Releases: spechub/Hets
Releases · spechub/Hets
- send structured theories to the VSE prover
- still experimental and
- only for those that have VSE
- normal form computation
- available for CASL and extensions (like VSE)
- turned out to be too slow to be included in "automatic"
- logic OWL improved
- HasCASL to Isabelle translation improved
- ongoing work on other logics
- connection to the VSE prover
- for single theories only
- the VSE prover is currently non-free
- normal form computation (unoptimized) used within
- proof rule: theoremHideShift
- theories of most nodes
- conservativity checks
- added flattening operation for globally coding out:
- heterogeneity, hiding,
- renaming, importing,
- disjoint unions
- extended Isabelle comorphism
- creating heterogeneous proof scripts
- switched to GTK (requires more libraries)
- works with Isabelle 2008
- no frameworks needed for Macs
- logic VSE added
- OWL changes
- logic !RelScheme and a comorphism to CASL
- code refactoring regarding
- development graph
- its calculus
- additions to
- logic CspCASL and DL
- colimit computations
- Haskell and HasCASL to Isabelle encoding
- CASL colimit computation
- CspCASL parser
- OWL 1.1
- concurrent proofs
- support for extended signatures
- completed logic Propositional
- completed command line interface
- improved graphical user interface
- clarified many HasCASL features and fixed bugs
- improved the encoding from CASL to Isabelle
- fixed many HasCASL wibbles and provided more examples
- improved the encoding into logic SoftFOL (used for automatic theorem provers, e.g. SPASS, Vampire)
by the generation of "argument restrictions" for predicates which carry some typing information - imported theorems (that are available as axioms) are marked with "(Th)" in the proof management GUI
- home page at !
- parsing and static analysis of CASL, CASL extensions, and other logics
- a (new) variety of logic translations
- connection to the theorem provers Isabelle, SPASS, Vampire and to the webservice prover !MathServe
- use of induction in connection with automated first-order provers
- OMDoc import and export
- some sample specifications about metric spaces and spatial calculi in HasCASL
- a new and easy-to-use Java-based installer
- Version 0.65 is mainly a bug-fix release
- Further efforts have been put into the proof support and into command line interface (by Razvan Pascanu)
- There is also an experimental binary distribution for Macs on Intel using ghc-6.6
- Hendrik Iben's OMDoc utilities have been integrated
- Paolo Torrini has improved the Haskell to Isabelle translation. Simple modules (without imports) can be read and translated via hets now.
- Much work has been put into the proof support, i.e. the GUI and translations to SPASS and Isabelle
- The (current) Basic Libraries, the CASL User Manual specifications and other examples are consistent (according to SPASS with a time limit of about 7 minutes.).
- Bugs and inefficiencies regarding sublogcs have been removed.
- LaTeX printing has been partially refactored.