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Tools Overview

This document provides a brief overview of the scripts used in the tier4_perception_dataset.



The commands below are assumed to be run in the poetry shell, as built in
To start a poetry shell, execute the following:

source /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash
source ${ROS_WORKSPACE_WITH_CUSTOM_MESSAGES}/install/setup.bash
poetry shell

rosbag2 pre-process

The bag of t4_dataset must contain the TOPIC below. topics included in t4_dataset bag

The topic with a large size output by Autoware, such as concatenated/pointcloud, may not be recorded when acquiring the data. If the required topic is not included in the bag, it is necessary to run the simulator and re-record the bag.

input: rosbag2
output: rosbag2

Case 1: If a map to base_link transform is recorded in /tf topic in the input_bag

# terminal 1
source ${AUTOWARE_WORKSPACE}/install/setup.bash
ros2 launch autoware_launch logging_simulator.launch.xml map_path:=${MAP_PATH} vehicle_model:=${VEHICLE_MODEL} vehicle_id:=${VEHICLE_ID} sensor_model:=${SENSOR_MODEL} vehicle:=true sensing:=true perception:=false planning:=false control:=false map:=true localization:=false rviz:=true
# terminal 2
# PLAY_RATE example is 0.2. Higher rates may be possible depending on computer processing power. remap recorded /tf
ros2 bag play ${BAG_BEFORE_PROCESSING} --rate ${PLAY_RATE} --clock 200
# terminal 3
ros2 bag record /sensing/camera/camera{CAMERA_ID}/image_rect_color/compressed /sensing/camera/camera{CAMERA_ID}/camera_info /sensing/gnss/{GNSS_VENDOR}/fix_velocity /sensing/gnss/{GNSS_VENDOR}/nav_sat_fix /sensing/gnss/{GNSS_VENDOR}/navpvt /sensing/imu/{IMU_VENDOR}/imu_raw /sensing/lidar/{LIDAR_POSITION}/{LIDAR_VENDOR}_packets /sensing/lidar/concatenated/pointcloud /sensing/radar/{RADAR_POSITION}/objects_raw /{VEHICLE_NAME}/from_can_bus /tf /tf_static /localization/kinematic_state /vehicle/status/velocity_status -o ${BAG_AFTER_PROCESSING} --use-sim-time

Case 2: If a map to base_link transform is not recorded in /tf topic recorded in input_bag

# terminal 1
source ${AUTOWARE_WORKSPACE}/install/setup.bash
ros2 launch autoware_launch logging_simulator.launch.xml map_path:=${MAP_PATH} vehicle_model:=${VEHICLE_MODEL} vehicle_id:=${VEHICLE_ID} sensor_model:=${SENSOR_MODEL} vehicle:=true sensing:=true perception:=false planning:=false control:=false map:=true localization:=true rviz:=true
# terminal 2
# PLAY_RATE example is 0.2. Higher rates may be possible depending on computer processing power. remap recorded /tf
ros2 bag play ${BAG_BEFORE_PROCESSING} --remap /tf:=/unused_tf --rate ${PLAY_RATE} --clock 200
# terminal 3
ros2 bag record /sensing/camera/camera{CAMERA_ID}/image_rect_color/compressed /sensing/camera/camera{CAMERA_ID}/camera_info /sensing/gnss/{GNSS_VENDOR}/fix_velocity /sensing/gnss/{GNSS_VENDOR}/nav_sat_fix /sensing/gnss/{GNSS_VENDOR}/navpvt /sensing/imu/{IMU_VENDOR}/imu_raw /sensing/lidar/{LIDAR_POSITION}/{LIDAR_VENDOR}_packets /sensing/lidar/concatenated/pointcloud /sensing/radar/{RADAR_POSITION}/objects_raw /{VEHICLE_NAME}/from_can_bus /tf /tf_static /localization/kinematic_state /vehicle/status/velocity_status -o ${BAG_AFTER_PROCESSING} --use-sim-time

rosbag2 to T4 non-annotated format data

This step converts rosbag2 data to non-annotated T4 format.

input: rosbag2
output: T4 non-annotated format data

python -m perception_dataset.convert --config config/convert_rosbag2_to_non_annotated_t4_sample.yaml
# if you want to overwrite t4-format data, use --overwrite option

For traffic light dataset, you can use the following command:

python -m perception_dataset.convert --config config/convert_rosbag2_to_non_annotated_t4_tlr_sample.yaml
# if you want to overwrite t4-format data, use --overwrite option

confirm non-annotated format data

Verify that the following directories have the same number of files: CAM_BACK, CAM_BACK_LEFT, CAM_BACK_RIGHT, CAM_FRONT, CAM_FRONT_LEFT, CAM_FRONT_RIGHT, and LIDAR_CONCAT in non_annotated_t4_format/${DATASET_NAME}/data

If the number of files is different, set the smallest number of files to the num_load_frames in config/convert_rosbag2_to_non_annotated_t4.yaml. Execute the conversion command again with --overwrite option.



