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Releases: streamingfast/firehose-ethereum


27 Nov 19:59
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  • firehose-grpc-listen-addr and substreams-tier1-grpc-listen-addr flags now accepts comma-separated addresses (allows listening as plaintext and snakeoil-ssl at the same time or on specific ip addresses)
  • rpc-poller: fix fetching the first block on an endpoint (was not following the cursor, failing unnecessarily on non-archive nodes)


14 Nov 14:55
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  • Adding nil safety check on the CombinedFilter and looping over the transaction_trace receipts
  • Bump substreams and dmetering to latest version adding the outputModuleHash to metering sender.


21 Oct 18:38
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Substreams fixes

Note All caches for stores using the updatePolicy set_sum (added in substreams v1.7.0) and modules that depend on them will need to be deleted, since they may contain bad data.

  • Fix bad data in stores using set_sum policy: squashing of store segments incorrectly "summed" some values that should have been "set" if the last event for a key on this segment was a "sum"
  • Fix small bug making some requests in development-mode slow to start (when starting close to the module initialBlock with a store that doesn't start on a boundary)


19 Sep 14:30
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Substreams fixes

  • Fixed an(other) issue where multiple stores running on the same stage with different initialBlocks will fail to proress (and hang)


16 Sep 19:21
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Substreams fixes

  • Fix bug where some invalid cursors may be sent (with 'LIB' being above the block being sent) and add safeguard/loggin if the bug appears again
  • Fix panic in the whole tier2 process when stores go above the size limit while being read from "kvops" cached changes
  • Fix "cannot resolve 'old cursor' from files in passthrough mode" error on some requests with an old cursor
  • Fix handling of 'special case' substreams module with only "params" as its input: should not skip this execution (used in graph-node for head tracking)
    -> empty files in module cache with hash d3b1920483180cbcd2fd10abcabbee431146f4c8 should be deleted for consistency


06 Sep 19:13
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  • [Operator] The flag --advertise-block-id-encoding now accepts shorter form: hex, base64, etc. The older longer form BLOCK_ID_ENCODING_HEX is still supported but we suggested using the shorter form from now on.

Substreams v1.10.2

Note Since a bug that affected substreams with "skipping blocks" was corrected in this release, any previously produced substreams cache should be considered as possibly corrupted and be eventually replaced

  • Substreams: fix bad handling of modules with multiple inputs when only one of them is filtered, resulting in bad outputs in production-mode.
  • Substreams: fix stalling on some substreams with stores and mappers with different start block numbers on the same stage
  • Substreams: fix 'development mode' and LIVE mode executing some modules that should be skipped


28 Aug 15:26
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  • Bump substreams to v1.10.0
  • Bump firehose-core to v1.6.1


27 Aug 14:22
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  • Add sf.firehose.v2.EndpointInfo/Info service on Firehose and sf.substreams.rpc.v2.EndpointInfo/Info to Substreams endpoints. This involves the following new flags:

    • advertise-chain-name Canonical name of the chain according to (required, unless it is in the "well-known" list)
    • advertise-chain-aliases Alternate names for that chain (optional)
    • advertise-block-features List of features describing the blocks (optional)
    • ignore-advertise-validation Runtime checks of chain name/features/encoding against the genesis block will no longer cause server to wait or fail.
  • Add a well-known list of chains (hard-coded in wellknown/chains.go to help automatically determine the 'advertise' flag values). Users are encouraged to propose Pull Requests to add more chains to the list.

  • The new info endpoint adds a mandatory fetching of the first streamable block on startup, with a failure if no block can be fetched after 3 minutes and you are running firehose or substreams-tier1 service.
    It validates the following on a well-known chain:

    • if the first-streamable-block Num/ID match the genesis block of a known chain, e.g. matic, it will refuse another value for advertise-chain-name than matic or one of its aliases (polygon)
    • If the first-streamable-block does not match any known chain, it will require the advertise-chain-name to be non-empty
  • Substreams: add --common-tmp-dir flag to activate local caching of pre-compiled WASM modules through wazero v1.8.0 feature (performance improvement on WASM compilation)

  • Substreams: revert module hash calculation from v2.6.5, when using a non-zero firstStreamableBlock. Hashes will now be the same even if the chain's first streamable block affects the initialBlock of a module.

  • Substreams: add --substreams-block-execution-timeout flag (default 3 minutes) to prevent requests stalling. Timeout errors are returned to the client who can decide to retry.


26 Jul 00:39
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  • Bump substreams to v1.9.3: fix high CPU usage on tier1 caused by a bad error handling


18 Jul 18:17
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  • Bump substreams to v1.9.2: Prevent Noop handler from sending outputs with 'Stalled' step in cursor (which breaks substreams-sink-kv)
  • Bump firehose-core to v1.5.6: add --reader-node-line-buffer-size flag and bump default value from 100M to 200M to go over crazy block 278208000 on Solana