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File metadata and controls

122 lines (96 loc) · 3.97 KB


harpoon + stackmap

Inspired by teej's video on making Neovim Lua Plugin From Scratch1 and because I need something like this for work.


See :help poonstack.nvim

poonstack keeps track of your harpoons on a per-branch basis within a project. If you're like me and you have trouble context-switching on the job, when there's an urgent bug that needs hotfixing, you might have to delete your current harpoon'd files and start over to trace the bug.

This plugin tries to ease that burden so that when you create a new hotfix branch, you can breathe in peace knowing that the harpoon'd files for the feature that you were working on is safely stored and will automagically load back in when you switch back from your hotfix to feature branch.


I have a hard time switching between tasks, the cost of context switching is sometimes too big depending on the task. Sometimes there's just sudden bugs that appear on regression testing, from CS, from QA, etc. To mitigate this, I use harpoon like a RAM for my brain to store the files related to the branch I'm currently working on (feature, or hotfix, or whatever). But the problem is that harpoon saves its list on a per-project basis. Not on a per-branch basis.

There is git-worktree and I can just switch projects and have harpoon work that way, but I've tried git-worktree before and didn't like the additional commands that I have to tack on to each git operations. I'm comfortable with switching branches, with what I know.

I keep a doc of what I'd love to improve on my Neovim experience, this one has popped up twice now. Indicating that it's been kind of a thorn on my side. Then I remembered that I've watched and followed along with teej's tutorial on making a Neovim plugin with Lua from scratch. So... why not just make my own plugin?


The idea of having a stack to pop off and push on list of harpoon items came from teej's stackmap.nvim, where you sort of pop off/on keymaps based on the mode you're in. So why not pop off/on harpoon list based on the current branch you're on? Perfect! This would definitely help me with context-switching between tasks. If there's a bug that comes along and needs a hotfix, I can just create a new branch, leave the current feature branch I'm working on (with full knowledge that the harpoon list for that branch is safe), and continue working on that hotfix with its new set of harpoon items. Neat!

At first it was going to be harpoon-saver (bleugh, I know), but then poonstack came to me.

It's the perfect name.2


  • Required plugins:
    • ThePrimeagen/harpoon
    • nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim
  • Install with your plugin manager of choice. The example below uses Packer,
  requires = {


TODO: add configuration options





This opens up a telescope window to checkout your new branch, and then poonstack will handle the autosaving of your current branch's harpoon'd files and autoloading of the harpoon'd files for that new branch.

Or what I like todo,

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>pgc", "<CMD>PoonstackGitCheckout<CR>", { desc = "get yer poons right 'ere" })


  1. TJ DeVries - Neovim Lua Plugin From Scratch

  2. no, it has nothing to do with that poon, get your mind out of the gutter.