layout | title |
contribute |
Contributing to Foreman |
The Foreman is an open-source project that's licensed under the GNU Public License version 3. Contributions of all types are gladly accepted!
These types of tasks generally require a familiarity with Ruby (on Rails) development or RPM/Debian packaging. If you are still new to Rails, community members can help you if you get stuck with something or have any other questions.
You will need to download a copy of the current development-code. The official code repository is located on Github.
** Please note that there are two important branches:**
- Master - latest stable release code
- Develop - new features and bug fixes
Master is frozen between major releases.
First, make sure you are a member of the Foreman Developers mailing list.
Patches to fix bugs or add new features are always appreciated. If you are going to work on a specific issue, make a note in the issue details so the developers will know what you're working on.
We try to keep a one commit per bug/feature policy, please try to create an issue which is specific for your patch details.
Please make sure there is a Redmine issue open for the change you are going to submit, as you will want to reference it in your commit message; this is very helpful when generating release notes.
Fork theforeman/foreman to a personal github account. This will create a "foreman" repo under your Github username.
Clone the fork you just created to your development system:
git clone<username>/foreman.git
Reference theforeman/foreman as upstream:
cd foreman
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
Create a feature/topic branch
git checkout -b <branchName>
- Example: git checkout -b 1656-add_TB_support
Make changes and commit. Please reference the Redmine issue this commit addresses via "refs" or "fixes" #issueid in the commit message.
git add <modifiedFile(s)>; git commit -m 'fixes #<bug> <message>'
Push topic branch to your fork:
git push origin <branchName>
- Example: git push origin 1656-add_TB_support
Once you have followed this process once, it becomes much simpler to add future patches!
Merge upstream develop to local develop
- git fetch upstream
- git checkout develop
- git merge upstream/develop develop
- git push origin develop
Now follow step 4 to the end from above.
These don't require any software development experience, just some time and the desire to help.
Helping out other users in the "Forums" is always useful. Frequent problems or questions should be brought up so the wiki can be updated to help future users.
Testing is also very welcome, for any issue encountered, please open a bug / feature request.
Sometimes issues are reported without all the information needed by a developer. Getting the details of the bug or feature from the reporter and the community will help everyone understand what is needed. Our issue tracker can be found here:
Foreman has a very basic design and user interface. Any improvements to it including new themes, skinning, or interface adjustments could help every user.