All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Each new release typically also includes the latest modulesync defaults. These should not affect the functionality of the module.
v0.12.0 (2018-05-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add Debian 9 support #1200 (bastelfreak)
- Fix indent of autoindex param in server template #1195 (jdmulloy)
Fixed bugs:
- allow people to not purge passenger yumrepo #1212 (bastelfreak)
Closed issues:
- No such file or directory @ dir_s_mkdir #1202
Merged pull requests:
- increase spec test coverage #1214 (bastelfreak)
- migrate vars from topscope to relative scope #1213 (bastelfreak)
- Support setting
in nginx::resource::server #1210 (tdevelioglu) - Update minimum version of puppetlabs/stdlib to 4.22.0 #1207 (JacobHenner)
- Update readme: listen_port is integer for Hiera #1205 (AranVinkItility)
- bump puppet version dependency to >= 4.10.0 < 6.0.0 #1203 (bastelfreak)
- cleanup spec_helper_acceptance #1199 (bastelfreak)
- add acceptance test to verify default values #1198 (bastelfreak)
v0.11.0 (2018-03-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add ssl_ecdh_curve to server resource #1192 (jdmulloy)
- add etag support at the http level #1183 (bryangwilliam)
- Add proxy send timeout for the nginx server configuration. #1181 (Nitish-SH)
Fixed bugs:
- nginx package spectest failing #1190
- Fix #1190 Accommodate default package name nginx-mainline for Arch Linux #1191 (JacobHenner)
- use correct nginx package name on archlinux #1184 (bastelfreak)
Closed issues:
- Concat not listet as Requirement in Readme #1188
Merged pull requests:
- switch from topscope facts to facts hash #1193 (bastelfreak)
- modulesync 1.18.0 & enhance acceptance test matrix #1185 (bastelfreak)
v0.10.0 (2018-02-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add more per-location proxy options: proxy_send_timeout, proxy_ignore… #1169 (merclangrat)
- Add add_header parameter to location #1160 (alexjfisher)
- Use $service_name for service resource title. #1159 (fnoop)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- duplicating proxy_cache_path value #1175
- allow/deny and auth_basic_user_file should be in the location #1172
- Service resource name conflicts with system service #1158
Merged pull requests:
- add missing autoindex parameter in template of server resource #1174 (joekohlsdorf)
- Compatibility with puppetlabs-apt 4.4.0 #1163 (ekohl)
- replace validate_* with datatypes in resource::map #1157 (bastelfreak)
- Remove EOL operatingsystems #1153 (ekohl)
- adding support for proxy_cache_bypass and proxy_cache_lock #1150 (ceonizm)
- adding support for include directive in map #1149 (ceonizm)
v0.9.0 (2017-11-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Suffix timeout values with second indicator #1138 (rudybroersma)
Fixed bugs:
- nginx_locations appearing in the wrong location in the config file #1142
- invalid config generated when ssl is false and listen_port == ssl_port #648
- Confine NGINX version fact to exclude Cisco Nexus switches #1140 (murdok5)
Closed issues:
- Including nginx class not working due too nginx_error_log_severity parameter #1143
- http_format_log for nginx servers #1139
- Incorrect default timeout values #1137
- setting index files to undef doesn't work as expected #1128
Merged pull requests:
- Doc-only: Fix proxy/blog location reference #1144 (tarnation)
- add settable nginx daemon group #1126 (miksercz)
v0.8.0 (2017-10-10)
Fixed bugs:
- Please add a 'warn' when someone is using 'nginx::resource::vhost' without previously including the nginx class #983
Merged pull requests:
- Improve logic for ipv6 listening #1131 (xaque208)
- Remove 'Optional' for resources with default settings #1130 (wyardley)
- Remove Optional for index_files (#1128) #1129 (wyardley)
- Fix indent auth_basic_user_file ssl server #1122 (fe80)
- Release 0.7.1 #1119 (wyardley)
- Fail defined types if nginx class was not declared before #1070 (vinzent)
v0.7.1 (2017-09-01)
Breaking changes:
- Optional parameters should default to undef and not false #1048
- Don't allow strings to be given for integer parameters #1047
Closed issues:
- Support puppetlabs/concat >= 4.0 #1117
- Unable to include module's #1112
- puppet-nginx requires outdated module dependencies #1107
- ensure => 'absent' on nginx::resource::server leaves file behind #1103
- Hiera/Problem with concat: Target Concat_file with path of ... not found in the catalog #1102
- Bump puppetlabs/apt dependency #1086
- Custom nginx.conf template is no longer working #1083
- Hiera merge with multiple yaml files #614
Merged pull requests:
- fix lint warnings #1115 (PascalBourdier)
- Add DragonFly BSD support #1111 (strangelittlemonkey)
- Fix dependency on apt-transport-https #1110 (rvdh)
- bump concat to <5.0.0 instead of <4.0.0 (#1107) #1108 (wyardley)
- make apt a soft dependency per styleguide (resolves #1086) #1106 (wyardley)
- Ensure absent on concat resource for server resource with ensure => absent (#1103) #1104 (wyardley)
- Release 0.7.0 #1099 (alexjfisher)
v0.7.0 (2017-08-01)
Breaking changes:
- replace validate_* calles with datatypes in server.pp #1057 (bastelfreak)
- replace validate_* with datatypes #1056 (bastelfreak)
- BREAKING: Drop puppet 3 support. Replace validate_* calls with datatypes in location.pp #1050 (bastelfreak)
- change fastcgi_cache_key default false->undef #1049 (bastelfreak)
- change fastcgi_cache_use_stale default false->undef #1045 (bastelfreak)
- change fastcgi_cache_path default false->undef #1044 (bastelfreak)
- change http_cfg_prepend default false->undef #1043 (bastelfreak)
- change http_cfg_append default false->undef #1042 (bastelfreak)
- change events_use default false->undef #1041 (bastelfreak)
- change worker_rlimit_nofile default string->int #1040 (bastelfreak)
- change worker_processes default string->int #1039 (bastelfreak)
- change names_hash_bucket_size default string->int #1038 (bastelfreak)
- change names_hash_max_size default string->int #1037 (bastelfreak)
- change proxy_cache_path default false->undef #1036 (bastelfreak)
- change proxy_use_temp_path default false->undef #1035 (bastelfreak)
- change proxy_headers_hash_bucket_size default string->int #1034 (bastelfreak)
- change worker_connections default string->int #1033 (bastelfreak)
- BREAKING: Drop puppet 3 support. Replace validate_* with datatypes #1031 (bastelfreak)
Implemented enhancements:
- Fix deprecated apt::source usage #995
- Allow default ssl_dhparam to be set in base class #1096 (alexjfisher)
- Allow index_files => undef in resource::server class #1094 (walkamongus)
