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446 lines (398 loc) · 38.5 KB

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446 lines (398 loc) · 38.5 KB



  • update all dependencies
  • #565 add --accept-invalid-certs to skip validation of https certificates
  • #568 don't panic when truncating non utf-8 string
  • #574 update http, itertools nix, rustls, and serial_test
  • #575 add test coverage for sessions and cookies, revert #557 to avoid sharing the CookieJar between all users
  • #600 Refactor reports/metrics, add JSON and markdown report

0.17.2 August 28, 2023

0.17.1 August 17, 2023

  • #543 remove external dependency on num_cpus(), use instead built-in available_parallelism() added in rust 1.59.0
  • #552 add scenario_index, scenario_name, transaction_index and transaction_name to the request log
  • #553 remove serde_cbor dependency no longer required due to [#529]
  • #554 update flume, itertools, strum, strum_macros, tokio-tungstenite, and tungestenite dependencies to latest versions
  • #555 don't panic when report has no data

0.17.0 December 9, 2022

  • #529 API change temporaryily removed Gaggle support gaggle feature) to allow upgrading Tokio and other dependencies.
    • if you require Gaggle support, use Goose 0.16.4 with Tokio 0.15 for now; Gaggle support is being added back in #509
    • updated Tokio to 1.23, updated tungestenite and tokio-tungstenite to 0.18; updated ctrlc to 3.2; updated num_cpus to 1.14, updated simplelog to 0.12, updated nix to 0.26, updated rustls to 0.20, updates serial_test to 0.9
    • removed nng dependency and gaggle feature
    • removed --manager, --expect-workers, --no-hash-check, --manager-bind-host, --manager-bind-port, --worker, --manager-host, --manager-port and related configuration defaults
    • removed AttackMode::Manager and AttackMode::Worker
    • ignore all Gaggle tests, will re-enable these tests when Gaggle support is re-implemented
    • box TransactionError to avoid over-allocating memory on the stack (see examples/ for an example of working with this)

0.16.4 September 20, 2022

  • #512 include proper HTTP method and path in logs and html report when using GooseRequest::builder()
  • #514 fix panic when an empty wait time interval is set
  • #516 fix unescaped inner quotes in csv logs
  • #519 implement Default for GooseConfiguration
  • #522 display times on the report in local time (instead of UTC)

0.16.3 July 17, 2022

  • #498 ignore GooseDefault::Host if set to an empty string
  • #487 add dev-dependency on (nix)[] to provide test coverage confirming proper shutdown from SIGINT (ctrl-c); capture ctrl-c in a lazy_static wrapped in a RwLock so it can be reset
  • #489 don't panic when writing report file and shutting down with controller
  • #505 introduce --scenarios (and GooseDefault::Scenarios) so a subset of scenarios can be launched, and --scenarios-list to display internal machine names for matching

0.16.2 May 20, 2022

  • #477 introduce --iterations (and GooseDefault::Iterations) which configures each GooseUser to run a configurable number of iterations of the assigned Scenario then exit; introduces Scenario metrics which can be disabled with --no-scenario-metrics (GooseDefault::NoScenarioMetrics); introduces --scenario-log and --scenario-format (and GooseDefault::ScenarioLog and GooseDefault::ScenarioFormat)
  • #483 remove duplicate help (-h) output

0.16.1 May 12, 2022

  • #464 add startuptime (and startup_time) TIME to controllers, setting how long the load test should spend starting configured number of users
  • #469 support users INT command on controllers during a running load test
  • #473 introduce test-plan PLAN command allowing configuration of test plan with the controller during running and idle load tests

