Loose Type Definitions
dbConfig: any
in DatabaseAnalysis and QueryInterface components- Consider creating proper interface definitions for database configuration
- Replace all
types with proper type definitions
Incomplete Error Handling
- Error states in components need proper typing
- Add comprehensive error boundaries for component failures
- Interface Improvements
- Consider making common interfaces shared across components
- Move interfaces to separate type definition files
- Add proper JSDoc documentation for interfaces
State Management
- Large state objects in QueryInterface component
- Consider using React Context or state management library for complex state
- Break down large components into smaller, more manageable pieces
Component Size
- QueryInterface.tsx is too large (>1000 lines)
- Split into smaller, focused components
- Extract logic into custom hooks
- Props Drilling
- Configuration being passed through multiple levels
- Consider using React Context for global configuration
- Create a configuration provider component
Memoization Opportunities
- Add useMemo for expensive computations
- Use useCallback for function props
- Implement React.memo for pure components
Data Fetching
- Implement proper loading states
- Add error boundaries for failed requests
- Consider using SWR or React Query for data fetching
- Render Optimization
- Optimize re-renders in DatabaseAnalysis component
- Review and optimize component tree structure
- Add performance monitoring
Constants and Configurations
- Move hardcoded values to configuration files
- Create dedicated config directory for different environments
- Implement proper configuration validation
- Examples of values to move:
- Available LLM models and their configurations
- API endpoints and specifications
- UI constants (page sizes, timeouts, etc.)
- Feature flags
API Compatibility Layer
- Create adapter layer for OpenAI-compatible APIs
- Implement provider-agnostic interfaces
- Add validation for API compatibility
- Support custom API endpoints that follow OpenAI specification
- Configuration Management
- Implement configuration hot-reloading
- Add configuration validation schemas
- Create configuration documentation
- Add configuration migration support
File Structure
- Move interfaces to separate type files
- Create dedicated hooks directory
- Separate business logic from UI components
- Create constants directory for shared values
- Implement proper configuration structure
Code Duplication
- Extract common utility functions
- Create shared components for repeated UI elements
- Implement proper code sharing strategies
- Create reusable configuration handlers
- Documentation
- Add comprehensive JSDoc comments
- Document complex business logic
- Add README files for each major component
- Document configuration options and their effects
API Key Handling
- Move sensitive configuration to environment variables
- Implement proper API key rotation
- Add input sanitization for user inputs
Database Security
- Implement query sanitization
- Add rate limiting
- Implement proper error handling for failed queries
- Unit Tests
- Add tests for critical components
- Test error handling scenarios
- Add integration tests for database operations
- Test Coverage
- Implement end-to-end tests
- Add performance testing
- Add snapshot tests for UI components
Developer Tools
- Add proper ESLint rules
- Implement Prettier for code formatting
- Add pre-commit hooks for code quality
Build Process
- Optimize build configuration
- Add proper development scripts
- Implement proper CI/CD pipeline
- ARIA Labels
- Add proper aria-labels to interactive elements
- Implement keyboard navigation
- Add proper focus management
- Color Contrast
- Ensure proper color contrast ratios
- Add proper focus indicators
- Implement proper dark mode support
- Address high-priority type safety issues
- Implement proper error handling
- Break down large components
- Add comprehensive testing
- Implement security best practices
This document will serve as a reference for ongoing improvements to the codebase. Each item should be addressed based on its priority level and impact on the application.