- Add http_raw_prepend and http_raw_append parameters #1093 (walkamongus)
- Use nginx defaults for fastcgi_params / uwsgi_params #1076 (wyardley)
- Add hiera nginx_mailhosts_defaults like nginx_servers_defaults #1068 (dol)
- Make ssl_prefer_server_ciphers configurable in server / mailhost #1067 (wyardley)
- Avoid spurious location block when redirecting to SSL in another server block #1066 (oranenj)
- Add fastcgi index #1062 (elmobp)
- Warn if $ssl=false but $ssl_port == $listen_port (#1015) #1022 (wyardley)
- Switch apt::source key from string to hash. #1016 (darkstego)
Fixed bugs:
- Can't pass 'always' parameter to add_header due to single quoting #1020
- Fix permissions on fastcgi_params and uwsgi_params files (#1002) #1003 (wyardley)
Closed issues:
- ssl_dhparam no longer an option #1084
- 'Cannot create a location reference without' rather annoying and blocks some possibilities #1074
- Invalid parameter ensure at redhat.pp:49 #1065
- Unable to control fastcgi_params from module? #1064
- fastcgi_params file when set to non-default path if File resource not declared #1063
- Make ssl_prefer_server_ciphers a variable #1032
- nginx 0.6.0: bad location block causes nginx restart to fail #1029
- Add "udp" for "listen_port" parameter, add stream resource example into README #1019
- Using ssl_port without ssl => true makes module fail silently #1015
- uninitialized constant Puppet::Type::Concat_file error after upgrade from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0 #1008
- $location_sanitized variable present in code but unused #1006
- fastcgi_params file set to permission 770 by default #1002
- Add Oracle as one of Redhat operating systems for params file #988
- Adding a simple vhost not as simple as it seems #887
Merged pull requests:
- Fix misspelling #1095 (rdev5)
- Use correct scheme with rewrite_www_to_non_www #1091 (alfoeternia)
- Use rspec-puppet-facts #1090 (alexjfisher)
- Clean up nginx::resource::server #1082 (ekohl)
- Bump puppetlabs-concat, puppetlabs-stdlib and Puppet minimum versions #1081 (tdevelioglu)
- set manage_repo for Oracle "RedHat" (and not 5.x for any flavor anymore, for consistency with rest of module) #1077 (wyardley)
- Remove location check of some random values to be set in the context of location #1075 (dol)
- Adding FastCGI index #1073 (elmobp)
- Revert "Add fastcgi index" #1072 (wyardley)
- Add location defaults to init and server resource #1071 (dol)
- Use some more puppet 4 features to reduce code #1058 (igalic)
- Update README's puppet requirement section #1054 (alexjfisher)
- docs fix from @jurim76 #1021 (wyardley)
- Fixed typo in changelog notes: ssl_force_redirect -> ssl_redirect. #1013 (triforce)
- Changed upstream_member.erb template directory path to match new loca… #1012 (triforce)
- Remove unused variables #1007 (mattkenn4545)
- Update #1000 (Cinderhaze)
- Use double, vs single quotes around add_header values (#991) #992 (wyardley)
v0.6.0 (2017-01-13)
Breaking changes:
- Rename v[hH]ost to server everywhere #980 (sacres)
- Rename rewrite_to_https => ssl_redirect (backwards-incompatible change) #957 (wyardley)
- Major change: Rework namespace (get rid of ::config namespace again) #950 (wyardley)
Implemented enhancements:
- HTTP->HTTPS #818
- nginx_cfg_prepend missing in nginx class #771
- upstream_cfg_append #717
- Nested Locations #692
- Log directory ownership and permissions do not respect OS #664
- Current setup of gpgcheck in redhat package is insecure #651
- Cannot purge unmanaged Upstreams #495
- Nginx configuration #161
Fixed bugs:
- include /etc/nginx/streams-available|enabled not in nginx.conf.erb #780
- Cannot set both location_alias and fastcgi at the same time on a location #591
Closed issues:
- What's the correct way to set config options now? #978
- Allow access_log to be an array #975
- nginx::locations puts locations in wrong order #971
- No allowance for custom nginx source? #962
- Upstreams do not depend on package #942
- Support for Ubuntu 16.04? #935
- How to use nginx::resource::vhost:add_header ? #899
- nginx::resource::upstream with no members can only be called once #897
- vhost_cfg_append with multiple entries having the same name (rewrite) not possible #807
- ssl_cert and ssl_key are required #743
- Cannot deny access via location #741
- A negative configtest should be reported as a fail/error #722
- Changing the vhost / location doesn't reload the server #706
- fastcgi_params should not be creating non-standard files by default #682
- Specifying
gives warning. #641 - www_root is not being added correctly #639
- Hiera documentation bug #556
- Issues with fastcgi_params #499
- proxy_set_header does not support X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Forwarded-Port #476
- proxy_redirect default value #395
- Rename vhost to server.d #348
Merged pull requests:
- Bump minimum version dependencies (for Puppet 4) #993 (juniorsysadmin)
- Bump puppet minimum version_requirement to 3.8.7 #989 (juniorsysadmin)
- add passenger_package_ensure parameter to allow pinning passenger version #987 (wyardley)
- Added auth_request configuration capability #986 (mvisonneau)
- Add support for proxy_cache_path loader directives #984 (carroarmato0)
- Document include param for location and fix whitespace issue (issue #976) #977 (srinchiera)
- fix validation range for location priority #972 (wyardley)
- Reorganize templates for clearer understanding #970 (xaque208)
- Put keepalive at bottom of upstream_cfg_{append,prepend} sections (#641) #969 (wyardley)
- allow try_files and index in location resource #966 (wyardley)
- Fix Bug: ensure => absent was not working on nginx::resource::location #965 (artberri)
- fix map.erb to work on Redhat 6 releases #963 (mbelscher)
- Set log directory ownership / permissions explicitly #959 (wyardley)
- Add 'require' for parent dir of upstream, map, and geo configs as wel… #958 (wyardley)
- Add fastcgi_param parameter to vhost resource #956 (xaque208)
- Allow setting $daemon to "on" or "off" (defaults to unset) #955 (wyardley)
- Add upstream_cfg_append (to match prepend) #953 (wyardley)
- fix rubocop failures after rubocop version update #952 (wyardley)
- officially add Ubuntu 1604 support #951 (wyardley)
- docs changes to reflect upcoming changes #949 (wyardley)
- default proxy_redirect to undef in locations (resolves #395) #948 (wyardley)
- Use SSL for nginx APT repository #939 (saz)
- Adds new SSL && protocol specific directives to mailhost setup #769 (dol)
- add $members_tag parameter to nginx::resource::upstream #755 (brunoleon)
v0.5.0 (2016-10-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add "disable_symlinks" option for nginx::config class #847
