All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
4.6.0 (2025-02-14)
- scroll to annotation item when clicked in text (e563a3d)
- display primary color on annotation icons in text (5f0cca5)
- nested metadata display (#570) (7610196)
- remove unused (28851c8)
4.5.2 (2025-02-10)
- check whether 'translations' object and 'lang' are defined in custom config (a77b600)
4.5.1 (2025-02-06)
4.5.0 (2025-01-31)
- add flexible order of entries in metadata panel (#551) (527c8d5)
- handle and display multiple witnesses per variant annotation item (02d2dfe)
4.4.0 (2025-01-09)
- add "width" as config option, panels have now a default width and overflow horizontally, update mobile panel design to be full width (df4aa17)
- add a share copy button which copies citation value to clipboard (#530) (b697eba)
- change language display label (606d148)
- don't change value of nav button labels when new item has not loaded yet (34d9e07)
4.3.1 (2024-11-11)
- truncate and add ellipses for long witnesses (#520) (55a840c)
- update the variants list according to witnesses selection when disabling single select mode (b9bd8eb)
4.3.0 (2024-11-06)
- change the logic of showing the message box in annotations list (936c1e8)
- make the witnesses wrapper with flex-wrap css prop (26f9ec2)
- use inline-flex for witnesses wrapper to be in text flow (272bfa7)
4.2.0 (2024-10-30)
- add active variants details popup (c4b9087)
- add single select mode (f337847)
- add variant item selection/deselection (#459) (031d827)
- add variants top bar to filter by witnesses, refactor all into VariantsView (a9e99a1)
- display a list of variants objects in a new Variant view (671ae74)
- display all targets with their respective variants in variants details popup (a6b44c6)
- implement selecting/deselecting an annotated text (#460) (9c203e3)
- add font family for witness chip (0c59e1e)
- allocate witness colours after annotations are loaded for each item + add a test (#509) (0b663b6)
- change the highlight of the target only if target is not null and add a test (#512) (2531500)
- grow the panel content height to its parent height size (#497) (2bd4ed0)
- hide variants details button when no v.item is selected (21645d6)
- remove bug in addWitness() when target is the only child element, add checks for null/array length, make cleaner the functions in annotations.js related to variants (14263e5)
- remove bug in addWitnesses() when target is the only child element (e194ffc)
- remove bug in allocateWitnessColorInVariantItem() when witnesses is undefined (d48a87a)
- remove bug when clicking at a target and adding a new active annotation even if it is a not variant annotation (1943dc4)
- remove selectAll from VariantsView (ae9eb0d)
- resolve issues with highlighting and panel actions when switching annotation tabs (#486) (fc99523)
- select/deselect the variant items which align with witnesses drop down selection and add tests (#506) (6d018db)
- show separation line correctly + add a test (#513) (9d4b9e3)
- update caret position in tree (229cb4a)
- update witness design (d2e7699)
- add VariantList component to manage variants (825c92b)
- remove an unused variable (6ff1bb7)
- remove temporarily the 'witness details' and 'variants details' buttons (623c812)
- remove unused (b452f91)
- rewrite the class name of 'selected' state (8ab9189)
- separate the single select mode test into multiple small tests (39f8b71)
- use each variant item as separate annotation item (ff9ae20)
- update (03b5f14)
4.1.1 (2024-10-16)
- update panel height on mobile screen (67323ae)
4.1.0 (2024-10-16)
- add font sizes (default, min and max) as configurable (#478) (6983d7e)
- make 'item' label in Header configurable (65e204d)
- make the header nav buttons text configurable (#476) (5987dbe)
- display all collectors' names and add a test for this (#472) (c6b1ebe)
- restrict the maximum height of panel to 500px (292dfde)
- show panels toggle 'Reset' button text color as primary color (e2d9517)
- show the panels toggle menu aligned vertically with the toggle button on small screen (61a465c)
- support is optional (d54b6f7)
- add linting fixes (6bfa91f)
4.0.6 (2024-08-21)
4.0.5 (2024-08-21)
- move the pinia instance to Tido function for local usage (8861fa2)
4.0.4 (2024-07-17)
- add list of icons in README (8c10358)
- remove error when annotations are null (#454) (0d3c566)
- show inline annotation icons in text again (a0a5ca4)
- update icons config in GFL example (6761eed)
4.0.3 (2024-07-12)
4.0.2 (2024-06-19)
- update mobile styles (90b3464)
4.0.1 (2024-06-13)
4.0.0 (2024-06-12)
- drop Quasar framework and introduce TailwindCSS + Primevue components
- introduce new bookmarking format to create human readable URLs
- add setTheme TIDO method (c425099)
- drop Quasar framework and introduce TailwindCSS + Primevue components (526db87)
- introduce new bookmarking format to create human readable URLs (8ded62b)
- stop leaking Tailwind's preflight styles to global HTML (4ecc839)