0.16.0 May 1, 2022

  • #431 rename --no-granular-data to --no-granular-report
  • #415 display granular data in HTML graphs, introduce --no-granular-data to disable it and display graphs as they were until this change
  • #406 make sure that the graphs are built correctly if the load test is interrupted during the starting phase
  • #408 update 'Running the load test' page in the Goose book to show HTML report
  • #411 API change: some public APIs have been made private or removed o util::MovingAverage structure and all related functions have been moved to a different namespace and made private o GooseRequestMetricAggregate::requests_per_second, GooseRequestMetricAggregate::errors_per_second and GooseRequestMetricAggregate::average_response_time_per_second have been removed o GooseTaskMetricAggregate::tasks_per_second has been removed o GooseMetrics::users_per_second has been removed o formerly public methods report::task_metrics_template() and report::errors_template() have been made private o report::graph_rps_template(), report::graph_eps_template(), report::graph_average_response_time_template(), report::graph_users_per_second_template() and report::graph_tasks_per_second_template() have been removed
  • #379 API change: default to INFO level verbosity, introduce -q to reduce Goose verbosity o note: -v now sets Goose to DEBUG level verbosity which when enabled will negatively impact load test performance; set -q to restore previous level of verbosity
  • #379 API change: remove .print() which is no longer required to display metrics after a load test, disable with --no-print-metrics or GooseDefault::NoPrintMetrics
  • #422 API change: introduce --test-plan and GooseDefault::TestPlan o internally represent all load tests as Vec<(usize, usize)>l test plan o use [FromStr] to auto convert --test-plan "{users},{timespan};{users},{timespan}", where {users} must be an integer, ie "100", and {timespan} can be integer seconds or "30s", "20m", "3h", "1h30m", etc, to internal Vec<(usize, usize)> representation o don't allow --test-plan together with --users, --startup-time, --hatch-rate, --run-time, --no-reset-metrics, --manager and --worker o internal AttackPhases renamed: Starting -> Increase, Running -> Maintain, Stopping -> Decrease
  • #449 API change: rename GooseTaskSet -> Scenario, GooseTask -> Transaction, GooseTaskResult -> TransationResult, GooseTaskEror -> TransactionError, WeightedGooseTasks -> WeightedTransactions, GooseTaskFunction -> TransactionFunction, test_start_task -> test_start_transaction, test_stop_task -> test_stop_transaction, register_task -> register_transaction, task! -> transaction!, --no-task-metrics -> --no-transaction-metrics, GooseTaskError -> TransactionError
  • #450 add support for variable speed and multiple decrease AttackPhases
  • #452 API change: rename --status-codes to --no-status-codes and enable collecation and summary of status codes by default

0.15.2 December 13, 2021

  • #391 properly sleep for configured set_wait_time() walking regularly to exit quickly if the load test ends
  • #394 add additional graphs to the HTML report: errors per second, average response time, active users, active tasks
  • #403 wake up a couple times a second to handle message and allow for a quick shutdown if the load test is canceled during startup

0.15.1 November 19, 2021

  • #374 renamed to and to to avoid confusion with the example as they all do different things
  • #385 properly configure --running-metrics VALUE when set manually
  • #382 set client timeout to 60 seconds by default, used for all requests made; introduce --timeout VALUE where VALUE is seconds as integer or a float; timeout can be configured programatically using GooseDefault::Timeout
  • #381 display requests per second graph on the HTML report

0.15.0 November 2, 2021

  • #372 de-deduplicate documentation, favoring The Goose Book
  • #373 API change: introduce GooseRequest and GooseRequestBuilder for more flexibility when making requests o remove GooseUser::post_named, GooseUser::head_named, GooseUser::delete_named, GooseUser::goose_get, GooseUser::goose_put, GooseUser::goose_head, GooseUser::goose_put, GooseUser::goose_patch, GooseUser::goose_delete, and GooseUser::goose_send o adds or modifies helpers GooseUser::get, GooseUser::get_named, GooseUser::post, GooseUser::post_form, GooseUser::post_json, GooseUser::head, and GooseUser::delete o replaces GooseUser::goose_send with GooseUser::request which accepts a GooseRequest object o fixes [#370] (see GooseRequestBuilder::expect_status_code)

0.14.1 October 13, 2021

0.14.0 September 15, 2021

  • #361 convert (and enhance) into The Goose Book
  • #356 API change: make GooseAttack.execute async, main() function signature changed to:
    fn main() -> Result<(), GooseError> {
  • #355 API change: add the possibility to attach custom session data GooseUserData to each GooseUser
  • #355 API change: change GooseTask signature to take a mutable reference of GooseUser:
    async fn example_task_function(user: &mut GooseUser) -> GooseTaskResult {
  • #358 API change: update GooseTaskSet::set_wait_time() to accept std::time::Duration instead of usize allowing more granularity
  • #355 remove Clone trait from GooseUser and GooseAttack
  • #359 use request name when displaying errors to avoid having a large volume of distinct error for the same endpoint when using path parameters
  • #360 updated tungstenite dependency to 0.15

