Third party contributions are essential for making this repository great. However, we do have a few guidelines we need contributors to follow.
We use Gitflow as our branch management system. Please read up on it here. The main points you should know are:
All feature branches should be based on
and have the formatfeature/branch_name
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Minor bug fixes should be based on
and have the formathotfix/branch_name
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All pull requests should involve a single change. Pull Requests that involve multiple changes (it is our discretion what precisely this means) will be rejected with a reason.
All commits should involve logical units. Please do not put all changed code in one commit, unless it is a very minor change.
Work in progress pull requests should have "[WIP]" in front of the Pull Request title. When you are ready to merge, remove this tag and @mention
to get it scheduled for review. -
Please document all code written, and remember updating