- Display configurable labels again (2a22dc1)
- fix second title bar line break (2bb5617)
- keep tabs visible in panel at loading (96774b2)
- set correct attribute at force switching a theme from config (f7b692b)
- show nested metadata & improve its styling (7e7dc63)
- update only the "tido" during bookmarking and leave other GET params (adc032a)
- update styles for better embedding (d4c38e1)
- a few 'metadata' and the 'annotation' components to Typescript (#1) (75e04b2)
- convert CollectionMetadata component to Typescript (9ee9d11)
- ItemMetadata.vue, ManifestMetadata.vue, MetadataItem.vue to Typescript (ad648d2)
- now use 'annotations Pinia store' and remove the 'Vuex anno… (#10) (5db0053)
- the 'base' and a few 'header' components (#6) (49274d2)
- the remaining 'header' and the a few 'panels' components (0753947)
- update .versionrc (23058b5)
- use 'config' Pinia store - drop the usage of 'config' Vuex module (#4) (44f535f)
- use 'contents' Pinia store (#10) (3bdd435)
3.3.0 (2024-03-01)
- Annotations target as Array (57a55f8)
- disable option to switch off all panels (e067420)
- scroll to highlighted annotation in text when selected (265b6f8)
- update e2e test (f30f282)
- convert all components to composition API (923a185)
- add TextAPI support table (a843a61)
3.2.2 (2023-09-21)
- update GFL example config (e0ea920)
3.2.1 (2023-07-12)
- adapt to role array instead of string and show first element (af9ed9c)
3.2.0 (2023-04-24)
- add Actor display in metadata (e7c29ba)
- add colors forceMode config option (dfb0d8b)
- add lazy loading for items in tree (9abd7c5)
- disabled tooltip on annotation hover in text (unclear reqs) (c64acd1)
- scroll annotation into view when selecting in text (5f2342a)
- remove annotationCollection and annotationPage keys at API responses, minor refactorings (798920d)
- load support fonts as injected style tag instead FontFace API (a222c22)
- get support files manifest init (2d89d69)
- add #app to postcss exclude config (bb9d67a)
- add null check to isElementVisible (110b453)
- avoid aborting loading process when annotation items are empty (5bd8005)
- jumping back to selected item in tree when expanding other manifests (bf9835a)
- README anchor (8032855)
- remove infinite loading spinner when Openseadragon fails to open an image and display error message instead (29fa6a2)
- remove URL parsing in metadata value (b6833ae)
- set default container in config (075d9e9)
- text highlighting in dark mode (c7d93ea)
- tree margins (b270eb7)
- update set highlighting and loading order (75e11a4)
- update Cypress (204ef3d)
- add view class to each view component (27d93dc)
- rename components according to recommendations (80491b5)
- update code style (b6773c9)
- restructure mock API with latest Ahiqar data and fix e2e tests (e8c574c)
3.1.0 (2023-01-18)
- add colors forceMode config option (dfb0d8b)
- tree margins (b270eb7)
3.0.2 (2023-01-17)
- info dialog display (368c658)
- remove URL validation from entrypoints (able to pass paths again) (3b3537d)
- use .tido instead of #tido (c42a637)
3.0.1 (2023-01-16)
3.0.0 (2023-01-11)
- rework the config so panels hold their views and the required settings inside
- implement embedding
- add "zero config" behaviour, add default config with initial panels setup, load collection, manifest or item from url (44a433e)
- add Axios for http service, remove unused utils and mixins, (113a90e)
- add default manifest label at tree (069b035)
- add index util (67c657b)
- add new panels rendering that renders views as tabs and dynamic panel actions (2dbecd5)
- add scrollbar styles, minor design updates (af15324)
- design update (4af7c85)
- import only used icons to reduce bundle size and provide config option to define annotation icons as url (7f68a79)
- implement TIDO instance for embedding into other projects and code refactors. (ce613aa)
- refactor bookmark service to work only with URL updates (ee57456)
- remove tabs from annotations view component and display only the list, update interactions with the content view (bd9244e)
- remove tabs from content view component and display only the text (dc62cbf)
- remove themes feature (cbad4a4)
- rework the config so panels hold their views and the required settings inside (a599ec3)
- move hover listeners to content (c987eca)
- update header design, add dark mode button, refactor panel toggles to use Quasar checkboxes (57e95d4)
- update metadata view, use only MetadataItem to display the values (798c630)
- update panel spacings (89de13f)
- update primary color (f0941af)
- update translations, use only this_format for TIDO strings and provide custom translations from the config (f9e7c67)
- update tree view to work more with internal comp state (6c4503c)
- dark mode nav buttons primary, svg index underline (5aedfb8)
- discover first content type if no config is present (f1bb8a7)
- highlighting all annotation when switching tab (f86e4fc)