0.13.3 August 25, 2021

  • #351 document GooseConfiguration fields that were only documented as gumpdrop parameters (in order to generate new lines in the help output) so now they're also documented in the code
  • #353 fix panic when --no-task-metrics is enabled and metrics are printed; add tests to prevent further regressions

0.13.2 August 19, 2021

  • #349, #345 fix broken links within the documentation; general documentation cleanups
  • #348 introduce --startup-time which can be set together with --users instead of using --hatch-rate to configure how quickly to start users
  • #348 fix --run-time to always start counting after all users are fully started
  • #348 include starting and stopping time in addition to running time in text metrics and html report

0.13.1 August 13, 2021

  • #338 add test to confirm a base_url can include a path and be joined with a relative path
  • #339 fix documentation typo
  • #340 introduce pretty log format for --error-format, --debug-format, --request-format, and --task-format
  • #341 clippy cleanups: don't borrow references that are immediately dereferenced by the compiler:
  • #342 consistently report users simulated, target host(s), start and end times, and total duration of test both in text metrics and html report
  • #343 updated httpmock dev dependency to 0.6

0.13.0 July 19, 2021

  • #334 API change: introduce GooseRawMetric which contains the method, url, headers and body of the client request made, and is now contained in raw field of the GooseRequestMetric
  • #328 enable gzip support and set Accept-Encoding header by default in the client; disable with --no-gzip or GooseDefault::NoGzip
  • #330 document how to add custom cookies (*/goose/goose/struct.GooseUser.html#custom-cookies)
  • #331 update rustc_version dependency to 0.4
  • #334 include client request headers in GooseRequestMetric so they show up in the request log and the debug log
  • #334 introduce --request-body (and GooseDefault::RequestBody) which when enabled shows up in the body field of the GooseRawMetric
  • #334 add GooseRawMetric to the request log, debug log and error log

0.12.1 July 15, 2021

  • rename rustls feature to rustls-tls so tests/ can build with the rustls library; update tungstenite to 0.14 and tokio-tungstenite = 0.15 to allow building with rustls
  • documentation cleanup; properly rename GooseDefault::RequestFormat and fix links
  • always configure GooseConfiguration.manager and GooseConfiguration.worker; confirm Manager is enabled when setting --expect-workers
  • moved GooseConfiguration, GooseDefault, and GooseDefaultType into new src/ file; standardized configuration precedence through internal GooseConfigure trait defining get_value() for all supported types; general improvements to configuration documentation

0.12.0 July 8, 2021

  • API change: remove internal-only functions and structures from documentation, exposing only what's useful to consumers of the Goose library o goose::initialize_logger(), Socket reduced to pub(crate) scope o goose::controller::GooseControllerProtocol, GooseControllerRequestMessage, GooseControllerResponseMessage, GooseControllerRequest, GooseControllerResponse, GooseControllerState, ::controller_main() reduced to pub(crate) scope o goose::manager::manager_main() reduced to pub(crate) scope o goose::metrics::GooseRequestMetric::new(), ::set_final_url(), ::set_response_time(), and ::set_status_code(), ::per_second_calculations(), format_number(), merge_times(), update_min_time(), update_max_time(), calculate_response_time_percentile(), and prepare_status_codes() reduced to pub(crate) scope o goose::metrics::GooseRequestMetricAggregate::new(), ::set_response_time(), and ::set_status_code() reduced to pub(crate) scope o goose::metrics::GooseTaskMetric::new() and ::set_time() reduced to pub(crate) scope o goose::metrics::GooseMetrics::initialize_task_metrics() and ::print_running(), ::fmt_requests(), ::fmt_tasks(), ::fmt_task_times(), ::fmt_response_times(), ::fmt_percentiles(), ::fmt_status_codes() and ::fmt_errors() reduced to pub(crate) scope o from goose::metrics::GooseMetrics reduced final_metrics, display_status_codes and display_metrics fields to pub(crate) scope o goose::metrics::GooseErrorMetric::new() reduced to pub(crate) scope o goose::logger::logger_main() reduced to pub(crate) scope o goose::user::user_main() reduced to pub(crate) scope o goose::worker::worker_main() reduced to pub(crate) scope
  • API change: move all metrics-related stuctures and methods into, rename for consistency, and improve documentation o goose::GooseRawRequest changed to goose::metrics::GooseRequestMetric o goose::GooseRequest changed to goose::metrics::GooseRequestMetricAggregate o goose::GooseRawTask changed to goose::metrics::GooseTaskMetric o goose::GooseRawTask changed to goose::metrics::GooseTaskMetricAggregate o goose::update_duration() changed to goose::metrics::update_duration() and reduced to pub(crate) scope o goose::sync_metrics() changed to goose::metrics::sync_metrics() and reduced to pub(crate) scope o goose::reset_metrics() changed to goose::metrics::reset_metrics() and reduced to pub(crate) scope o goose::receive_metrics() changed to goose::metrics::receive_metrics() and reduced to pub(crate) scope o goose::record_error() changed to goose::metrics::record_error() and reduced to pub(crate) scope
  • expose utility functions used by Goose for use by load tests o goose::util::parse_timespan(), ::gcd(), ::median(), ::truncate_string(), ::timer_expired(), ::ms_timer_expired(), ::get_hatch_rate(), and ::is_valid_host() were elevated to pub scope
  • introduce (disabled by default) Coordinated Omission Mitigation, configured through --co-mitigation with the following options: "disabled" (default0), "average", "minimum", "maximum"; (or with GooseDefault::CoordinatedOmissionMitigation)
  • (EXPERIMENTAL) Coordinated Omission Mitigation tracks the cadence that a GooseUser loops through all GooseTasks, (also accounting for time spent sleeping due to .set_wait_time()); it detects stalls (network or upstream server) that block and prevent other requests from running, and backfills the metrics to mitigate this loss of data (based on the general implementation found in HdrHistogram
  • When displaying metrics (via the cli and the html report) show both "raw" (actual) metrics and "coordinated omission mitigation" (back-filled with statistically generated) metrics, and the standard deviation between the average times for each
  • introduce GooseLog enum for sending GooseDebug, GooseRequestMetric and GooseTaskMetric objects to the Logger thread for logging to file
  • introduce --tasks-file run-time option for logging GooseTaskMetrics to file
  • rename GooseTaskMetric to GooseTaskMetricAggregate, and introduce GooseTaskMetric which is a subset of GooseRequestMetric only used for logging
  • introduce --error-file run-time option for logging GooseErrorMetrics to file
  • introduce GooseLogFormat enum for formatting all logs; add --task-format and --error-format using new enum, update --requests-format and --debug-format.
  • renamed --log-file to --goose-log, --requests-file to --request-log, --requests-format to --request-format, --tasks-file to --task-log, --tasks-format to --task-format, --error-file to --error-log, and --debug-file to --debug-log

