- Fixed wrong exception type used in FsInterface.copy.
- Added updateNotice helper to provide quick and easy version update info for an installed package.
- Added FsInterface.copy to copy local files.
- Changed OutputBuffer dependency intercept-stdout to runtime.
- Changed Progress dependencies intercept-stdout and cli-spinner to runtime.
- Softened dependencies in preparation for node version updates.
- Fixed substr with a clean substring calls.
- Minor readme updates.
- Fixed FsInterface promise rejections.
- Added requireOptional to require a module, either quiet or with requirement error message.
- Moved all dependencies to optional peer dependencies, must be manually installed when using the methods or classes that require a dependency.
- Removed all dependencies for security and low usage reasons, must be installed manually if required.
- Removed Exception.toLocaleString method, toString method is sufficient.
- Fixed Exception.stack and Exception.toString* to handle previous without any conversion methods.
- Added notes for node-fetch to README.md.
- Added allow bool option with string value to CliInput.getFlagsOptions method.
- Added convertMs2Hrtime time converter.
- Simplified some files export syntax.
- Added OutputBuffer conditional intercepts with methods OutputBuffer.onIntercept and OutputBuffer.offIntercept.
- Added safemode to Progress that intercepts any other output to prevent the spinner from breaking.
- Updated directory-tree and node-fetch packages.
- Added FsInterface.files to fetch files inside a directory.
- Added FsInterface.filterOptions to use same shortcut options for FsInterface.files as for FsInterface.fileList.
- Added FsInterface.filterFiles filters a files list by options.
- Added reverse option to leadingZeros function.
- Added some missing docs.
- Added Timer.measure to get hrtime difference to start and improved Timer.end.
- Added convertHrtime hrtime formatter.
- Added StatsDisplay class and StatsDisplayType class for making and displaying pretty stats objects.
- Added a little better docs overview of abilities.
- Added Timer.get to get specified start hrtime.
- Made FsInterface methods static.
- Added FsInterface.unlink method for deleting a single file.
- Added FsInterface.treeWalker method to easily run a directory-tree result.
- Added convertBytes number formatter.
- Added leadingZeros number formatter.
- Added rand get random number with min, max arguments.
- Added round number formatter.
- Added simpleReplace replace object property values in string.
- Added strand generates a random string, very fast, not very unique.
- Added strSlug sanitizes a string.
- Added cmd promise style function.
- Added default_value options to CliInput.question method.
- Added confirm_bool option on enter/empty input and response text options for CliInput.question method.
- Added CliInput.setArg and CliInput.setFlag methods to manually add or fully replace args and flags.
- Changed FsInterface instanceof Error instead of Exception.
- Minor docs updates.
- Added Progress and Timer classes.
- Added callback and wait functions.
- Docs and added FsInterface.isDir method.
- Core features prototype.