- main loading spinner (bfbfe13)
- main view layout (6806fbc)
- mobile panel styles (cb334ea)
- omit tree selection when the item url is equal active item url in state (0af84c7)
- remove border from annotation icons in text (b88572a)
- remove color transition in annotation items (58dbd57)
- remove color transition in labels (c032090)
- safari display (da26acc)
- set body font to 16px (f52217e)
- set content type (d7e04c6)
- tests (2ed2cc4)
- tree scroll into view (f4cde78)
- update dark mode annotation highlighting (843a1ba)
- update tabs label typography (7b14a0c)
- export router instance (73b7109)
- clean up (f54afa9)
- minor design updates to Loading and Color (2e33fd6)
- update code style (dc7cd23)
- update examples (97c2dc5)
- update index page with new config (44f3748)
- update quasar config (2878fee)
- add config menu to examples (9d9784b)
- add tido.css to examples (7d40268)
- remove unused CI scripts (262b8b3)
- remove unused index template. (343a35a)
- remove unused packages (2dab9df)
- set nvm version to 16 (bf7e49b)
- update config menu (0e764fc)
- update dependencies (b35e97f)
- use mock API server for e2e tests; add tree, metadata, panel, header tests and update existing to new features; execute all with "start-server-and-test" command (40e417e)
- moved config-tester to examples folder, deploys to {branch_name}/examples/{example_name}.html (2be3a40)
- run build on every branch, run e2e tests on all except main (9e82093)
- update pipeline with new e2e tests (1714797)
- use the same build for every stage, add stop_env stage (32d5154)
- run build at serve prod (be24c5b)
- update responsive design (674a20b)
- update README (d7773c3)
2.5.2 (2022-09-15)
- fix annotation test (1a88e36)
2.5.1 (2022-09-13)
- remove unused code (3645265)
- rename some variable names (6d652ad)
- use dedicated methods to update content and annotations at bookmarking (7893e51)
2.5.0 (2022-09-05)
- Bookmarking - Implement bookmark functionality for Panels and Tabs. (866cb0d)
- release: 2.4.1 (5e53d0a)
2.4.1 (2022-08-30)
- manifest URL comparison (913a47c)
2.4.0 (2022-07-13)
- Implement user notification when no entrypoint is set/ empty sate. (91d6e0d)
2.3.0 (2022-06-28)
- Summary term when multiple parameters are passed through search. (569bc0a)
- update metadata styles (5f56563)
2.2.4 (2022-06-21)
- added a handler to display spinner until image loads. (4a635a9)
- collection title color (7e46b44)
- color switch tool (f340ae3)
- colors setting from config (2ff77b7)
- header colors (27f28ab)
- deploy old develop and main artifacts only on other branches (f98418a)
2.2.3 (2022-06-07)
- ensure autonomous loading of panel components (0f4d443)
- Implementation of Cypress E2E with minor test cases. (5b21a43)
- remove entrypoint. (fa97aa7)
2.2.2 (2022-05-17)
- remove tweak build from npm scripts (8f28fbc)
2.2.1 (2022-05-17)
- script changes to release package. (d2b638d)
- remove and create files with Quasar build (4dc3d44)
2.2.0 (2022-05-12)
- upgrade quasar and vue version, code refactors accordingly. (16707af)
- add a script to export version. (43886ac)
- add directory property to config (eec385f)
- click event on tree open or collapse (b9b826d)
- displaying of version on info. (101c0c5)
- reverting node version in package file (7522058)
- scroll behavior for text and annotation panel, removed quasar conf file. (250dee8)
- update README (42d38e0)
- add collapsing to config tester (6f39b31)
- fix config tester active buttons (600b00f)
- improve config-tester reusability, add Ahiqar Arabic-Karshuni (54b8088)
- remove clean stage (14a512e)
- importing package file to receive version update. (7e22f58)
- remove entry point. (c546226)
2.1.0 (2022-05-02)
- add cursor pointer on text hover (318f9cd)
- add deselecting (b1a3c79)
- enforce select/deselect on text click for all nested annotations (53a263f)
- implement text click to highlight all corresponding annotations (0d0c99a), closes #365
- check if clicked text appears in annotations tab (8f7919a)
- range selector hightlighting and get a valid click target at text (7e0a118)
- set highlight level recursively at selecting annotation (41298f1)
- tab highligh when switched between manifests (662c9be)
- tooltip display (052bc4e)
- add ESLint rule (d8abe60)
- add config tester overlay for Gitlab Pages and restructure scripts (02b01a8)
- fix entrypoint issue for branches (7308e4a)
- fix setting main endpoint for Gitlab Pages (e2cf88e)
- remove entry point (16eb30f)
- remove entry point (3a23e8c)
2.0.1 (2022-04-14)
- cache implementation to reduce store actions (79dab64)
- build and deploy only to GitLab Pages but use Ahiqar dev endpoint (222702c)
- remove entry point (b4944c6)
2.0.0 (2022-04-12)
- We expect now an annotation target object from the AnnotationAPI that can result in a valid CSS selector. If the target does not provide either a CssSelector or RangeSelector objects, we fallback to build a CSS selector from that.
