- Build with tsc & abc
- Webpack5
- Remove cache-loader
- Upgrade
- ModuleFederationPlugin
autofix (cache-loader)autofix (pnp-loader)
- block by vue-loader & webpack 5
- fix bugs with html-webpack-plugin@^4.0.0-beta.11
- helper command
- fix prerender plugin with webpack 5
- wds message
- notifier logo & texts
- logger auto line
- asynv chunk number: -> id | name
- cors &
integrityoption support -
integrity has bug with preloadIntegrity - prerender option e.g. wait
- OptimizeCSSAssetsPlugin
- extractOptions (duplicates) & OptimizeCSSAssetsPlugin (map) so
- server prod optimize (max chunk length = 1)
- analyze support options
- babel config
- prerender with ssr
- bin script
- jest support (example)
- mocha support (example) & webpack.config.js interface with root
- ssr app.template.html copy to dist & default build spa.html
- [WIP] html (cors/ext/preload/prefetch) option
- modern support
- init script
- server boundle
FYI - server boundle async to html FYI
- Meta (vue-meta?)
- universal 404 context
- universal cache
component -
component -