0.11.2 June 10, 2021

  • introduce telnet Controller allowing real-time control of load test, optionally disable with --no-telnet, supports the following commands: o help (and ?) display help o exit (and quit) exit the telnet Controller o shutdown shuts down the running load test (and exits the controller) o host (and hosts) HOST sets host to load test against, ie http://localhost/ o users (and user) INT sets number of simulated users o hatchrate (and hatch_rate) FLOAT sets per-second rate users hatch o runtime (and run_time) TIME sets how long the load test should run o config displays the current load test configuration o config-json displays the current load test configuration in json format o metrics (and stats) displays metrics for the current load test o metrics-json (and stats-json) displays metrics for the current load test in json format
  • telnet Controller bind host defaults to, can be configured with --telnet-host
  • telnet Controller bind port defaults to 5116, can be configured with --telnet-port
  • telnet Controller defaults can be changed: o default to not enabling telnet Controller: GooseDefault::NoTelnet (bool) o default host to bind telnet Controller to: GooseDefault::TelnetHost (&str) o default port to bind telnet Controller to: GooseDefault::TelnetPort (usize)
  • introduce WebSocket Controller allowing real-time control of load test, optionally disable with --no-websocket, supports the same commands as the telnet Controller, except: o config and config-json both return the load test configuration in json format o metrics and metrics-json both return metrics for the current load test in json format
  • WebSocket Controller bind host defaults to, can be configured with --websocket-host
  • WebSocket Controller bind port defaults to 5117, can be configured with --websocket-port
  • WebSocket Controller defaults can be changed: o default to not enabling WebSocket Controller: GooseDefault::NoWebSocket (bool) o default host to bind WebSocket Controller to: GooseDefault::WebSocketHost (&str) o default port to bind WebSocket Controller to: GooseDefault::WebSocketPort (usize)
  • make it possible to start and stop a load test without completely restarting Goose
  • introduce --no-autostart to disable automatically starting the load test, leaves Goose in an idle state waiting for Controller commands (optionally change the default with GooseDefault::NoAutoStart) o renamed stop Controller command to shutdown o added new start Controller command, telling idle Goose load test to start o added new stop Controller command, telling running Goose load test to stop and return to idle state
  • code cleanup and logic consollidation to support Controller fixed a bug where metrics wouldn't display and the debug file, request file, and html report weren't written when load test was stopped while still launching users
  • regularly sync metrics, using a timeout to avoid hanging the main loop
  • properly reset metrics when load test is stopped and restarted
  • properly flush debug file, request file, and html report when stopping load test with Controller
  • properly (re)create debug file, request file, and html report when starting load test with Controller
  • if metrics are enabled, display when controller stops load test
  • de-duplicate code with traits, gaining compile-time validation that both Controllers are properly handling all defined commands
  • add async_trait dependency as stable Rust doesn't otherwise support async traits
  • allow starting Goose without specifying a host if --no-autostart is enabled, requiring instead that the host be configured via a Controller before starting a load test
  • add test for telnet and WebSocket Controllers

0.11.1 May 16, 2021

  • update rand dependency to 0.8 branch, update gen_range method call
  • update dependencies: itertools to 0.10, simplelog to 0.10, url to 2
  • update nng dependency for optional gaggle feature
  • simplify examples/umami regex when parsing form
  • allow configuration of algorithm for allocating GooseTasks the same as GooseTaskSets; GooseTaskSetScheduler becomes more generically GooseScheduler
  • specify (and detect) minimum rustc requirement of 1.49.0, due to flume dependency which in turn depends on spinning_top which uses hint::spin_loop which stabilized in rustc version `1.49.0
  • standardize links in documentation; general documentation cleanups

0.11.0 April 9, 2021

  • capture errors and count frequency for each, including summary in metrics report; optionally disable with --no-error-summary
  • clippy cleanups (prepare for Rust 2021 o API change: all GooseMethods renamed to enforce Rust naming conventions in regards to case, for example GooseMethod::GET becomes GooseMethod::Get o use vec![] macro to avoid unnecessarily pushing data into mutable vectors o call format! macro directly for improved readability o remove unnecessary panic!

0.10.9 March 23, 2021

  • avoid unnecessary work on Manager when starting a Gaggle
  • respect --hatch-rate when starting a Gaggle
  • update httpmock for running tests
  • remove unnecessary Result() types where no error was possible

0.10.8 February 13, 2021

  • introduce --report-file (and GooseDefault::ReportFile) to optionally generate an HTML report when the load test completes
  • upgrade to tokio 1.x, and switch to flume for all multi-producer, multi-consumer channels
  • make examples/umami more generic for easier load testing of any Drupal 9 version of the demo install profile

0.10.7 November 16, 2020

  • account for time spent doing things other than sleeping, maintaining more consistency when displaying statistics and shutting down
  • start each debug log file with a line feed in case the page is too big for the buffer; increase the debug logger buffer size from 8K to 8M
  • introduce --no-debug-body flag to optionally prevent debug log from including the response body
  • rename the metrics file to requests file to better reflect what it is o --metrics-file becomes --requests-file o --metrics-format becomes --requests-format o GooseDebug::MetricsFile becomes GooseDebug::RequestsFile o GooseDebug::MetricsFormat becomes GooseDebug::RequestsFormat
  • reset drift timer any time the attack_phase changes
  • document all public high level files and functions