- use CSS selectors for text highlighting (e656069)
- update the content on manifests change and tree arrow error (92f74c0)
- watch logic to update the state (f712f7c)
1.26.0 (2022-03-29)
- implementing stores for tree and text panel and Refactoring config (3126969)
- fix unit tests with new comp names (d233a8f)
- moving panels to stores and refactor panels mixin file (fc42b5e)
- rename component and remove obsolete code (05aa1e4)
- rename components according to style guide (0519ee5)
1.25.0 (2022-03-02)
- render metadata objects recursively as lists (4c1b9bf)
1.24.3 (2022-01-31)
- highlight of annotations on dev instances (b667396)
- remove entry point (3503227)
1.24.2 (2022-01-27)
- font styles in text panel (1255bd6)
- update readme file and add missing documentation (20db0bc)
- remove annotation mixin (4cd56be)
- remove obsolete file (6df91e9)
- upgrade to OpenSeaDragon 3 (b24777b)
- implementing stores and code refactor accordingly (1969b2c)
- remove redundant usage of import statements (764c350)
1.24.1 (2021-11-15)
- fix the annotation display value (2b7d583)
- remove entry point (328ba8e)
- edit display of link for gfl requirement (b34ae9d)
1.24.0 (2021-11-02)
- setting default text panel tab to Edierter text (19d60ff)
- remove entry point (8faa97e)
1.23.0 (2021-11-02)
- adding a new tab related to enlaeterung (21664ad)
- sort order of annotation list from backend (d5a4e4a)
- add missing colon (ed28000)
- remove indentation if there is no index for annotations and update readme (15bf470)
- update index.html and readME files (c20a9f8)
- update logic to display erlauterung for text (9481aea)
- update logic to display notes and notification message (dc2e175)
1.22.0 (2021-10-25)
- text panel error message notification (89753ef)
- third party application short notation the bookmarking doesn't open to exact shared sheet (09c012e)
- addressing review comments (b355fa2)
- display project specific styling in annotation panel (deb9b24)
- hide collection and manuscript title when tido loads with singel manuscript (0c696aa)
- removing extra condition for loading spinner (e447d7a)
- remove entry point (ada8b18)
- remove entry point (c4c0dc9)
- remove entry point (1732334)
- remove entry point (d00c90e)
1.21.0 (2021-10-12)
- dark mode contrast issues (d6c723d)
- dark mode contrast issues with text highlighting (0a29094)
- header responsiveness (8c9c7a6)
- header responsivness (17424e3)
- options index displayed in it's respectie annotation panel when changed position (05506a8)
- panels responsivness (024a060)
- addressing review comments (c142edd)
- addressing review comments (ef6cfe2)
- check if annotation is active (74ab1d8)
- renamed class name (2e173b1)
- remove entry point (43cfa0b)
- remove entry point (2417212)
- remove entry point (580083b)
- remove entry point (3d3e562)
- remove entry point (50352df)
1.20.1 (2021-10-05)
- addressing review comments (ede90bf)
- addressing review comments (c9d41e3)
- default language change when the language switch is turned off (aea97e8)
- make project header configurable (49dff10)
- modify translations according to suggestions (fa59dc2)
- rename according to new changes (c142b3f)
1.20.0 (2021-09-24)
- add new error strings for images (ee1d5e6), closes #339
- add second image error message type (07f5268)
1.19.2 (2021-09-20)
- check if image key is present at API response (8427dc8)
1.19.1 (2021-09-17)
- addressing review comments (50d4c5f)
- anchoring manifest title to top (c59f273)
- remove redundant value (1bd6dfe)
- remove unnecessary code and modify styles (3a3cc94)
1.19.0 (2021-09-09)
- adding a method to get page numbers navigating from search (3eefaf5)
1.18.0 (2021-08-31)
- displaying error message for images when there is no vpn (39e7461)
- implement config option for the language switch (91add1c)
- make the theme switch toggleable (72326cf)
- when changing sheet the selected tab remains open (b263c29)
- displaying tido with single manifest (b92a445)
- hover over tooltip for outer spans and it's selected text (b455cf4)
- revert the conf option in regards to the review comment (2d14d59), closes /
- just syntax fixes according to linter (f727765)
- delete the footer component (according to review) (c12f581), closes /
- merge latest changes from develop (8b0c87d)
- set default value to
- modified title according to stake holders requirement (73edc36)
- adding a comment to function (5c74208)
- delete legacy code (standalone) as agreed upon in today's refinement (26071d5)
- switch off the color theme toggle. it's already configurable via index file (fbcc6c8)
- updated color check method and refactored display of list item (00d44e4)
- remove entry point (3802c0e)
- remove entry point (5ce146f)
- remove entry point (24406ae)
- remove entry point (0eb94db)
- remove entry point (bb23eee)
- remove entry point (8dbca9c)
- remove entry point (de6bd9a)
1.17.0 (2021-08-20)
- display nested motifs and refactors of current logic (ce38ae6)
- implementing hover over text to know which annotation it belongs to (255907b)
- scrolling text into view when an annotation is selected (23d0e9d)
- color for tab title and separator line in text panel (3cb3589)
