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136 lines (88 loc) · 2.75 KB

File metadata and controls

136 lines (88 loc) · 2.75 KB

----- DEPRECATED --------------------------------------------------


html, javascript and css optimization. Build on top of r.js and using clean-css and html compressor.

The library will parse a folder (containing your html, javascript and css) to generate a folder containing the optimized content:

  • javascript concatenate and minified
  • css concatenate and minified
  • html compressed

r.js is using a build file which I slightly extended.

Even if AMD module are really great, you do not need to use AMD modules, r.js is using uglifyjs and can minify your javascript regardless.

installation from a terminal

You will need npm and node.js to install and run the hone.js.

sudo npm -g install hone.js


hone create my-app
cd my-app
hone build

You can also create a more complex example (with AMD modules) this way:

hone create my-app -t example
cd my-app
hone build


If you don't want to compress the html:

hone build --skiphtml

If you don't want to minify the css:

hone build --skipcss

See the help:

hone -h

See the version:

hone -v


- my-app --> root
     |-- app --> contain your application: html, css, js, and so on
     |-- build/build.json --> describe the content to optimize the application
	 |-- public --> generated on the first build from the app folder, contains the optimized files


The build.json file is an extension of the build used by r.js. The property minCss has been added to list the css to minify, here is a simple example:

    "appDir": "../app",
    "baseUrl": "./",
    "dir": "../public",
	"minCss": [

And here is a more complex example with AMD modules:

	"appDir": "../app",
    "baseUrl": "./",
    "dir": "../public",
	"minCss": [
	"paths": {
		"text":		"js/libs/text",
		"jquery":	"js/libs/jquery-1.7.2.min",
		"module1": 	"modules/module1",
		"module2": 	"modules/module2"
	"modules": [
			"name": "js/app"
			"name": "js/app-page"

More info there:


You can use @import in css files to concatenate css files:

@import url('./shared.css');

body {
	background: #F7ECDC;

Clean-css is used to minify the css. The css files to minify can be listed in the build.json, see example above.


HTML compressor is used to compressed the html: