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Working with Eclipse

sofian edited this page Nov 22, 2011 · 3 revisions

Working in Eclipse is a bit tricky. Here is how.

The script

The root directory contains a program called "". It basically does a "cd " and calls scons, which allows to compile sub-directory using scons (because scons doesn't support recursive building). Using you can either build the whole library (by calling " all") or a single sub-directory example (eg. "tests/example").


./ <all|path/to/example> [<arguments>]


Build all: ./ or ./ all

Build "tests/examples": ./ tests/examples

Build "tests/examples" for Arduino: ./ tests/examples --arduino

Build "tests/examples" for Arduino Atmega328p: ./ tests/examples --arduino MCU=atmega328p

Configuring Eclipse

  1. Select project properties
  2. Go in C/C++ Build:
  3. Under the Builder settings tab:
  • Build command: ${workspace_loc:/qualia}/
  • Build directory: ${workspace_loc:/qualia}
  1. Under the Behaviour tab:
  • Uncheck "Build on resource save"
  • Check "Build (incremental build)" and either add "all" (if you want to compile the library) or eg. "tests/polytope_simple" to compile a specific example

You should then be able to compile by cliking on the Build button.

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