- Do not re-order parameters in location_custom_cfg alphabetically #828
- how to set large_client_header_buffers ? #737
- Allow and Deny directives... #662
- Passenger Packages for CentOS/RHEL! #633
- Cannot set ip_hash via Hiera #563
- Get more friendly with concat #538
- Multiple listen ip addresses (v4 and/or v6) #515
- Add a custom response header for a location #511
- vhost that binds to 'any host' -> no server_name #506
- fastcgi_param https #492
- cannot create location with only try_files defined #470
- Should fail compilation when default location created for vhost without other required parameters #447
- Windows Support #436
- Any way to specify multiple listening ports? #433
- Add map_hash_bucket_size and map_hash_max_size #429
- Catch all requests with wrong host and return 444 status #261
- Add uwsgi_pass #160
- Global options for ssl ciphers #823 (jkroepke)
Fixed bugs:
- Facter Rspec tests hangs on 2.3.0 #917
- Secure configs for php-fpm/pathinfo #735
- Adding iphash to Upstream has no effect #661
- puppet tries to create vhost before nginx is installed? #610
- Move try_files #736 (jkroepke)
Closed issues:
- remove $configtest_enable parameter, look into nginx::service in general #916
- Location code before server code in ssl_nodes #915
- Warning and refresh even with no configs in the class declaration #905
- log_dir works in vhost context, but not in main context #895
- No require for File: sites-enabled and sites-available folders #894
- Cannot set ssl log paths when overriding access and error logs #893
- Improvement of the hiera-related documentation #892
- sites-enabled on redhat? #889
- acceptance tests with new(ish) Beaker version #882
- Vox Pupuli Elections #871
- RFC: Upstream vs distro packages #863
- secure ssl configuration #859
- Add File Output Preview #846
- Looking for Maintainer #844
- Is this module still "undergoing some structural maintenance"? #809
- 'server {' stanza #792
- /etc/nginx/mime.types file not found #791
- white space #742
- Little help request #733
- Gzip values aren't passed incorrectly to nginx server #718
- location if statement #713
- Allow multiple access_log within server{} ( files + syslog ) #710
- changing upstream and applying configuration does reload or restart? #708
- Location ordering #686
- Parameters for log_format #678
- Package installs yum repo despite manage_repo setting #653
- Multiple Locations #645
- How to insert conditionals into location #617
- proxy_http_version setting #615
- Defining vhosts in Hiera #566
- Default params problem #554
- Hiera lookup #536
- Manage_repo is missing in nginx::config #535
- properties of members of an upstream #475
- main class has no autoindex implementation #229
- Right way to proxy a ssl server? #217
- Root should not be inside location block #142
Merged pull requests:
- Remove duplicate badges #947 (dhoppe)
- Add missing badges #946 (dhoppe)
- Allow vhost ssl cert andn key inheritance from http section #945 (jeffmccune)
- add before => Package['nginx'] on repo absent ensures #944 (wyardley)
- version bump and changelog for 0.5.0 #943 (wyardley)
- Delete .ruby-version #936 (dhoppe)
- Allow mappings to be supplied as array of hashes. #934 (wyardley)
- Fix streamhost support #933 (wyardley)
- Support array as well as string for passenger_pre_start #931 (wyardley)
- Use default ssl_protocols for ssl mailhosts #930 (ekohl)
- add debugging information in error message #928 (wyardley)
- Restore $service_restart, now defaulting to undefined, but now withou… #927 (wyardley)
- uwsgi: allow custom uwsgi_param directives #926 (darken99)
- Deprecate (RHEL 5, Debian 5-6, Ubuntu 10.04) in module metadata #925 (wyardley)
- Add expires directive to location #924 (wyardley)
- Allow location_allow / location_deny as well in location blocks #923 (wyardley)
- Support for proxy_pass_header directive. #922 (gallagherrchris)
- Remove broken configtest_enable option #921 (wyardley)
- Changes mock from mocha to rspec-mock #920 (petems)
- Adds ability to detect modified nginx for fact #913 (petems)
- Revert "Prevent custom fact from complaining when openresty is installed" #912 (wyardley)
- migrate fixtures to github links #910 (bastelfreak)
- SSL cipher changes (issue 859) #909 (wyardley)
- Prevent custom fact from complaining when openresty is installed #908 (wyardley)
- update URL in notice #907 (wyardley)
- 'Require' vhost dir / enable dir in files #906 (wyardley)
- fix for log_dir not being honored (#895) #904 (wyardley)
- switch to voxpup contributer guidelines #901 (wyardley)
- update of #812 (No reasons to manage separate files since confd_purge is available) #900 (wyardley)
- add auth_http_header #898 (tjikkun)
- try to improve spacing in generated configs (Issue #742) #891 (wyardley)
- Allow multiple access / error logs in main config and vhosts, other logging changes #888 (wyardley)
- more test and docs fixes for acceptance tests for CentOS / Passenger #886 (wyardley)
- Configure acceptance tests on docker on travis #885 (3flex)
- remove unmanaged nodesets #884 (3flex)
- Fix acceptance test failures with newer Beaker versions #883 (wyardley)
- Add additional config variables with default values (update of #693) #881 (wyardley)
- add $passenger_pre_start variable #880 (wyardley)
- Add missing stream dirs and create streams from hiera #879 (andybotting)
- Add confd_only option #878 (wyardley)
- add support for passenger on CentOS/RHEL #876 (wyardley)
- [keepalive_requests] added keepalive_requests parameter in nginx.conf #873 (shoeb751)
- Add option http_cfg_prepend #870 (abraham1901)
- Expose the uwsgi_read_timeout parameter #867 (ekohl)
- Allow locations with try_files only #834 (FlorianSW)
v0.4.0 (2016-09-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- add param proxy_buffering #840
- Add vox pupuli's configuration #849 (3flex)
- Add manage_service parameter #817 (iain-buclaw-sociomantic)
- add ssl_verify_client parameter #798 (rchicoli)
- Add support for multiple 'proxy_cache_valid' directives #788 (hbog)
Fixed bugs:
- error with $worker_processes when using parser=future on Puppet 3.7.2 #806
- Unable to resolve current fact #799
- make fact work on old nginx as well #813 (bastelfreak)
Closed issues:
- location_custom_cfg only allows 1 rewrite #861
- 0.3.0 version on puppet forge and github are different. #860
- Resources problem #854
- Passenger Enterprise #848
- SSL-Only Vhost #845
- Tag request #843
- Ubuntu 16.04 - signing key error #839
- Amazon linux fails to comile #837
- Debian package source URL should be overridable. #831