- remove obsolete space before the colon (d90c938)
- search result list bug fix (0924dbd)
- improve styling of annotations info hover (9a9dbaa)
- improve tool tip content formatting (ec5b798)
- just minor formatting (01e247b)
- add icons to the start of annotation in text panel (0c12a55)
- addressing review comments (fa686eb)
- addressing review comments (c5346ab)
- appearance of annotation references tooltip (dbfaf94)
- delete project specific code (f23ef89)
- display tooltip when there is a selected item in annotation list, address review comments (c70e5f7)
- minor method add according to the data changes (b08d1ed)
- remove obsolete code (4e86c8e)
- renamed according to review comments (00736ca)
- update logic to hove according to the new data changes (0e8eb82)
- updated to display nested values in tooltip (f6e6a50)
- merge branch 'develop' into feat/#318-text-scroll-into-view (21a4f3b)
- merge branch 'develop' into issue/nested-motif-refactor (4384015)
- remove obsolete code (9c26edd)
1.16.1 (2021-08-03)
- navigating from search breadcrumb to website (902354f)
1.16.0 (2021-07-28)
- implementing of search in header and navigating to home or search page accordingly (7456a18)
- new domain urls (e9b5a0b)
- provide one more zoom lvl in text panel (36c4535), closes #316
1.15.0 (2021-07-21)
- implementation of loading in annotation panel (41e9596)
- make notification component configurable (72620bd)
- disable/not be clickable when there is only one tab (54b5a8a)
- remove marks in text panel if annotations panel is not visible (bb3341c)
- typo changes (3aa047c)
- add colors to config, updated readme (afb88a9)
- addressing review comments and renaming (5c5d6df)
- remove absolete code (8b1c241)
- remove prop passing and using state (58dd2d8)
- rename according to review comments (e70531c)
- remove entry point (ce25915)
- remove entry point (d2e86af)
- remove entry point (4edf4b8)
- remove entry point (497ec85)
1.14.0 (2021-07-07)
- add project header (wip) (246928a)
- add search indicator to project header (c4e3276)
- adding links in header to navigate and refactor (8d35274)
- annotations to display default order by appearance (a9197c7)
- highlight nested motifs that span over several lines in text panel (5774ce0)
- implementation of bookmarking in default view (590e284)
- provide translations for the header breadcrumbs (3ee6403)
- improve project header breadcrumb (ac18c79)
- add entrypoint for merge development purpose (2afa8da)
- merge branch 'develop' into issue/projectheader (426e4ac)
- adding comments and renaming (7ea7317)
- list highlight options (ef057d8)
- minor code improvement to separators in project header (ddbf2e2)
- moved dom manipulation logic into mixin file (171b784)
- remove obsolete code (7ef25ef)
- remove search breadcrumb and refactor styles, renames (af4248b)
- renaming and addressing the review comments (fbceafa)
- remove entry point (f5721b5)
- remove entry point (1d5efe2)
- remove entry point (8ae5732)
- remove entry point (5028bff)
1.13.0 (2021-06-24)
- display font provided by support object (cf37200)
- in- or decrease the fontsize in the text panel on click (139220a)
- move build script to new folder to keep the dir root clean/er (94044fa)
- revert config to original state (eec6bb3)
- switch title toggle to true on init (a533f92)
- adding font family to annotation list (e192e8a)
- addressing review comment (d596c0d)
- change fontsize units from em to px according to the revie proposal (2465db1), closes /
- disable buttons whenever the fontsize exceeds the limits defined (5abadc5), closes /
- display tabs accordingly when there are two text types (e30c705)
- group the tools (language, sw-info, colors) into a single component (b993155)
- rename infobar to titlebar, update README and adjust the code appropriately (fab89b3), closes /
- rename qviewer to tido (405330d)
- remove entry point (43cb411)
- remove entry point (11f566e)
- remove entry point (aeae435)
- remove entry point (ed943b5)
- use node 12 instead of latest for Docker (61b0499)
1.12.0 (2021-06-17)
- add padding to list not to overlap with FAB (0db4c91)
- fab with highlight all/none (463333d)
- fab with highlight all/none (3ad837f), closes #158
- implement motifs tab in annotations (f64e38a)
- styled fab (1aaeb65)
- closes #275 by resetting the toggle state on text panel update (6c6d888)
- highlight all or none in respective tab (2dae09e)
- last element not cut off anymore and list is scrollable (766d4a4)
- provide scroll area to scroll the list of annotaions wheever it excedd it's viewport (fba060c)
- accent color for floating action button annotations panel (183ca40), closes #282
- adopt the styling from the text panel (content.vue) (e16bed7)
- basic "style" (fix typo) (afaa1fc)
- changed color style to use quasar variable (24b230d)
- improve index spacing of annotations in text panel (d4ffdb8)
- improve var name (7bea027)
- introduce new folder for several annotation components (8cf0e2f)
- addressing review comments (55d865b)
- annotation tabs have to be generic (dcaad91)
- highlight all or none code refactor (469e825)
- improve maintainability due to modularization (594a26e)