0.10.6 November 10, 2020

  • replace --only-summary with --running-metrics <usize>, running metrics are disabled by default
  • allow configuration of the algorithm used when allocating GooseTaskSets to starting GooseUsers: o GooseTaskSetScheduler::RoundRobin allocates 1 of each available GooseTaskSet at a time (new default) o GooseTaskSetScheduler::Serial allocates all of each available GooseTaskSet in the order they are defined o GooseTaskSetScheduler::Random allocates 1 random GooseTaskSet from all available
  • when enabled, display running metrics for the entire duration of test, including ramp-up and shutdown

0.10.5 November 5, 2020

  • support floating point hatch rate (ie, hatch 1 user every 2 seconds with -r .5)

0.10.4 November 1, 2020

  • add new examples/umami for load testing Drupal 9 demo install profile
  • replace TermLogger with SimpleLogger for increased logging flexibility
  • add initial OCI Dockerfile for container-based workflows
  • use checked subtraction when calculating drift duration to prevent panic
  • update nng-rs dependency to fix bug when testing that the manager is ready

0.10.3 October 14, 2020

  • fixup sticky redirect tests to properly test functionality
  • add test/ to confirm sequencing tests works correctly, even in Gaggle mode
  • deduplicate test logic by moving shared functionality into tests/; consistently test functionality both in standalone and Gaggle mode
  • properly create debug log when enabled in Gaggle mode

0.10.2 September 27, 2020

  • remove unnecessary GooseAttack.number_of_cpus instead calling num_cpus::get() directly
  • remove tests/, instead mixing gaggle tests with per-feature integration tests
  • ensure test_start and test_stop run one and only one time even in Gaggle mode

0.10.1 September 20, 2020

  • rework hatch_rate to be stored in an Option<usize> as it can be None on a Worker
  • remove redundant GooseAttack.users instead using the Option<usize> in configuration
  • improve bounds handling of defaults, generate errors for invalid values
  • properly handle early shutdown of Gaggle distributed load test from Worker process
  • Manager starts timing Gaggle distributed load test only after all Workers start

0.10.0 September 13, 2020

  • default to resetting statistics, disable with --no-reset-stats, display spawning statistics before resetting
  • only run gaggle integration tests when feature is enabled
  • prevent time-drift when launching users and throttling requests
  • add per-task statistics in addition to per-request statistics, disable with --no-task-stats
  • rename stats and statistics to metrics for consistency and clarity o --no-stats became --no-metrics o --no-reset-stats became --no-reset-metrics o --no-task-stats became --no-task-metrics o --stats-log-file became --metrics-log-file o --stats-log-format became --metrics-log-format
  • shorten some configuration options to fit standard console width, preparation for switch to gumdrop o --debug-log-file became --debug-file o --debug-log-format became --debug-format o --metrics-log-file became --metrics-file o --metrics-log-format became --metrics-format
  • reworded errors for consistency, made error.detail required
  • replace structopt with gumdrop o restructured help page to logically group related options o rewrote/simplified configuration descriptions to fit standard console width
  • update prelude documentation
  • increase precision of metrics for smaller values
  • consistently build configuration from arguments
  • replace GooseAttack::set_host() with more generic GooseAttack::set_default(), exposes the following defaults: o default host: GooseDefault::Host (&str) o default users to start: GooseDefault::Users (usize) o default users to start per second: GooseDefault::HatchRate (usize) o default number of seconds for test to run: GooseDefault::RunTime (usize) o default log level: GooseDefault::LogLevel (usize) o default log file name: GooseDefault::LogFile (&str) o default verbosity: GooseDefault::Verbose (usize) o default to only printing final summary metrics: GooseDefault::OnlySummary (bool) o default to not resetting metrics after all users start: GooseDefault::NoResetMetrics (bool) o default to not tracking metrics: GooseDefault::NoMetrics (bool) o default to not tracking task metrics: GooseDefault::NoTaskMetrics (bool) o default metrics log file name: GooseDefault::MetricsFile (&str) o default metrics log file format: GooseDefault::MetricsFormat (&str) o default debug log file name: GooseDefault::DebugFile (&str) o default debug log file format: GooseDefault::DebugFormat (&str) o default to tracking status codes: GooseDefault::StatusCodes (bool) o default maximum requests per second: GooseDefault::ThrottleRequests (usize) o default to following redirect of base_url: GooseDefault::StickyFollow (bool) o default to enabling Manager mode: GooseDefault::Manager (bool) o default number of Workers to expect: GooseDefault::ExpectWorkers (usize) o default to ignoring load test checksum: GooseDefault::NoHashCheck (bool) o default host to bind Manager to: GooseDefault::ManagerBindHost (&str) o default port to bind Manager to: GooseDefault::ManagerBindPort (usize) o default to enabling Worker mode: GooseDefault::Worker (bool) o default host for Worker to connect to: GooseDefault::ManagerHost (&str) o default port for Worker to connect to: GooseDefault::ManagerPort (usize)