- Debian 8 failure. #830
- How to set gzip variables/parameters #827
- nginx_version fact not confined #814
- duplicate MIME type "text/html" #810
- internal location #808
- add_header doesn't support headers properly #803
- concat::fragment $ensure deprecated #802
- Version inconsistencies ('v' prepended) #801
- How to prevent variable substitution #795
- key and cert are required under SSL #793
- WARNING: The $ensure parameter to concat::fragment is deprecated and has no effect #776
- Concat 2.0 deprecation warnings #759
- duplicate MIME type "text/html" when starting nginx #748
- Setting nginx::config::xxx options in hiera does not work with puppet 4.3 #723
- "You cannot collect exported resources without storeconfigs being set" at manifests/resource/upstream.pp:89:5 #720
- Redirect http to https. #695
- Deprecation warning for parameters #564
Merged pull requests:
- fix version in README #869 (bastelfreak)
- modulesync 0.12.5 & Release 0.4.0 #868 (bastelfreak)
- update test for #864 #866 (3flex)
- Make uwsgi_params non-executable #864 (ekohl)
- Revert "pin rubocop and rubocop-rspec depending on Ruby version" #858 (3flex)
- pin rubocop and rubocop-rspec depending on Ruby version #857 (3flex)
- add proxy_buffering parameter to location & vhost #856 (igalic)
- Merge Request #851 introduced a wrong order of installation #852 (Faffnir)
- Conditionally adding the packages if they are not added previously #851 (Faffnir)
- gemfile: pin json_pure to 2.0.1 or lower on ruby 1.x #842 (3flex)
- Add use_temp_path into proxy_cache_path #841 (Slm0n87)
- fixing issue #837 #838 (ryno75)
- Mitigating Httpoxy #835 (marcofl)
- Remove storeconfigs warning on puppet apply #832 (sorreltree)
- Enhance module metadata #826 (3flex)
- add test for #813 #825 (3flex)
- travis: enhance the configuration #824 (3flex)
- Fix tests #822 (3flex)
- Add ssl_session_tickets and ssl_session_ticket_key parameters #821 (iain-buclaw-sociomantic)
- Fix location template to not add empty line #819 (iain-buclaw-sociomantic)
- Confine nginx_version fact #815 (ekingme)
- Corrected quickstart documentation #811 (frozenfoxx)
- Support for proxy_hide_header directive. #805 (samuelson)
- Resolving issue #803 by adding quotes around the parameters #804 (Spechal)
- bugfix: convert integer strings to integer #778 (vicinus)
- Remove SSLv3 as it is insecure #775 (ghoneycutt)
- Add "satisfy" option to the location section #772 (bernhardjt)
- update catch all vhost example doc #770 (kisst)
- Fixing ruby <-> puppet misconfiguration - warning() should be used in… #768 (mlipiec)
- Allow removal of gzip_types from the config #765 (3flex)
- Supress warnings with concat 2.x #757 (brandonweeks)
- Add events accept mutex delay #747 (mlrobinson)
v0.3.0 (2016-02-06)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Circuler dependency #656
- upgrade to puppetlabs/apt >= 2.0.0 #646
- Invalid parameter: 'key_source' Apt::Source[nginx] at /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/nginx/manifests/package/debian.pp:37 #629
Closed issues:
- Could not retrieve nginx_version: uninitialized constant Facter::Core #758
- README not helping as much as it could to create a reverse proxy #751
- no "managed by puppet" comments #749
- Unable to connect to Upstart Ubuntu 15.10 #734
- manage_repo => false feature is not available #731
- Origin of
invalid parameter "16k"
#730 - add_header for location #729
- Circular dependency when setting daemon_user and super_user #728
- nginx repo key too short #714
- Folders beeing created before the package is installed. #704
- Puppet 4 support? #696
- proxy.conf.erb seems to be missing #694
- Support for GeoIP on Debian? #691
- http2 support #690
- Problem with nginx::resource::vhost and ssl_cert/ssl_key path and permissions (644 for key) #688
- Location ordering #685
- Error: Comparison of: String < Integer, is not possible #684
- Why worker_processes isn't set at processorcount by default? #679
- warning/notice about hiera? #677
- fastcgi.erb doesn't include rewrite_rules. Why? #674
- upstream::member: ensure? #672
- Hiera changes aren't picked up #671
- Wildcard domain #668
- Hiera Variables and return 301. #665
- Misinterpretation of puppet-module-data #663
- Deprecation warning when adding worker_processes through hiera #655
- Invalid parameter options on Apt_key[Add key: 573BFD6B3D8FBC641079A6ABABF5BD827BD9BF62 from Apt::Source nginx] #650
Merged pull requests:
- travis: enable bundler caching in builds #764 (3flex)
- travis: test with strict_variables on puppet 4 #763 (3flex)
- nginx version fact compatibility with Facter 1.7 #762 (alexharv074)
- removed invalid resource parameters from doc #761 (ericsysmin)
- Fix a typo in location_custom_cfg_append description. #756 (xa4a)
- Add nginx_version fact #753 (jyaworski)
- Issue 751 Add an example for a simple reverse proxy to the README #752 (alexharv074)
- Issue_749 Add 'managed by puppet' to config files #750 (alexharv074)
- Remove extra white space #744 (gerases)
- Added locations paramater to use it in hiera. #738 (jkroepke)
- restart replaced with reload in service_spec.rb file #725 (pallavjosh)
- improved location ordering #724 (vicinus)
- Deprecate $proxy_conf_template #715 (3flex)
- Add parameter to allow setting error_log severity level #709 (Phil-Friderici)
- Add unix socket for listening. #707 (werekraken)
- Ensure isn't being respected on locations. #705 (kwolf)
- Http2 support #703 (jhooyberghs)
- Replaced restart by reload #702 (matfra)
- Update vhost proxy_set_header defaults to match location #700 (alext)
- Adding a QuickStart Guide to the NGINX Module #699 (chadothompson)
- Adding support for stream configuration #697 (hopperd)
- Convert $priority to integer before comparison #689 (erikanderson)
- iterate server_name when rewrite_www_to_non_www is used #683 (kronos-pbrideau)
- adding a max_fails parameter to upstream member[s] #675 (vigx)
- Add 'ensure' parameter to resource::upstream::member. #673 (kwolf)
- Update non-hiera usage (see #536) #669 (Hufschmidt)
- Don't qualified call to defined resource type #666 (PierreR)
- vhost: add ssl_buffer_size to SSL config #660 (3flex)
- add remaining gzip directives #659 (3flex)
- sort add_header values for ssl vhost #658 (cgroschupp)
- update default SSL ciphers #652 (pulecp)
v0.2.7 (2015-06-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- SSL Self signed cert #630
- Latest version no longer works on DragonFlyBSD #619
- Support puppetlabs-apt 2.0.0 #611
- Unable to set auth_basic for "alias" location type #600
- Storing SSH Keys and Certs in Hiera #286
- fastcgi location does not support auth_basic #260
