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129 lines (105 loc) · 7.85 KB


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A hapi plugin for request error logging to Sentry.


Use the hapi plugin like this:

const server = hapi.server();
await server.register({
  plugin: require('hapi-sentry'),
  options: {
    client: { dsn: 'dsn-here' },

This setup will:

  • Initialize Sentry regularly, which should capture all global errors and unhandled promise rejects
  • Capture all unhandled exceptions thrown or returned in routes
  • Use request data and request.auth.credentials to enhance errors from routes

You can use the following options to customize this behavior further.


The plugin options, you can pass in while registering are the following:

property type description
baseUri string uri to be used as base for captured urls
scope.tags object An array of tags to be sent with every event string The name of a tag
scope.tags.value any The value of a tag
scope.extra object An object of arbitrary format to be sent as extra data on every event
client object required A @sentry/node instance which was already initialized (using Sentry.init) OR an options object to be passed to an internally initialized @sentry/node (client.dsn is only required in the latter case)
client.dsn string/false required The Dsn used to connect to Sentry and identify the project. If false, the SDK will not send any data to Sentry.
client.debug boolean Turn debug mode on/off
client.release string Tag events with the version/release identifier of your application
client.environment string The current environment of your application (e.g. 'production')
client.sampleRate number A global sample rate to apply to all events (0 - 1)
client.maxBreadcrumbs number The maximum number of breadcrumbs sent with events. Default: 100
client.attachStacktrace any Attaches stacktraces to pure capture message / log integrations
client.sendDefaultPii boolean If this flag is enabled, certain personally identifiable information is added by active integrations
client.serverName string Overwrite the server name (device name)
client.beforeSend func A callback invoked during event submission, allowing to optionally modify the event before it is sent to Sentry
client.beforeBreadcrumb func A callback invoked when adding a breadcrumb, allowing to optionally modify it before adding it to future events.
trackUser boolean Whether or not to track the user via the per-request scope. Default: true
catchLogErrors boolean/array Handles capturing server.log and request.log events. Default: false
useDomainPerRequest boolean Whether or not to use Domains for seperating request processing. Only activate this feature, if you really need to seperate breadcrumbs, etc. of requests. It utilizes a deprecated Node.js feature which reduces performance. Default: false

The baseUri option is used internally to get a correct URL in sentry issues. The scope option is used to set up a global Scope for all events and the client option is used as a Sentry instance or to initialize an internally used Sentry instance.

The internally used client (initialized in either way) is accessible through server.plugins['hapi-sentry'].client.

Using your own Sentry instance

You can pass a Sentry instance to the client option if you already initialized your own like this:

const server = hapi.server();
const Sentry = require('sentry');
Sentry.init({ dsn: 'dsn-here' });
await server.register({ plugin: require('hapi-sentry'), options: { client: Sentry } });


You can alter the scope of an event in every hapi route handler by accessing request.sentryScope. Just use some of the Scopes methods to add breadcrumbs, set extra, fingerprint or level information, etc. like this:

  method: 'GET',
  path: '/your/route',
  handler(request) {
    try {
      // ... some logic here
    } catch (error) {
      request.sentryScope.setExtra('someErrorSpecificInfo', 'yourInformation');
      throw error;

Capturing server.log and request.log events

You can enable capturing of request.log and server.log events using the catchLogErrors option. All events which are Error objects and are tagged by one of ['error', 'fatal', 'fail'] are automatically being tracked when catchLogErrors is set to true, e.g.:

request.log(['error', 'foo'], new Error('Oh no!'));
server.log(['error', 'foo'], new Error('No no!'));

The considered tags can be changed by setting catchLogErrors to a custom array of tags like ['error', 'warn', 'failure'].

Capturing the request body

hapi-sentry currently does not capture the body for performance reasons. You can use the following snippet to capture the body in all sentry errors:

  type: 'onPostAuth',
  method(request, h) {
    request.payload && request.sentryScope.setExtra('payload', request.payload);
    return h.continue;