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I'm a Postdoctorand at the chair of political methods at the University of Zurich and a user of R since 2013. After writing my bachelor thesis I started to create my first R package, because I though it takes to much time to have to simulate predicted porbabilites and discrete changes everytime by hand. The package is called glm.predict and I coninuously improve it. I just recently uploaded version 4.3-0 which includes support for ordonal vglm() models. Later I developed the package brant to be able to test the parallel regression assumption, I'm planing to write other packages in the future. I also write package authors if I find a bug and if possible even with how to fix it.
I grow up in St. Gallen in the east of Switzerland. I started getting into programming with 15 where I learned HTML, followed by CSS, PHP, JavaScript and SQL. At the university I learned while studying political science with computer sience as a minor: Eiffel, Java and R (although Eiffel and Java I didn't use since over 10 years). One of my next steps is to learn python.
I also started to YouTube on R, Statistiks, Methods and other computer languages to share my knowledge. The channel is in German: @benjaminschlegel. If you want to support me, feel free to do so to help me invest even more time in educating people and contributing to open source.
Featured work
R GNU Package to calculate discrete changes for glm models
R 1 -
Package to calculate brant test for parallel regression assumption