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First steps of a worked example

p 168 from Mosteller and Tukey, Data Analysis and Regression, A Second Course in Statistics, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1977.

Median temperature data

Set up the data in R

med_temp_tibble <- tibble(
  month = c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul"),
  Caribou = c(8.7, 9.8, 21.7, 34.7, 48.5, 58.4, 64.0), 
  Washington = c(36.2, 37.1, 45.3, 54.4, 64.7, 73.4, 77.3), 
  Laredo = c(57.6, 61.9, 68.4, 75.9, 81.2, 85.8, 87.7)

med_temp_array <- t(med_temp_tibble[,2:4])
dimnames(med_temp_array)[[2]] <- t(med_temp_tibble[,1])

med_temp_longer <- med_temp_tibble %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = c("Caribou", "Washington", "Laredo"), 
               values_to = "temps" , names_to = "place") %>% 
  mutate(month = factor(month, levels = c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul"), ordered = TRUE))

array_row_names <- med_temp_array[,1]

Techniques described by Hadley Wickham

Hadley Wickham, R for Data Science chapter on Exploratory Data Analysis: 

Variant number one

med_temp_longer %>% ggplot(aes(month, y = place)) +
  geom_point(aes(size = temps)) +

Variant number two

med_temp_longer %>% ggplot(aes(month, y = place)) +
  geom_tile(mapping = aes(fill = temps)) +

Save medpolish output in a list and demonstrate basic additivity plot

lp <- medpolish(med_temp_array)

## 1: 64
## Final: 64

Standard output


## Median Polish Results (Dataset: "med_temp_array")
## Overall: 54.4
## Row Effects:
##    Caribou Washington     Laredo 
##      -19.7        0.0       21.5 
## Column Effects:
##   Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul 
## -18.3 -17.3  -9.1   0.0  10.3  19.0  22.9 
## Residuals:
##             Jan  Feb  Mar Apr  May  Jun   Jul
## Caribou    -7.7 -7.6 -3.9   0  3.5  4.7   6.4
## Washington  0.1  0.0  0.0   0  0.0  0.0   0.0
## Laredo      0.0  3.3  1.6   0 -5.0 -9.1 -11.1

Additivity plot

Augment medpolish output to produce an augmented plot

Aiming to reproduce the plot on p 176

lp_row_tibble <- tibble(area = array_row_names)
fit <- as_tibble(lp$overall + outer(lp$row, lp$col, "+"))
fit <- bind_cols(lp_row_tibble, fit) # add row-names back to the fit df

residuals <- bind_cols(lp_row_tibble, lp$residuals)

max_row_fit <- max(lp$row) + lp$overall
min_row_fit <- min(lp$row) + lp$overall
max_col_fit <- max(lp$col) + lp$overall
min_col_fit <- min(lp$col) + lp$overall

# Store augmented residuals data frame back in the lp list
# lp$residuals <- residuals

long_fit <- pivot_longer(fit,
  cols = where(is.numeric),
  names_to = "cols",
  values_to = "raw_count",
  names_repair = "unique"

long_resid <- residuals %>%
    cols = names(lp$col), names_to = "treat",
    values_to = "resids"

overall_fit <- rep(lp$overall, (length(lp$row * length(lp$col))))

long_fit <- tibble(
  col_fit = (rep(lp$col, times = length(lp$row)) + overall_fit),
  row_fit = (rep(lp$row, each = length(lp$col)) + overall_fit)

long_fit_resids <- bind_cols(long_fit, long_resid)

# names(long_fit_resids)

max_row_fit <- max(c((lp$row + lp$overall)))
min_row_fit <- min(c((lp$row + lp$overall)))
max_col_fit <- max(c((lp$col + lp$overall)))
min_col_fit <- min(c((lp$col + lp$overall)))
# min_fit <- min(c(lp$row, lp$col))

table_length <- length(lp$row) * length(lp$col)

long_fit_resids <- long_fit_resids %>%
    sign = ifelse(resids >= 0, 1, -1),
    seg_length = sqrt((resids**2) / 2),
    col_fit_end = col_fit + (sign * seg_length),
    row_fit_end = row_fit + (sign * seg_length),
    row_grid_start = rep(min_row_fit, table_length),
    row_grid_end = rep(max_row_fit, table_length),
    col_grid_start = rep(min_col_fit, table_length),
    col_grid_end = rep(max_col_fit, table_length),
  ) %>%

row_label_tibble <- tibble(
  row_label_label = names(lp$row),
  row_label_x = (lp$row + lp$overall),
  row_label_y = (rep(max_col_fit, length(lp$row)))

col_label_tibble <- tibble(
  col_label_label = names(lp$col),
  col_label_x = (lp$col + lp$overall),
  col_label_y = (rep(min_row_fit, length(lp$col)))

lp$long_fit_resids <- long_fit_resids
lp$row_label_tibble <- row_label_tibble
lp$col_label_tibble <- col_label_tibble

Graph the median polish fit

p <- lp$long_fit_resids %>%
  mutate(resid_color = case_when(
    resids < 0 ~ "red",
    TRUE ~ "blue"
  )) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = col_fit, y = row_fit)) +
  # geom_point() +
  geom_segment(aes(y = row_grid_start, x = col_fit, yend = row_grid_end, xend = col_fit)) +
  geom_segment(aes(y = row_fit, x = col_grid_start, xend = col_grid_end, yend = row_fit)) +
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1) +
    x = col_fit, y = row_fit,
    xend = col_fit_end, yend = row_fit_end,
    color = resid_color
  arrow = arrow(type = "closed", length = unit(.1, "cm"))
  ) +
    data = col_label_tibble,
    aes(col_label_x, col_label_y,
      label = col_label_label
    angle = -45,
    nudge_y = -20
  ) +
    data = row_label_tibble,
    aes(row_label_y, row_label_x,
      label = row_label_label
    angle = -45,
    nudge_x = 20
  ) +
  labs(fill = NULL)


Rotate the fit plot

rotation <- 45
p_rot <- p +
    legend.position = "none",
    axis.title.y = element_text(angle = -90)

vp <- viewport(name = "rotate", angle = rotation, width = 0.7, height = 0.7)
print(p_rot, vp = "rotate", newpage = FALSE)

## Warning in, vp, TRUE): cannot clip to rotated
## viewport

## Warning in, vp, TRUE): cannot clip to rotated
## viewport

vp <- viewport(
  x = 0.15, y = 0.8, width = 0,
  height = 0