: TOC update.
- Updated for Cataclysm classic.
- Added AddonCompartment and IconTexture support.
- Now also supports Burning Crusade servers.
- Wrath TOC update.
- Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
- Fixed issue with autocomplete that prevented linking friends.
- Modernized window design and implementation.
- Window proportions and texture work now adapt to the current expansion.
- Updated for Wrath of the Lich King and Eternity's End
- Updated chinese locales.
- Updated data for Shadowlands 9.1.5.
- Fixed issue causing Hands item subcategory to be missing from the menu.
- Now has item list for Burning Crusade servers.
- Updated retail item list.
- Updated for Chains of Domination.
- Updated for WoW patches 9.0.5 and 1.13.6.
- Updated for Shadowlands and Classic servers.
- Updated for World of Warcraft patch 8.2.0.
- Updated for Battle for Azeroth.
- Updated item database.
- Updated for Shadow of Argus.
- Updated item database.
- Major update! Ludwig database is now available in 12 different locales!
- All locales are included in download. At startup, Ludwig detects your client locale and loads the corresponding database.
- Localization data obtained directly from Blizzard's database.
- Updated item database to Tomb of Sargeras.
- Updated for Return to Kharazan.
- Updated item database.
- This version fixes all previous issues with the database.
- Completly rewrote database generation procedure.
- Redesigned database storage.
- Linking items in chat is now functional again.
- Item category dropdown contents are now generated on demand.
- Updated for Legion.
- Updated for WoW 6.1.
- Fixed issue with frame positioning.
- Fixed preventing links generated by the addon from showing in the chat frame.
- Fixed issue preventing slash commands from working properly.
- Fixed bug issue in the linkerator generating error messages but having no effect.
- Updated database with new items and categories.
- Updated for The Iron Tide.
- Added LibDataBroker support (for addons such as Titan, Bagnon, ChocolateBar, or ButtonBin).
- Fixed all isues preventing the linkerator from working properly.
- Links can now be posted to chat.
- Whitespace characters are no longer ignored.
- Largely optimized linkerator's performance (about 15 times faster). It now delivers results in realtime.
- Reduced database size by 10%. This means less memory usage and slighly faster searches.
- Improved search by level performance.
- Updated for Siege of Ogrimmar.
- Updated for patch Escalation.
- Added some missing items.
- Updated database for patch The Thunder King.
- Updated database to patch 5.1: Landfall.
- Updated database for Mists of Pandaria
- Fixed a bug causing wrong items to be shown for leather, mail and plate slots
- Items are now organized by level as well
- No more "Jaliborc:" tag from now on. If no tag is here, it means it was me.
- Completly rewritten the categories dropdown to fix a bug
- Updated for patch 4.2
- Included all Firelands items
- Now works with 4.1
- Completely redesigned and improved
- Includes all items in-game right from the start
- Searches trough thousands of items in a blaze
- Mostly //Load on Demand//
- Only works on English clients. Versions for other clients should be released in a close future.
- Added linkerator support for multiple chat frames
- Fixed a bug when linking an item from the chat frame.
- Added compatibility with WoW 3.3.5
- Bumped TOC for 3.3
- Bumped TOC for 3.2
- TOC Bump + Potential WIM bugfix
- Added "Heirloom" option to quality selector
- Fixed a bug causing the DB to be reloaded on item scroll
- Cleaned up the code a bit. Still need to work on the GUI/localization
- Altered slash commands. See addon description for details.
- Bumped the max item ID to check from 40k to 60k. Glyphs, etc, should now appear.
- Fixed a crash issue when linking tradeskills
- Made Wrath compatible
- Seems to be causing a lot more CPU usage now, will investigate later