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Reproducible builds

Reproducibility is a goal of the Sparrow Wallet project. As of v1.5.0 and later, it is possible to recreate the exact binaries in the Github releases (specifically, the contents of the .tar.gz and .zip files).

Due to minor variances, it is not yet possible to reproduce the installer packages (.deb, .rpm and .exe). In addition, the OSX binary is code signed and thus can't be directly reproduced yet. Work on resolving both of these issues is ongoing.

Reproducing a release

Install Java

Because Sparrow bundles a Java runtime in the release binaries, it is essential to have the same version of Java installed when creating the release. For v1.6.6 to v1.9.1, this was Eclipse Temurin 18.0.1+10. For v2.0.0 and later, Eclipse Temurin 22.0.2+9 is used.

Java from Adoptium github repo

It is available for all supported platforms from Eclipse Temurin 22.0.2+9.

For reference, the downloads are as follows:

Java from Adoptium deb repo

It is also possible to install via a package manager on *nix systems. For example, on Debian/Ubuntu systems:

  • Install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install -y wget curl apt-transport-https gnupg

Download Adoptium public PGP key:

curl --tlsv1.2 --proto =https --location -o adoptium.asc

Check if key fingerprint matches: 3B04D753C9050D9A5D343F39843C48A565F8F04B:

gpg --import --import-options show-only adoptium.asc

If key doesn't match, do not proceed.

Add Adoptium PGP key to a the keyring shared folder:

sudo cp adoptium.asc /usr/share/keyrings/

Add Adoptium debian repository:

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/adoptium.asc] $(awk -F= '/^VERSION_CODENAME/{print$2}' /etc/os-release) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/adoptium.list

Update cache, install the desired temurin version and configure java to be linked to this same version:

sudo apt update -y
sudo apt-get install -y temurin-22-jdk=22.0.2+9
sudo update-alternatives --config java

Java from SDK

A alternative option for all platforms is to use the package manager (Git Bash for Windows is a good choice on that platform). See the installation instructions here. Once installed, run

sdk install java 22.0.2-tem

Other requirements

Other packages may also be necessary to build depending on the platform. On Debian/Ubuntu systems:

sudo apt install -y rpm fakeroot binutils

Building the binaries

First, assign a temporary variable in your shell for the specific release you want to build. For the current one specify:


The project can then be initially cloned as follows:

git clone --recursive --branch "${GIT_TAG}"

If you already have the sparrow repo cloned, fetch all new updates and checkout the release. For this, change into your local sparrow folder and execute:

cd {yourPathToSparrow}/sparrow
git pull --recurse-submodules
git checkout "${GIT_TAG}"

Note - there is an additional step if you updated rather than initially cloned your repo at GIT_TAG. This is due to the drongo submodule which needs to be checked out to the commit state it had at the time of the release. Only then your build will be comparable to the provided one in the release section of Github. To checkout the submodule to the correct commit for GIT_TAG, additionally run:

git submodule update --checkout

Thereafter, building should be straightforward. If not already done, change into the sparrow folder and run:

cd {yourPathToSparrow}/sparrow  # if you aren't already in the sparrow folder
./gradlew jpackage

The binaries (and installers) will be placed in the build/jpackage folder.

Verifying the binaries are identical

Verify the built binaries against the released binaries on

Note that you will be verifying the files in the build/jpackage/Sparrow folder against either the .tar.gz or .zip releases. Download either of these depending on your platform and extract the contents to a folder (in the following example, /tmp). Then compare all of the folders and files recursively:

diff -r build/jpackage/Sparrow /tmp/Sparrow

This command should have no output indicating that the two folders (and all their contents) are identical.

If there is output, please open an issue with detailed instructions to reproduce, including build system platform.