diff --git a/docs/hardware_overview.md b/docs/hardware_overview.md
index 5cc9910..9ccabb1 100644
--- a/docs/hardware_overview.md
+++ b/docs/hardware_overview.md
@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ These terminals are described in the tabs below. For more information on the I/O
=== "SCL2 & SDA2"
- The SCL2 and SDA2 screw terminals provide access to the TCXO I2C bus, allowing the user to connect an external configurable TCXO if desired. The I2C voltage level is set by the VCCIO switch: 3.3V or 5V. The provided firmware supports the SiTime SiT5358. The ueser will need to modify the firmware to support additional osciillators.
+ The SCL2 and SDA2 screw terminals provide access to the TCXO I2C bus, allowing the user to connect an external configurable TCXO if desired. The I2C voltage level is set by the VCCIO switch: 3.3V or 5V. The provided firmware supports the SiTime SiT5358; the user will need to modify the firmware to support additional osciillators.
@@ -653,7 +653,8 @@ The OLED display on the GPSDO.
* Date & Time : YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS from ReceiverTime
-* **IP** : nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn from IPStatus IPAddress. When TCP console access is enabled, the TCP port number is also displayed.
+* **IP** : nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn from IPStatus IPAddress
+ * When [TCP console access](./software_overview.md#tcp-server-ips1) is enabled, the TCP port number is also displayed.
* **Lat** : Latitude from PVTGeodetic (Degrees)
* **Long** : Longitude from PVTGeodetic (Degrees)
* **Sys** : TimeSystem from PVTGeodetic
diff --git a/docs/resources.md b/docs/resources.md
index 20caf05..b9f4853 100644
--- a/docs/resources.md
+++ b/docs/resources.md
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ icon: material/book-open-page-variant
* [Quick Start Guide](./assets/quick_start_guide-v10.pdf)
* :material-folder-cog: Design Files:
* :fontawesome-solid-file-pdf: [Schematic](./assets/board_files/schematic.pdf)
- * :fontawesome-solid-file-png: [Board Dimensions](./assets/board_files/dimensions.png)
+ * :fontawesome-solid-file-image: [Board Dimensions](./assets/board_files/dimensions.png)
* :fontawesome-solid-file-pdf: [Enclosure Dimensions](./assets/board_files/dimensions-enclosure.pdf)
* :fontawesome-solid-file-code: [ESP32 Firmware](https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_GPSDO/tree/main/Firmware/GPSDO_Firmware)
* :fontawesome-solid-file-pdf: [mosaic-T Datasheet](./assets/component_documentation/Mosaic%20Hardware%20Manual_v1.8.0.pdf)