0.9.1 August 1, 2020

  • return GooseStats from GooseAttack .execute()
  • rework as methods of GooseStats: .print(), .print_running(), fmt_requests(), fmt_response_times(), fmt_percentiles(), and fmt_status_codes()
  • display GooseStats with fmt::Display (ie print!("{}", goose_stats);)
  • make it possible to pass a closure to GooseTask::new
  • fix display of GooseError and GooseTaskError

0.9.0 July 23, 2020

  • fix code documentation, requests are async and require await
  • properly support setting host when registering task set
  • rename response wrapper to goose, so we end up with goose.request and goose.response
  • add --throttle-requests to optionally limit the maximum requests per second (api change)
  • introduce GooseError and GooseTaskError
  • change task function signature, tasks must return a GooseTaskResult
  • change GooseAttack method signatures where an error is possible
  • where possible, pass error up the stack instead of calling exit(1)
  • introduce GooseAttack.display() which consumes the load test state and displays statistics
  • panic!() on unexpected errors instead of exit(1)

0.8.2 July 2, 2020

  • client.log_debug() will write debug logs to file when specified with --debug-log-file=
  • add -debug-log-format= to switch between json (default) and raw formats
  • cleanup code with clippy, automate clippy with PRs
  • add optional compile-time rustls feature

0.8.1 June 30, 2020

  • sort stats by method:name to ease comparisons
  • optionally log all requests to file specified with --stats-log-file=
  • add --stats-log-format= to switch between json (default), csv and raw formats

0.8.0 June 26, 2020

  • properly subtract previous statistic when handling set_failure() and set_success()
  • detect and track redirects in GooseRawRequest
  • --sticky-follow makes redirect of GooseClient base_url sticky, affecting subsequent requests
  • changed GooseClient to GooseUser

0.7.5 June 10, 2020

  • store actual URL requested in GooseRawRequest
  • add set_client_builder, allow load test to build Reqwest clients with custom options
  • properly fix documentation links

0.7.4 June 5, 2020

  • fix gaggles to not panic, add test
  • fix test_start and test_stop to not panic, add tests
  • optimize NNG usage, write directly to Message instead of first to buffer
  • fix documentation links

0.7.3 June 5, 2020

  • move client out of GooseClient into global GooseClientState
  • introduce test_start_task and test_stop_task allowing global setup and teardown
  • don't panic if a load test doesn't define any normal tasks
  • pass immutable GooseClient to tasks
  • integrate httpmock into testing load test

0.7.2 June 1, 2020

  • don't shuffle order of weighted task sets when launching clients
  • remove GooseClientMode as it serves no useful purpose
  • push statistics from client threads to parent in real-time
  • simplify set_failure and set_success to pass in request

0.7.1 May 26, 2020

  • no longer compile Reqwest blocking client
  • remove need to declare use std::boxed::Box in load tests
  • remove unnecessary mutexes
  • introduce use goose::prelude::*

0.7.0 May 25, 2020

  • initial async support


  • nng does not support udp as a transport protocol, and tcp overhead isn't problematic; remove to-do to add udp, hard-code tcp
  • add worker id for tracing gaggle worker threads
  • cleanup gaggle logic and comments

0.6.2 May 18, 2020

  • replace unsafe code blocks with lazy_static singleton
  • perform checksum to confirm workers are running same load test, --no-hash-check to ignore
  • code and documentation consistency

0.6.1 May 16, 2020

  • replace --print-stats with --no-stats, default to printing stats
  • make gaggle an optional compile-time feature
  • GooseState is now GooseAttack

0.6.0 May 14, 2020

  • Initial support for gaggles: distributed load testing