diff --git a/components/Starknet/modules/starknet_versions/pages/version_notes.adoc b/components/Starknet/modules/starknet_versions/pages/version_notes.adoc index 344e610b0b..d12b4f9934 100644 --- a/components/Starknet/modules/starknet_versions/pages/version_notes.adoc +++ b/components/Starknet/modules/starknet_versions/pages/version_notes.adoc @@ -53,16 +53,14 @@ Starknet 0.13.1 is backward compatible with `starknet_api_openrpc.json` v0.6.0. A new version of `starknet_api_openrpc.json`, 0.7.0, accommodates the changes introduced by Starknet using EIP-4844. -[discrete] -===== `BLOCK_HEADER` includes two new fields to support EIP-4844: +.`BLOCK_HEADER` includes two new fields to support EIP-4844: * `l1_data_gas_price`: contains `price_in_wei` and `price_in_fri` (10^-18^ denominations, similar to https://github.com/starkware-libs/starknet-specs/blob/49665932a97f8fdef7ac5869755d2858c5e3a687/api/starknet_api_openrpc.json#L3766[v0.6.0]). * `l1_da_mode`: An enum that indicates whether this block will use calldata or blobdata and can take the following values: ** `CALLDATA` ** `BLOB` -[discrete] -===== `FEE_ESTIMATE` +.`FEE_ESTIMATE` * Includes two new fields: ** `data_gas_consumed` @@ -71,15 +69,13 @@ A new version of `starknet_api_openrpc.json`, 0.7.0, accommodates the changes in `gas_consumed` × `gas_price` + `data_gas_consumed` × `data_gas_price` * Fee estimates will change depending on the data availability solution used by current Starknet blocks. For example, if you estimate the fee against the pending block, and it’s currently using `CALLDATA`, then nodes are expected to return `data_gas_consumed=0` and compute the fee similarly to today, that is, get higher estimates. -[discrete] -===== Receipts and traces now include data availability resources +.Receipts and traces now include data availability resources * `COMMON_RECEIPT_PROPERTIES`, the main receipt object, now includes a new entry: execution_resources. * The `EXECUTION_RESOURCES` object now includes the field `data_availability`. Note that the resources of internal calls will remain the same/ * For more information, see the https://github.com/starkware-libs/starknet-specs/pull/187/files[PR for the API JSON RPC specs] -[discrete] -===== `EXECUTION_RESOURCES` +.`EXECUTION_RESOURCES` * Computation resources are separated from data availability resources. This is done by introducing the `data_availability` property, which includes `l1_gas` and `l1_data_gas`, which were consumed due to DA requirements. One of these will always be zero, depending on whether or not the block uses calldata or blobs, as specified by the `l1_da_mode` field in the block header. * Syscall costs are now included in the execution resources of traces and receipts. These are costs that are already being paid for but were not reported so far.