- improvement: split the template into it's main parts (annotationlist) (a44038d)
- logic to add text class names (5f9e3d8)
- provide a template for the upcoming annotation toggles to be treated in #271 (39a10d1)
- provide new component "annotationlist" (9190f9e)
- remove obsolete code (28b9412)
- renamed prop and added i18n to tab titles (968ea86)
- show notification if annotations aren't available (fcff762)
- wrap text elements to if condition (1d62df8)
- add docs about stages [skip ci] (e775784)
- extend docs for ci scripts (65c3b9d)
- update README according to the changes in the congig object (289ad26)
- update README in regards to annotation type configuration (3e7d78e)
- updated read me (86ad976)
- used suggested translation (e42d087)
- remove entry point (2a7b302)
- remove entry point (27d5fc4)
- remove entry point (aabf429)
- remove entry point (bfff14a)
- remove entry point (579b690)
- remove entry point (f722a02)
- remove entry point (32d1ac8)
- remove entry point (f6ec55e)
- remove entry point (cdf6950)
- add entrypoint for dev (888025b)
- merge branch 'develop' into feature/#272-annotation-motifs (3596ab8)
- merge develop (ecceda5)
- relabel toggle buttons (0a1df8c)
- remove obsolete style block (b1a9996)
- typo (3ef43aa)
- wIP: try to tackle last list item which is still cut off (89e018c)
1.11.0 (2021-06-01)
- annotation panel shows annotation about current text type (e6a3602)
- default not highlight anything (29155db)
- implement links functionality in annotations panel (385244d)
- to display a notification message if there are no annotations (9482003)
- refactored the logic of updating the annotations according to text types (0b35918)
- adjust index size of annotations in text panel (fe55b46)
- adjust padding in tree view (9ce0393), closes #255
- clean up panel toggles style (df3fec1), closes #258
- mark annotations in text panel (b2bc222)
- save space in annotations list (72a1b7d), closes #261
- adding explanation about linting exception (045f616)
- updated text according to review comments (f102078)
- changed notification title (e684c2d)
- move misc icons when header string is deactivated (a56ec22), closes #264
- refactor smallcaps css (3e7959f), closes #259
- refactor TogglePanels (45fbe13)
- updated style and added language change (b85828a)
- updated text style according to review comments (7e6a20d)
- used camel cases (cb73038)
- merge 'develop' into feature/#237-annotation-links (61d3cd4)
- merge branch 'develop' into feature/#257-notifications (dd589fc)
- remove entry point (0142122)
- remove entry point (3c63129)
- remove entry point (4cdaefc)
- remove entry point (0621347)
- remove entry point (5e9afc2)
1.10.0 (2021-05-12)
- implement multilanguage-German, add tranlsation, config (83e62c8)
- add tranlation for sheet and addressing review comments (007d7e0)
- add tranlation for title (c8209a1)
- changed de to genaral way and added statement to readme (c3cabff)
- fix translation to icons in image panel and added parameter to make default lang (7b4bdb8)
- renamed copyright (ccf2190)
- consistent border radius for hover items and alike (40db4bc)
- make tabs in various panel look the same (9cfa574)
- panel title style polishing (99ce6d6)
- style links in metadata and similar places (3613876)
- style links in metadata more like Quasar likes to do it (80f9295)
- add entry point for testing (b872a41)
- add tracing (252d8fd)
- only add new directory to artifact if build isn't canceled (5dab803)
- remove entry point (0e1fd14)
- remove entry point (09389b3)
1.9.0 (2021-05-03)
- add annotation highlight to text panel (a17bd7c)
- add basic configuration for annotation panel (8a6239c)
- add empty annotation panel (9996d92)
- add icons to annotation list (483b771)
- allow 2 and 4 px values in CSS (8cbdba1)
- completely added annotations panel (91864dc)
- configure to show either of the panel toggles (ccec6d2)
- create reusable urls component and implementing links in Metadata panel (0d809e9)
- getter for multiple html content serializations (8ba887d)
- harmonize object keys (4bd9dc1)
- move annotation data handling to component (29fa9b5)
- prepare getter for annotations (9db4bde)
- remove getter for annotation body text (7325b1a)
- adjust panels and display content according to screen size (6e77418)
- css syntax (00aea79)
- make annotation list full-width (08da9fe)
- no-console (c2157b6)
- overflow added in mainview (a1e64d6)
- overflow/scroll bar issue (3bc1475)
- set scroll bar at treeview (bcb0ee9)
- syntax (ffaea9e)
- typo (5489f23)
- re-introduce drop-down for panel toggle (861467a)
- Revert "refactor: moved drop-down logic to same component" (072762b)
- add entry point for testing purposes (7deaa3e)
- add no-padding (8dcb61a)
- added a style class in metadata panel (a55825b)
- adjust index colors in header (323d5f9)
- don't use CSS style (6035fb7)
- reposition icons in header (a195f90)
- save space in metadata panel (45581fd)
- save space in tree panel (0cc9115)
- hide the reset button when TIDO is configured to not show any toggle at all (2ae93e9)
- switch to quasar color class names (d7d5963)
- adjust (c9c6332)
- adhere to consistent camelCase (49e3921)