- Vhost and loation proxy_cache_key and proxy_cache_use_stale #636 (jacobmw)
- Create directory for log files #635 (geoffgarside)
- SSL updates #623 (3flex)
- travis: test on Puppet 4 for real #613 (3flex)
- package/debian: support puppetlabs-apt 2.0.0 #612 (3flex)
- Switch acceptance tests to Beaker #607 (3flex)
- Add uwsgi support #398 (mvintila)
Fixed bugs:
- Circular dependency in 0.2.3 #609
- redundant "maintenance" code applied to every vhost #602
- Can't have more than 1 password protected location #572
- type reference for create_resources in init.pp using top level namespace causing catalog to fail to compile #550
- Circular Dependency Error When referenced from another module #244
- Require base folder for resources #624 (Tombar)
- location: remove the auth_basic_user_file resource #608 (3flex)
- Include ssl settings in rewrite_www server. #548 (joehillen)
- Prevent missing resource errors if custom configuration is used without default location #545 (SteveMaddison)
Closed issues:
- ssl_cert => 'puppet:///modules/sslkey/wildcard_mydomain.crt' doesn't work after upgrade #638
- Unable to validate module on servers not using it #631
- Support Debian 8 #620
- 'undef' from left operand of 'in' expression is not a string at /etc/puppet/modules/nginx/manifests/params.pp:23 #601
- [WIP] Improve SSL support #599
- ssl vhost gives error #585
- class ::nginx::config has not been evaluated #580
- vagrant vhost files #577
- How to set document root in server block using hiera? #576
- Configure passenger through hiera. #568
- location_custom_cfg not processing in template #567
- SSL issue with rewrite_www_to_non_www parameter #542
- location_custom_cfg_append keeps on refreshing nginx service every puppet run. #503
- Setting up nginx cache, not getting the expected result. #424
- Sendfile not fully configurable #422
- ssl certificates #404
- More thorough documentation #401
- SSL certificate not found #397
- vhost: $rewrite_www_to_non_www #381
- Support internal locations #340
- vhost configuration, www_root and default location #317
- Invalid Relationship File #299
- Add rewrite with if clause to puppet #279
- Allow to use multiple locations in vhost #189
- SSL Cert/Key Template #126
- Subdir for ssl certs #80
Merged pull requests:
- Revert "Require base folder for resources" #643 (3flex)
- Allow better control of http level proxy directives #642 (jd-daniels)
- spec: update upstream_spec for puppetlabs-concat 2 #632 (3flex)
- spec: add some more nginx.conf tests #628 (3flex)
- travis: drop ruby 1.8.7 tests #627 (3flex)
- Fail on lint warnings #626 (3flex)
- remove ensure from concat::fragment as its deprecated #625 (Tombar)
- Add support for Debian 8 #621 (3flex)
- Add passenger_set_header and passenger_env_var parameters for Passenger 5.0+ #618 (mmarod)
- fix docs #616 (cofyc)
- vhost: simplify maintenance variable code #606 (3flex)
- location: move auth_basic directives to header #605 (3flex)
- init: fix create_resources declarations for old puppet versions #604 (3flex)
- metadata: add Puppet version compatibility #598 (3flex)
- gitattributes: add file so all *.pp is recognized as Puppet on Github #597 (3flex)
- package/redhat: correct dependency on package #595 (3flex)
- readme: add Puppet Forge version badge #594 (3flex)
- config: refined worker_processes validation #590 (3flex)
- Fixing default location to use specified index files. #530 (scottsb)
v0.2.6 (2015-04-07)
Closed issues:
- Invalid parameter flags #586
Merged pull requests:
v0.2.5 (2015-04-02)
Closed issues:
- Problem adding if blocks inside a location using location_cfg_append/prepend #308
Merged pull requests:
- Don't allow failures when using the future parser #588 (3flex)
- Rspec puppet 2 #587 (3flex)
- feat (maintenance): allow to specify maintenance behavior. Add docs. #584 (brunoleon)
- Fix possibility to set package name #571 (globin)
- Flags parameter supported only on OpenBSD #569 (Zophar78)
v0.2.4 (2015-03-24)
Merged pull requests:
v0.2.3 (2015-03-23)
Closed issues:
- Support ssl_verify_client #581
- Example hiera configuration doesn't work #558
- Hiera documentation bug #555
- new tag? #547
- Symlink happening after service refresh #541
Merged pull requests:
- Support ssl client verify #582 (jamescarr)
- apt::key: puppetlabs-apt check now the full GPG fingerprints. #579 (sbadia)
- feat: add an easy maintenance page support #578 (brunoleon)
- Prepend to the nginx config block #574 (prachetasp)
- Revert "changed
$::operatingsystemmajrelease to $ ::lsbmajdistrelease for... #565 (jfryman) - Sort fastcgi params to have stable ordering #561 (mlafeldt)
- changed
$::operatingsystemmajrelease to $ ::lsbmajdistrelease for Debian #560 (janschumann) - README: fix hiera nginx_locations example #559 (3flex)
- Set up relationships for nginx::config even when overridden #557 (radford)
- closes #541 (maybe: needs user feedback) #553 (steakknife)
- Allow to use OpenBSD specific service_flags and package_flavors. #552 (buzzdeee)
- sort add_header values for vhost #551 (sbaryakov)
- do www-rewrite with params #549 (paschdan)
- allow listen_ip and ipv6_listen_ip to contain a String or Array #546 (b4ldr)
v0.2.2 (2015-01-19)
Closed issues:
- "worker_connections must be an integer" error #537
- Stub_status #523
- Could not find dependent Exec[concat_/etc/nginx/sites-available/connect.conf] #514
- Proper integer quoting to resolve futureparser issues #512
- Missing semicolons in vhost location footer #498
- Add canary checks for Hiera lookup #463
- Add support for mainline version #450
- unknown directive "passenger_root" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf #427
- Add extras packages? #341
Merged pull requests:
- metadata: require puppetlabs-stdlib 4.2.0 and up #539 (3flex)
- Configurable service name #534 (3flex)
- Gemfile: pin rspec-puppet to 1.x #533 (3flex)
- Sort sub hash keys to have a stable ordering #532 (mbornoz)
- Allow disabling proxy_http_version directive #531 (ckaenzig)
- Update #528 (skoblenick)
- Allow arrays values in http_cfg_append #527 (ese)
- moves rewrite_rules to location_header #526 (paschdan)
- Notify the service after purging configuration files #525 (radford)
- travis: enable container-based builds #524 (3flex)
- Update puppet-lint config #522 (3flex)
- don't ignore lint errors #521 (3flex)
- metadata: add operatingsystem_support #520 (3flex)
- Clean up package classes, allow installing mainline upstream packages #519 (3flex)
- location: fix ensure #517 (radford)
- init: pass parameters when declaring nginx::service #516 (3flex)
- fix a future parser failure introduced by #510 #513 (3flex)
