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Module 3.1 - Install Calico Enterprise

⚠️ Ignore this section if going the Calico Cloud route, refer to this section for the steps instead


  • Cluster-1 will act as the mgmt. cluster and we will enable MCM with cluster-2 being added as a managed cluster.

Cluster-1 Installation Steps

  • Apply the operator and prometheus manifests from the repo:

    kubectl create -f
    kubectl create -f
  • Get a pull secret: The official build uses the images, so you'll need a pull secret. This doc has options on how to generate one as per the official POC/testing process.

⚠️ Please make sure to delete pull secrets after testing or if not being used by an active/paying customer or an active POC

  • Install the pull secret:

    kubectl create secret generic tigera-pull-secret -n tigera-operator --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<path/to/pull/secret>
  • For the Prometheus operator, create the pull secret in the tigera-prometheus namespace and then patch the deployment

    kubectl create secret generic tigera-pull-secret -n tigera-prometheus --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<path/to/pull/secret>
    kubectl patch deployment -n tigera-prometheus calico-prometheus-operator -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"imagePullSecrets":[{"name": "tigera-pull-secret"}]}}}}'
  • Modify the mgmtcluster-custom-resources-example.yaml file as needed and apply it.

    kubectl create -f manifests/mgmtcluster-custom-resources-example.yaml
  • For LogStorage , install the EBS CSI driver: EBS on EKS docs reference

    One quick way of doing this is with using your AWS access key id and secret access key to create the Secret object for the EBS CSI controller:

    Export the vars:

    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<my-access-key-id>
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<my-secret-access-key>

    Configure the aws-secret:

    kubectl create secret generic aws-secret --namespace kube-system --from-literal "key_id=${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}" --from-literal "access_key=${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}"

    Install the CSI driver:

    kubectl apply -k ""
  • Apply the storage class:

kubectl apply -f - <<-EOF
kind: StorageClass
  name: tigera-elasticsearch
reclaimPolicy: Retain
allowVolumeExpansion: true
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
  • Add worker nodes to the cluster using the values for the clustername and region as used from the eksctl-config-cluster-1.yaml file:

    eksctl create nodegroup --cluster <cluster_name> --region <region> --node-type <node_type> --max-pods-per-node 100 --nodes 2 --nodes-max 3 --nodes-min 2
  • Once EKS has added the worker nodes to the cluster and the output of kubectl get nodes shows the nodes as available, monitor progress of all the pods as well as the output of kubectl get tigerastatus and once apiserver status shows Available, proceed to the next step.

  • Install the Tigera license file.

  • Once the rest of the cluster comes up, Create a LoadBalancer service for the tigera-manager pods to access from your machine:

    kubectl create -f manifests/mgmt-cluster-lb.yaml
  • Configure user access to the manager UI with the docs here

  • Create the mgmt cluster resources as per the docs here

    An example of using another LoadBalancer svc to expose the MCM targetport of 9449 and using that for the managed cluster to access is at manifests/mcm-svc-lb.yaml:

    kubectl create -f manifests/mcm-svc-lb.yaml

    If you prefer to use NodePort or Ingress type svc you can, but it is outside the scope of this README. Refer to the docs above.

    The latest nightly build before v3.18.0-2.0 release had an issue with creating the ManagementClusterCR as per the docs manifest. The workaround here is kept just for historical purpose. When we get to the step to apply the ManagementClusterCR, change the spec to have the .spec.tls.secretName set to tigera-management-cluster-connection , like so (replace .spec.address with your relevant svc URL and port):

    export MGMT_ADDRESS=<address-of-mcm-svc>:<port>
kubectl apply -f - <<-EOF
kind: ManagementCluster
  name: tigera-secure
  address: $MGMT_ADDRESS
    secretName: tigera-management-cluster-connection

Ensure that the tigera-manager and tigera-linseed pods restart, and that the GUI of the mgmt. cluster shows the management-cluster in the right drop-down when the GUI svc comes back.

Cluster-2 Installation Steps

  • Apply the operator and prometheus manifests from the repo:

    kubectl create -f
    kubectl create -f
  • Get a pull secret: The official build uses the images, so you'll need a pull secret. This doc has options on how to generate one as per the official POC/testing process.

  • Install the pull secret:

    kubectl create secret generic tigera-pull-secret -n tigera-operator --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<path/to/pull/secret>
  • For the Prometheus operator, create the pull secret in the tigera-prometheus namespace and then patch the deployment

    kubectl create secret generic tigera-pull-secret -n tigera-prometheus --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<path/to/pull/secret>
    kubectl patch deployment -n tigera-prometheus calico-prometheus-operator -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"imagePullSecrets":[{"name": "tigera-pull-secret"}]}}}}'
  • Modify the managedcluster-custom-resources-example.yaml file as needed and apply it. In this case cluster-2 will be added to cluster-1 as a managed cluster so we omit all necessary components in the resources file, but ensure pod cidr is unique in the Installation resource.

    kubectl create -f manifests/managedcluster-custom-resources-example.yaml
  • Add worker nodes to the cluster using the values for the clustername and region as used from the eksctl-config-cluster-1.yaml file:

    eksctl create nodegroup --cluster <cluster_name> --region <region> --node-type <node_type> --max-pods-per-node 100 --nodes 2 --nodes-max 3 --nodes-min 2
  • Once EKS has added the worker nodes to the cluster and the output of kubectl get nodes shows the nodes as available, monitor progress of all the pods as well as the output of kubectl get tigerastatus and once apiserver status shows Available, proceed to the next step.

  • Create the managed cluster resources as per the docs here

➡️ Module 4 - Setup VPC Peering
⬅️ Module 2 - Deploy the EKS Clusters

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