Experimenting with decision tree based inductive classifier using early stopping, noise, post pruning, random forests.
- Please refer to Report.pdf for detailed analysis.
- Please refer to lab.pdf for about the project.
---README ---lab.pdf ---Report.pdf ---code | |--decision.cpp |--imdbEr.txt |--imdb.vocab |--makefile |--script.sh |--script_skip1.sh |--selected-features-indices.txt | |--train | | | |--labeledBow.feat | | |--test | |--labeledBow.feat
Make the code using $make or $g++ decision.cpp -o decision
Exceute using ./decision filename expno polarity -- filename refers to the selected indices file -- refers to expno from 1-5 -- polarity is optional. 0 (default) = use most frequent words; 1 = use highest and lowest polarity words
You can use script to run all functionality using $./script.sh
To use previously complied selected-features-indices.txt and skip expno 1 use $./script_skip1.sh
Note: It script fails to exceute use $chmod 755 script.sh
Feel free to email at 2015csb1021@iitrpr.ac.in for any clarification.
Developed by
Naman Goyal