- condition statement (df1a41d)
- improve readability, order methods by alpha, refactor some parts to be more JS-ish (e2c0bac)
- merge branch 'develop' into feature/#194-links-implement (a2639eb)
- merge dev state into feature (6ec8900)
- move @style to css class (cd4b0a0)
- remove entrypoint (7dfaddc)
- remove TODO after discussion (134bf23)
- adjusted color back and removed entrypoint fromindex template (a24b74f)
- adjusted header toolbar and styles (4ac6be6)
- change print command (f2ba241)
- consider linting (1195cac)
- consider linting (ee6f3ab)
- refactor language and added a space to links (b59b04e)
- remove dead stage (95ec4a9)
- remove space character inside span (4f36341)
- save space wherever possible (4fdd5ea)
- updated styles to make scrolls work back (36ae6e2)
- work-around to display useful text for links (87ff816)
- add draft for cleanup (ed2bc1c)
- add script for 404 page (a1f139b)
- add set up for removing entry points (9d49446)
- add template (3aded7e)
- add variables (40b251b)
- execute 404 page script on demand (8923335)
- move scripts to separate dir (acef885)
- move template to script (45ad009)
- remove entry point (61b2923)
- remove entry point (7d06f99)
- remove entry point (600d094)
- remove entry point (da24152)
- remove unused data (8f23173)
- restrict clean_up to develop [skip ci] (1916959)
- set expiration date for development artifacts (4f991ad)
- switch to image that has dependencies installed (5c41768)
- test replacement (1def71d)
- update Git user mail (943fec7)
1.8.0 (2021-04-01)
- enable TIDO to display more (+n) text types as tabs (21df73e)
- consistify styling (dd3e07d)
- un-hide scroll bar in text panel (dbcc7fb)
- un-hide scroll bar in tree panel (119ee00)
1.7.0 (2021-03-10)
- adjust content type/s according to the recently introduced content key from the API (5c946fc)
- filter contenturls according to a matching mime-type "application/xhtml+xml" and "text/html" (ffcb7ce)
- implemented Tido to add css styles from Ahikar (a46ac66)
- refactor logic to fix subject array list (9d2c5c3)
- warning bug related to stylesheet from support obj (a592b9b)
- add basic unit test. to be expanded (418c6ba)
- adjust unit test according to the change of the datatype (9be7de2)
- remove entrypoint (03f95f0)
- remove log stmt (2cfde38)
- remove obsolete property "language" (9313da5)
- refactor support logic according to review comments (73c04c9)
1.6.0 (2021-02-23)
- provide and render metadata object according to API specs (c93ed76)
- provide data structure with mandatory and optional fields for all meta levels to keep the markup lean (29edf1b)
- provide mixin refelcting mandatory metadata according to the specs given (b328c87)
- license for the text part; remove comment from the metadata and rename TiDO to TIDO according to review (375aa9c)
- remove all obsolete config options regarding the metadata due to refactoring. we didn't agree on what to configure yet. (57f3e6a)
- remove colon and entrypoint (d7c05ee)
1.5.0 (2021-01-28)
- ability to write a changelog (3a42097)
- enable project specific text styling (ae7202e)
- refactored sytles of toggle bar. (28f3a04)
- reference correct repo URLs (6e0477c)
- release our viewer via npm (861d3d0)
- release: resolve conflicts and merge develop into main (74b7247)
- trigger update on downstream project (0f048fb)
- update Ahiqar repo name (4d3445b), closes #115
- add missing package.json.lock (821d180)
- Addressing review comments and a11y. (d3a7c5d)
- display meta items only if provided by the api (ab15468)
- fix displaying of single manifest (d71c467)
- fixed the bug regarding metadata and refactored OSD stylings. (41f6c06)
- Fixed toggle buttons disappear, anchoring manifest title to top. (928be0d)
- gitlab CI syntax (10fb37e)
- make css classname understandable (ce1ea7f)
- patch the entrypoint for the Ahikar demo / dev branch (b0fe3db)
- Quasar's helper setBrand requires two strings as parameters, hence we should leave the config object with an empty string to disable it (bc34791)
- remove obsolete css class and fix code hint from json to js in the README (8752731)
- run npm run fix with pre commit hook (58f6453)
- upload missing file (6b89854)
- upload missing script (e9f755b)
- add (S)CSS coding guidelines (e47485b)
- rewrite connector config; refactor: eslint-disable-next-line; switch back to test server (index.html) (74b8f52)
- update with notes about the usage of husky and commitizen (9c19ddb)
- addressed fixme comments. (fd1f696)
- deactivated customize buttom from toggle bar. (6473034)
- moved tree scoped style to new file. (15734cc)
- npm run lint and fix scripts (c956e32)
- add .gitlab-ci.yml (e7dd59d)
- change branch which triggers ahiqar-tido update (e03333c)
- fix typo (7de35dd)
- keep main and develop artifacts (c8f65e4), closes #55
- add stmt to CHANGELOG (d679512)
- remove unnecessary passages from GitLab templates, add passage concerning README (f75c118)
- revert index state and adjust quasar.conf according to new product name (71145a0)
- remove collection check in mainView to keep single manifests displayed as well.
- Update downstream projects via CI pipeline trigger.