- Fully qualify classes, defines and variables #510 (3flex)
- Add initial OpenBSD support. #507 (frenkel)
- Impossible to set proxy_set_header for default location #467 (invliD)
0.2.1 (2014-11-24)
Closed issues:
- proxy_headers_hash_bucket_size being validated as a string? #505
- CentOS 6.6 Nginx and SELinux Issue #496
- Having difficulty understanding how to use hiera to replace params.pp #494
- Cannot get new Hiera module_data to work correctly #484
- Start tracking actual versions w/ Semantic Versioning #64
- Refactor to params pattern #62
Merged pull requests:
0.2.0 (2014-11-22)
Closed issues:
- operatingsystemmajrelease doesn't exist on Ubuntu with facter < 2.2.0 #497
- Default to running? #488
- Remove support for SSLv3 due to Poodle Attack #478
- rewrite_to_https doesn't use different SSL port numbers correctly (fix included) #477
- templates/vhost/vhost_header.erb last line issue #474
- worker_connections must be integer since 'Introducing Puppet Module Tool' #472
- (maint) metadata.json has wrong license #466
- Upstream requires nginx since 0.0.10 #458
- Centos 7 support? #445
Merged pull requests:
- fix my name #504 (ripienaar)
- Reorganise whitespace in the vhost header and location header/footer. #502 (cewood)
- Rip back out puppet-module-data #501 (jfryman)
- vhost: add a blank line at the end of the header template #490 (vincentbernat)
- Fix tabs and hash rocket alignment. #489 (actown)
- Update default SSL Ciphers #485 (jfryman)
- Use stronger ciphers #483 (ghoneycutt)
- Remove the SSLv3 by default in the vhost resource. #480 (actown)
- Allow internal-only location resources #464 (danieldreier)
0.1.1 (2014-09-25)
Closed issues:
- $worker_connections must be an integer #460
Merged pull requests:
0.1.0 (2014-09-24)
Closed issues:
- Cannot create a location reference without a www_root, proxy, location_alias, fastcgi, stub_status, or location_custom_cfg #446
- (maint) add copyright owner to license file #441
- Invalid parameter ensure on upstream #439
- downgrade concat dependency for wider support #435
- How to install nginx modules? #428
- Hiera does not merge correctly #426
- upstream_cfg_prepend not working for hash keys without values (ip_hash, least_conn) #425
- (maint) Missing metadata.json #419
- CentOS 7 Support #418
- Nginx vhost with php support #416
- Adding new vhosts throws errors #415
- Documentation Error #405
- puppet lint #400
- nx_daemon_user #399
- proxy_hide_header parameter #394
- Fastcgi Params #389
- Option to create directory of locations and vhosts #385
- Release New Version #384
- $location_custom_cfg issues #372
- offer a way to remove default.conf from /etc/nginx/conf.d #333
- regsubst error in resource/location.pp with future parser #322
is not set. #313nginx::params::nx\_events\_use
is not set. #312- Relax or improve the syntax check on proxy_cache_levels #294
Merged pull requests:
- Guard against undef #459 (pradermecker)
- Fix to detect the major release version for redhat/centos 7 #454 (francis826)
- Introducing Puppet Module Data #453 (jfryman)
- (maint) switch from Modulefile to metadata.json #452 (3flex)
- cleanup whitespace and key/value alignment in config files #443 (rabbitt)
- Re-add Gentoo support #440 (jrieger)
- Test with future parser #438 (3flex)
- Removed proxy_cache_valid as default when using proxy_cache option #434 (pablokbs)
- Update maintainers in the Repository #420 (jfryman)
- Enable streaming #413 (zshahan)
- Add Red Hat/CentOS 7 support #412 (3flex)
- Fixed documentation in resource map #410 (jg-development)
- Fix deprecated variable access warning #406 (corycomer)
- Added configuration of custom fastcgi_params [fixes #389] #396 (chaosmail)
- Align index to the rest of template contents #386 (xaque208)
- Correct validation of {proxy,fastcgi}_cache_levels #382 (3flex)
- Convert specs to RSpec 2.99.1 syntax with Transpec #378 (3flex)
- Improve test suite (Travis updates, librarian-puppet removal, better utilize puppet-lint) #377 (3flex)
v0.0.10 (2014-08-13)
Closed issues:
- concat 1.1.0 dependency #393
- Run as different user #392
- Typo in init.pp, global/sites params it refers to are not prefixed with nx_ #375
- Could not find class concat #374
- Arbitrary directives for global and http contexts #361
- #331 fundamentally doesn't work #335
- proxy_connect_timeout #324
- What do you mean ruby 1.8.7 is not working? #309
- autoindex in location.pp does not work #304
- Module fails on ubuntu trusty #303
- Unable to create long temp concat files for long locations #297
- Extra coma on init.pp #291
- conf.d/default.conf is being created #263
- Support map blocks #258
- gzip is not enabled #256
- Service[nginx] seems to have an exec that fails due to being an empty string #242
- Change $service_restart custom command to use "nginx -t" by default #182
- Can I change nx_events_use parameter? #76
Merged pull requests:
- Add FreeBSD Support #376 (xaque208)
- Added owner group and mode parameter. For all users, per sites-available... #373 (alkivi-sas)
- Changed testing variables in init.pp #371 (mr-tron)
- Allow using $http_cfg_append with list of lists #369 (motiejus)
- Change travis to exclude unwanted branches #368 (janorn)
- new raw_prepend / raw_append feature for vhosts & locations #365 (rabbitt)
- allows setting client_body/header_timeout and gzip_types on vhosts #362 (eholzbach)
- $ssl implied by $ssl_only #357 (nalbion)
- Add more spec tests #355 (janorn)
- Add client_body_temp_path and proxy_temp_path to proxy.conf. #354 (janorn)
- Puppet-lint fix. Enclosing variable #353 (hundredacres)
- refactor locations to remove a bit of redundancy #352 (rabbitt)
- add ability to designate location as internal #351 (rabbitt)
- allow override of proxy_redirect = off #350 (eholzbach)
- use 'return' over 'rewrite' #349 (rabbitt)
- Reintegrate voxpupuli#331 (upstream exports/collections) #347 (rabbitt)
- Ability to turn off sendfile #343 (globin)
- Suse packages #342 (globin)
- Change nx_conf_dir to config::conf_dir #339 (janorn)
- Add nginx config dir as a parameter #338 (janorn)
- add ability to define geo and map mappings #337 (rabbitt)
- Revert "Added ngnix::resources::upstream::member" #336 (leepa)
- Fix all rspec tests so they run #334 (leepa)
- Allow format_log in ssl vhosts as well #332 (kimor79)
- Upstream members can be exported and collected #331 (rainopik)
- make ssl listen option configurable #330 (saz)
- Fix validation of events_use parameter #329 (saz)
- Run as unprivileged user #328 (janorn)
- Puppet-lint fixes #327 (hundredacres)
- Make proxy variables configurable via hiera #326 (janorn)
