Releases: steveloughran/cloudstore
Releases · steveloughran/cloudstore
release-2023-06-15: storediag critical fix
Critical bug fix: bucket propagation
- S3A per-bucket values weren't being printed in storediag,
even though they were used to configure the target FS. - the specific AWS credential key which was used to auth with the store
is now printed (obfuscated)
bandwidth command: add -keep and -rename options
release-2023-05-23: mkbucket
new command mkbucket
Creates a bucket.
Usage: mkbucket <region> <S3A path>
hadoop jar cloudstore-1.0.jar mkbucket us-east-2 s3a://new-bucket-name/
- tlsinfo to print out x509 certs in the default certificate store
- HADOOP-18637. s3a diag prints out new multipart options.
- storediag looks for X509 class removed from java17 (which breaks shipping wildfly jars)
- ABFS diagnostics fail fast if account is unknown. Handy as abfs connector itself doesn't.
ABFS diagnostics fail fast if account is unknown
See HADOOP-18728. ABFS handles nonexistent/non-auth accounts badly
better diagnostics of privatelink endpoints
- adds a trailing / at the end of the url in probes for vpce endpoints (and
- doesn't warn about https or highlight risk of config forgetting to change endpoint for internal deployment
release-2023-04-27: Add a -bfs option to the dux command for breadth-first-treewalk
The -bfs option for dux does a breadth-first treewalk of the target filesystem, scanning subdirectories in parallel.
This is faster for high-latency object stores which don't have an O(1) deep tree list command (which S3 does; this option will be slower there)
storediag + dux enhancements
- more hints on s3a endpoint diagnostics.
- configuration option reports which configs are final
- abfs diag: print java network sysprops
- same M/G/T printing as hadoop, not the commons-utils call which rounds down
- prints less, unless the -verbose option is set
storediag -h option to hide all chars in secret strings
print "" in TLS diags