- New local store for tree component.
- re-rendering of components when drag and drop on dialog modal.
- .nvmrc containing node version
- quoting in css/responsive-heights.scss
- Add config for unit tests via jest. testfiles goto *tests/unit/specs/test.js
- delete tab-folder with components. provided a computed prop to wait for conditional changes
- Refactored drag and drop component in order to make it user configurable.
- Moved panel data structure into a separate component where panels can be configured.
- GitLab templates have been tidied up. Also a passage explicitly mentioning the README has been added to them (where applicable).
- additional metadata on manifestlevel. e.g.
- the CI artifacts created on the
branch are no longer automatically removed after 30 days.
- Refactored mainview template. Components are dynamic now and the order is configurable
- New button to the toggle bar so that user can able to configure order of the panels dynamically.
- created a new re-usable component to drag and drop panels.
- refactored toggleIndex component.
- refactored toggleBar to toggleIndex / toggleFilter according to window size. toggle switches at 1100px
- The logic of using splitters for mainview is removed and made use of Grid in order to make viewer responsive.
- Moved toggle buttons from the header into a dropdown menu items.
- fix tree bug if meta panel is active. implement listener for active panel tab
- metadata panel exchanged by annotation panel (no content yet). therefore metadata goes into the tree panel. both of the latter became tabs inside this one panel.
- panel order changed to: contents / metadata (tabs), image, text, annotations
- The content of the development branch is no longer purged from the artifacts, even if the branch hasn't been updated for 14 days. This way we ensure that always works.
- Preparation for EMo Viewer initial release v1.0.0
- bug in navigation: itemindex was updated too late; lacking the corresponding sequenceindex. passed the latter to listener
- license AGPL v3.0
- license info in softwareinfo
- completed (added diagram of Viewer's components, changes config description, updated toc with doctoc)
- extended package.json
- hide image toggle and panel if no imageurl is provided
- panelnames are configurable. togglenames and captions are updated accordingly
- order of toggles corresponds to panels
- Refactored logic to keep focus on selected item in the tree view.
- Refactored height stylings according to resolution size of the window.
- The page deployment now takes places without having to store any data externally. We only rely on previous artifacts for new pipelines.
- replace basic page / sheet counter by original pagelabel delivered by the api.
- TreeView: expanded-stack. switched from pop() to splice(). pop() broke the stack, since it deals with the stack tail
- TreeView: root node (collection title) is expandable / collapsible now as well
- TreeView: according to the Quasar maintainer, q-tree doesn't provide a possibility to have nodes selected and expanded in the same step. it behaves so by design! So: provided a handler function to fake this very behaviour. Manifest titles now toggle on click (expand / collapse) without being selected.
- Actual Item is now selected at Viewer start (init)
- expanded-stack grew by clicking an item (same title has been pushed onto the array/stack over and over again). this is now handled by comparing the appropriate sequence-index.
- Configured to anchor manifest title to top of the panel.
- Reverted the changes and fixed the icons to nest inside image.
- filter function to the tree: now able to filter by labels, e.g. 122v
delete obsolete code sections
fix indents for better readability
extend the README file in regards to front-end setup
delete quasar's
-prop used for the q-tree-component to disable the selection of manifest titles -
rename var
which seems to be more descriptive -
remove artifacts from blob that are older than 2 weeks. this generally speeds up the build process and prevents errors since GitLab can only handle artifacts up to a certain size.
Configured to anchor manifest title to top of the panel.
- Added behaviour to Optimize scroll panels.
- Fixed panel icons to top of the panel.
- item is now highlighted when the user clicks a nav-button
- click events are bound for the zoom icons are now bound to the embracing buttons instead of the icons
- config option (index.html): switch off the header bars individually (e.g. Infobar, NavBar, ToggleBar)
- default itemlabel from
- config options: labels for item and manifest are gathered under
- header can also be switched off completely by setting the appropriate value to false
- items are highlighted consecutively when browsing by navbuttons
- config option (index.html): switch off the header including all of it's components
- config option (index.html): tell the viewer with which panels to start
- an architecture diagram giving an overview of how the EMo Viewer works and interacts with a back-end.
- information in the README on how to configure the Viewer
- information in the README on how to establish a link between the Viewer and a back-end.
- missing general README section about contributing and versioning.
- add user stories and 'definition of done' criteria to issue templates (where applicable). this should improve the development workflow for all stakeholders.
- add a contribution guideline
- added titles in the footer for Language- and Info-index
- make README more comprehensible for outsiders
- icons side by side via css float
- Text can now be zoomed in and out to a max of 32px and min of 8px. The font size defaults to 14px. It is tracked during browsing.
- Software info includes links to documentation, source code and bug reporting
- extended config object in index.html by a key named "standalone" (Possible values: true || false). This indicates if the viewer will be used embedded or standalone respectively. If used in the latter case, the language toggle shows up in the footer and vice versa.
- openseadragon.vue: Event listener for fullscreen change
- toggle fs index on fullscreen change
- This CHANGELOG file
- Pages deployment on per commit and per branch base