- Sorted all parameters alphabetically in the main nginx class #325 (janorn)
- add option for multi_accept and events_use #323 (saz)
- Fix error message if ssl_cert/ssl_key is not set. #321 (saz)
- Add client_max_body_size to ssl vhost #320 (timmow)
- Enabled undef for service where we dont want puppet control service #319 (zdenekjanda)
- Add Archlinux support #316 (ghost)
- Allow basic_auth for proxy locations and ... #315 (dkerwin)
- Pull request 269 revisited #314 (janorn)
- add location_allow/deny directives for alias and stub_status templates #311 (alexskr)
- Use first server name for non-www redirects to prevent issues with naming of vhosts within defined types. #310 (kalmanolah)
- allow resolvers in non-ssl vhosts #307 (mike-lerch)
- Added support for fastcgi parameters. #306 (mtomic)
- Adding autoindex to location alias #305 (andschwa)
- nginx::package::debian: only include ::apt when needed #302 (yath)
- fix location sanitizing with parser 'future' #301 (yath)
- Introduced log_by_lua and log_by_lua_file params. #300 (hdanes)
- Fix cannot generate tempfile error #298 (pennycoders)
- Stop using $root from upper scopes #296 (radford)
- Fix cert sanitized and add some options #295 (abraham1901)
- Added nginx::resource::mailhost to be configured via hiera #293 (dol)
- Add configuring multiple resolvers via an array instead of a string #290 (pderaaij)
- Add additional config to the locations resource and fix set_header in vhost resource #289 (b4ldr)
- Fixed lint errors #287 (justinhennessy)
- Removing default.conf and example_ssl.conf #285 (seocam)
- allow setting custom priority before and after default SSL priority #284 (CpuID)
- Make proxy_redirect configurable #282 (genehand)
v0.0.9 (2014-03-27)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Remove Deprecation Warnings #283 (jfryman)
- Add allow/deny rules to fastcgi template #281 (globin)
- SmartOS support #280 (ok-devalias)
v0.0.8 (2014-03-20)
Closed issues:
- Bypass proxy for static files #251
- PR #227 breaks setting multiple options of same type with location_cfg_append/location_cfg_prepend #234
- location in vhost generated in wrong place, nginx syntax error #224
- error_page configuration #40
Merged pull requests:
- fix missing ensure on concat::fragment resources #278 (jfroche)
- remove unknown parameter #277 (jfroche)
- Update README.markdown - set minimium ruby version #276 (grooverdan)
- New parameter worker_rlimit_nofile #275 (dkerwin)
- Make template for nginx.conf.erb configurable #272 (DracoBlue)
- Ensure that vhosts are purged with new parameter purge_vhost #271 (zdenekjanda)
- Allow values to be hashes at prepend,append,custom cfg for locations #266 (ese)
- Puppet removes dir only if "force => true" #265 (huandu)
- add service_ensure support #264 (welterde)
- add location_custom_cfg_prepend support #259 (pessoa)
- Bugfix: Add missing gzip parameter #257 (swanke)
- Bugfix autoindex in nginx::resource::vhost #255 (bionix)
- Added vhost ssl prepend and append #254 (cdenneen)
- Allow location_{allow,deny} parameter to be used for proxy locations #253 (fadenb)
- Fix nginx::params deprecation notice #252 (createdbypete)
- Update test to reflect modified template from #171 #250 (fadenb)
- Bugfix for duplicate listen option caused by hardcoded
in template #249 (fadenb) - Avoid creating undef variable #248 (PierreR)
- Added basic support for nginx on Solaris. #247 (janorn)
- Adding client_max_body_size. #246 (thomasbiddle)
- Sort @passenger_cgi_param to make sure generated config file content is stable. #243 (huandu)
- Make gzip configurable #239 (mlandewers)
- remove changelog #238 (3flex)
- workaround missing librarian-puppet-maestrodev dependencies #237 (3flex)
- manifests/conf.pp: fixed a typo in error message. #236 (php-coder)
- added rewrite to location/proxy & vhost #235 (3flex)
- Fixed long names virtual hosts... #233 (abraham1901)
- (Revised Commit) Support for server_names_hash_bucket_size and server_names_hash_max_size #231 (CpuID)
- README updates #230 (3flex)
- Fix multi-line comment indentation #228 (PierreR)
- Validations for all parameters in the public classes #227 (3flex)
- Fix a config error in the last sample in README #226 (huandu)
- Fix index_files ivar warning #225 (chrisdambrosio)
- Add validation for location $priority #223 (3flex)
- Adding upstream fail_timeout. #171 (thomasbiddle)
v0.0.7 (2014-01-02)
Closed issues:
- travis enable #205
- IPv6 SSL Port #198
- (regression) nested server directives when using SSL vhost #186
- new release #180
- Add OracleLinux value to operating system matching in params #176
- Always create new changes after restart #159
- Switch to puppetlabs-concat? #135
- Make SPDY a toggle parameter at declaration #73
- Package conflict on Debian #71
- Add rspec-puppet test coverage to this module #65
- Bug in ipv6 template #30
Merged pull requests:
- Separating the options with a space to avoid invalid one like "ssldefault" #218 (andreyev)
- Fix "invalid byte sequence in UTF-8" errors introduced in #213 #216 (3flex)
- Update tests broken by merging #203 #215 (3flex)
- Fix warning: Variable access via 'index_files' is deprecated. #214 (hdanes)
- Added support for SSL stapling of OCSP responses. #213 (hdanes)
- Add support for Diffie-Hellman (SSL) parameters in VHOST resource. #212 (hdanes)
- Fixed the ability to disable the index_files #211 (abraham1901)
- Bugfix: Fixed location containing '', such as '~ .php$' #210 (abraham1901)
- Bugfix: Fixed long names virtual hosts #209 (abraham1901)
- Add the possibility to add a header to the HTTP response #208 (hdanes)
- provide visibility of Travis status #206 (3flex)
- index_files to be defined at server level if specified in resource::vhost #204 (grooverdan)
- ipv6 port to ssl_port with ssl and spdy (if enabled) options #203 (grooverdan)
- Add proxy_set_header to vhost_ssl_header to be the same as vhost_header #202 (grooverdan)
- Fix for order statements. Concat requires strings #197 (elmerfud)
- Add nginx autoindex to resource nginx::location and style up the nginx::vhost directory template #195 (bionix)
- Add nginx::vhost option 'autoindex' #194 (bionix)
- rspec-puppet 1.0.0 #192 (3flex)
- Rspec tests (and fixes) #188 (3flex)
- Update vhost.pp #184 (abraham1901)
- Update params to account for oracle linux. #183 (drfeelngood)
- (maint) Fix Puppet 3.2.x deprecation warnings #175 (3flex)
- Add support for proxy method and body #170 (arlimus)
- Switch to using concat{} instead of lots of file{} magic. #167 (3flex)
v0.0.6 (2013-10-25)
Closed issues:
- Git merge artifacts left in init.pp #153
- Errors & Fails to set file if location name includes a slash #102