Non-annotated T4 format to Deepen format

Converts T4 format data to Deepen format.

input: Non-annotated T4 format data
output: deepen-format data

python -m perception_dataset.convert --config config/convert_non_annotated_t4_to_deepen_sample.yaml

If you are converting T4 TLR dataset, please use the following command instead.

python -m perception_dataset.convert --config config/convert_non_annotated_t4_tlr_to_deepen_sample.yaml

Create and update dataset

Login to deepen, create a dataset, and upload the file deepen_format/${DATSET_NAME}.zip

Please refer to the help page

Create dataset profile

Set the categories for t4_dataset. Please refer to the help page.

Add the items listed in Items in category.json Once you have created a profile, you can just import the profile next time.

Annotate with Deepen

Annotate with deepen. Please refer to the help page for operating instructions.

When the work is finished, click Mark dataset as done in Datasets / Dataset Details page.

Download Deepen annotations

DEEPEN_CLIENT_ID is the xxx part of the URL after logging in to Deepen. DEEPEN_ACCESS_TOKEN can be obtained from Deepen Tools. label_type must be either labels or paint3d, where labels represents bounding boxes, and paint3d means lidar semantic segmentation annotations.

python -m perception_dataset.deepen.download_annotations --config config/convert_deepen_to_t4_sample.yaml --label_type <label_type>

Deepen format to T4 format

input: T4 non-annotated format data + deepen annotations
output: T4 format data

python -m perception_dataset.convert --config config/convert_deepen_to_t4_sample.yaml

For T4 LidarSeg, please run the following:

python -m perception_dataset.convert --config config/convert_deepen_to_t4_lidarseg_3d_painting_sample.yaml


Conversion from FastLabel JSON Format to T4 Format

This step converts FastLabel 2D annotations to T4 format (2D only).

input: T4 format data (3D annotated or non-annotated) + FastLabel annotations (JSON format)
output: T4 format data (2D annotated)

python -m perception_dataset.convert --config config/convert_fastlabel_2d_to_t4.yaml
# To overwrite T4-format data, use the --overwrite option

Merge 2D T4 format data into 3D T4 format data

This step merges 2D-id-linked T4 format dataset into originally 3D-labeled T4 format data.

input: T4 format data (3D annotated) + T4 format data (2D annotated/ID-linked)
output: T4 format data (2D&3D annotated)

python -m perception_dataset.convert --config config/merge_2d_t4dataset_to_3d.yaml

Rosbag with objects

Synthetic bag to T4 format

input: rosbag2
output: T4 format data


This function is for converting a synthetic bag to T4 format. Synthetic bag must contain ground truth objects, pointclouds and tf. ground_truth/objects can be either autoware_perception_msgs/msg/DetectedObjects or autoware_perception_msgs/msg/TrackedObjects.

Note that autoware_auto_perception_msgs is going to be deprecated (timeline TBD).


Topic Name Required Message Type
/ground_truth/filtered/objects or /ground_truth/objects o autoware_perception_msgs/msg/DetectedObjects
/sensing/lidar/concatenated/pointcloud o sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2
/tf o tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage
/tf_static o tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage


python -m perception_dataset.convert --config config/rosbag2_to_t4/convert_synthetic_data.yaml

Synthetic bag to T4 format with images and 2d images annotations

input: rosbag2
output: T4 format data


Topic Name Required Message Type
/ground_truth/objects o autoware_perception_msgs/msg/TrackedObjects
/sensing/camera/camera{ID}/camera_info o visualization_msgs/msg/MarkerArray
/sensing/lidar/concatenated/pointcloud o sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2
/tf o tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage
/tf_static o tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage
/sensing/camera/camera{ID}/image_rect_color o sensor_msgs/msg/Image
/sensing/camera/camera{ID}/camera_info o sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo


python -m perception_dataset.convert --config config/rosbag2_to_t4/convert_synthetic_data_camera.yaml --synthetic --generate-bbox-from-cuboid

Pseudo-labeled bag to T4 format


This function is for converting a pseudo-labeled bag to T4 format.
The pseudo-labeled bag contains either detection output or tracking output from Autoware. The detection output is a message of autoware_perception_msgs/msg/DetectedObjects, and the tracking output is a message of autoware_perception_msgs/msg/TrackedObjects.

input: rosbag2
output: T4 format data


Topic Name Required Message Type
/perception/object_recognition/detection/objects or /perception/object_recognition/tracking/objects or other any value o autoware_perception_msgs/msg/TrackedObjects or autoware_perception_msgs/msg/DetectedObjects
/sensing/lidar/concatenated/pointcloud or other any value o sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2
/tf o tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage
/tf_static o tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage
/sensing/camera/camera{ID}/image_rect_color/compressed sensor_msgs/msg/CompressedImage
/sensing/camera/camera{ID}/camera_info sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo


python -m perception_dataset.convert --config config/rosbag2_to_t4/convert_pseudolabel_lidar.yaml

Annotated T4 format to Deepen format

In case you may want to modify the annotation of the T4 format data, you can also convert the annotated T4 format data to Deepen format. NOTE: By default the conversion script will convert sensor data and annotation data, but you may change label_only to true in the config file to convert only the annotation data.

input: Annotated T4 format data output: deepen-format data (sensor data and label data)

python -m perception_dataset.convert --config config/convert_annotated_t4_to_deepen_sample.yaml