- what's the best way to ensure a certain version of nginx package gets installed #66
- location_cfg_prepend hash keys ignored #49
Merged pull requests:
- Fix upstream_cfg_prepend loop to put every element on a dedicated line #166 (dkerwin)
- Rspec fixes #165 (3flex)
- Validate all arrays #164 (3flex)
- Add Travis config #163 (3flex)
- Regex replace / in resource::vhost #162 (jfryman)
- Fix RHEL installation support #158 (miguno)
- Fix dependency problems with APT repo handling #155 (fpletz)
- Fixing broken merge #154 (narkisr)
- Added example of passenger usage #151 (deric)
- support for nginx passenger debian repositories #145 (deric)
- Added class param to disable YUM repo management on RedHat platforms #144 (rytis)
- Fix stub_status location so it has line breaks. #141 (vrillusions)
- Fix deprecated variable access warning in vhost footer template #140 (alanpearce)
- make proxy_buffers, proxy_buffer_size, client_max_body_size configurable #139 (OmarzT)
- Switch to using puppetlabs-apt #134 (apenney)
- Add basic rspec-system tests. #133 (apenney)
- #66: This commit allows you to set package_ensure in nginx and have that #132 (apenney)
- location_allow and location_deny support. #131 (apenney)
- Use correct port for www rewrite #128 (leoc)
- Fix typo in vhost_header #125 (theospears)
- sort $vhost_cfg_append hash in vhost_footer.erb template #123 (jhoblitt)
- Update README to use syntax highlighting #122 (blkperl)
- Aggregated some PR & tested & simple bug fix & add new option #120 (abraham1901)
- Fix SSL cert and key permissions #119 (tombooth)
v0.0.5 (2013-08-25)
Merged pull requests:
- * Bug fix, remove each_line method #121 (abraham1901)
v0.0.4 (2013-08-22)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- sort $vhost_cfg_append hash in vhost_footer.erb template #115 (jhoblitt)
- Please reconsidere my pull request: Fix syntax "each" for ruby1.9 => each_line and add listen_port on rewrite_www_to_non_www #114 (helldorado)
- Fix the error 'You cannot specify more than one of content, source, target' #109 (vikraman)
- fix template, should use @ #104 (stephenrjohnson)
- update nginx::package to select the package class by $::osfamily #99 (jhoblitt)
v0.0.3 (2013-08-04)
Closed issues:
- hiera resources don't process ssl locations properly #106
Merged pull requests:
- Fix #106 when using wildcard certificate on multiple vhosts #107 (xcompass)
- Some changes have been made #103 (abraham1901)
- auth_basic lines appearing in SSL vhost header when they shouldn't #101 (adambrenecki)
- Fixed RHEL package install and added some fastcgi options #97 (justicel)
v0.0.2 (2013-08-01)
Closed issues:
- UWSGI Proxying #82
- GeoIP package missing in Centos #74
- Convert all true/false to booleans #61
- Need help using the vhost resource #60
- Pull request #53 contains broken vhost.pp #55
- Build a new house #46
- Fix List #45
- Having a issue with hiera #22
- Running from scratch gives error on cat nginx.d/* #20
- Make sure latest stable release of nginx is installed #7
- Ubuntu 10.04 failed to fetch repository bug #3
Merged pull requests:
- Inverted condition for IPv6 warning #98 (mnencia)
- Adding option http_cfg_append to class nginx #96 (abraham1901)
- Add Hiera support #95 (xcompass)
- Remove GeoIP in spec to fix the tests #94 (xcompass)
- Fix undefined method `sort_by' error from vhost_location_empty.erb #93 (xcompass)
- Fix deprecated variable names #92 (leoc)
- Add index_files to location for vhost #90 (michaeltchapman)
- Sort location_custom_cfg hash to prevent random ordering #87 (jamorton)
- Add location priority option #86 (abraham1901)
- Fixed log name and better formatting #85 (abraham1901)
- Added gpgcheck to redhat yum repo configuration. #84 (salekseev)
- Add support for fully custom location configurations. #83 (jamorton)
- Parameter server_tokens of nginx class is actually never used #81 (msiedlarek)
- Changes to SSL and SPDY #77 (igoraj)
- Add server_names_hash_bucket_size param #75 (thaumazein)
- Gentoo support #72 (castiel)
- Removed various puppet-lint warnings and fixed a typo #69 (ghost)
- Push to forge #68 (carlossg)
- Add specs using puppetlabs_spec_helper and librarian-puppet #67 (carlossg)
- Fixing boolean comparisons #63 (zoide)
- Fixed errors and implemented new functions #59 (abraham1901)
- Added composer support #58 (frastel)
- Use official nginx apt repo of stable releases for debian/ubuntu #57 (ktham)
- Pull request #53 contains broken vhost.pp #56 (LeeXGreen)
- Added params for types_hash_max_size and types_hash_bucket_size expected... #54 (squidsoup)
- Added some minor enhancements #53 (hingstarne)
- Stabilize key/value output by sorting hashes on key. #52 (iksteen)
- linting #51 (tjikkun)
- Proxy http version #50 (tjikkun)
- SSL improvements (default ciphers & caching), server_tokens option, and proxy_set_headers for vhosts #48 (buro9)
- Add support for upstream_cfg_prepend #47 (tjikkun)
- more boolean comparison fixes #44 (zoide)
- Ssl fixes #43 (zoide)
- Fixed typo in init.pp #42 (igoraj)
- add support for mail module #41 (tjikkun)
- Amazon Linux support #39 (ryanfitz)
- Add scientific linux support #37 (hunner)
- Add scientific linux support #36 (hunner)
- Add try_files option #35 (hunner)
- Support for SSL only server and SSL defined port #33 (juaningan)
- Fix syntax error in ERB template #32 (lboynton)
- Added listen_options and ipv6_listen_options feature #31 (guzmanbraso)
- Pull feature location cfg #29 (guzmanbraso)
- Feature status locations #28 (guzmanbraso)
- Implementation of new vars configtest_enable and service_restart... #27 (guzmanbraso)
- Allow purge of confd dir as optional argument. #26 (guzmanbraso)
- puppet-nginx refactor to class/arguments #25 (guzmanbraso)
- Fixed error from cat when trying nginx.d/* on nodes without vhosts defined #24 (guzmanbraso)
- Fix issue #22 #23 (guilherme)
- Server name array #19 (lboynton)
- Comparison operations in nginx.conf.erb template look misplaced. #18 (rbolkey)
- Add alias support #17 (lboynton)
- Include stdlib #16 (lboynton)
- add an array parameter to resource::vhost, server_name #15 (dhutty)
- support operatingsystem RedHat #14 (brettporter)
- This is part of patch-1! #13 (drdla)
- This is part of patch-1! #12 (drdla)
- Add parameter to rewrite www to non-www #11 (drdla)
- Fixed typo (missing , at end of line) #10 (drdla)
- removed remainder of merge conflict #9 (drdla)
- Fixed typo (missing , at end of line) #8 (drdla)
- Fix small typo in variable name #4 (luxflux)
- Fixed broken README markdown. #1 (Frost)
show (2011-06-07)
v0.0.1 (2011-06-07)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator