- Connecting to an IMAP server using SSL
- Download unseen mail messages
- Search for messages
- Figure out the amount of free space left for the inbox
- Receive IMAP IDLE notifications
- Download mail headers only instead of the entire mail message
- Download attachments only if they are smaller than 2 Megabytes
- Download attachments only if they are zip archives, otherwise skip them
- Store mail message on an IMAP server
Connecting to an IMAP server using SSL
using System;
using S22.Imap;
namespace Test {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args)
using (ImapClient Client = new ImapClient("imap.gmail.com", 993,
"username", "password", AuthMethod.Login, true))
Console.WriteLine("We are connected!");
using System;
using S22.Imap;
namespace Test {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args)
using (ImapClient Client = new ImapClient("imap.gmail.com", 993,
"username", "password", AuthMethod.Login, true))
IEnumerable<uint> uids = Client.Search( SearchCondition.Unseen() );
IEnumerable<MailMessage> messages = Client.GetMessages(uids);
using System;
using S22.Imap;
namespace Test {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args)
using (ImapClient Client = new ImapClient("imap.gmail.com", 993,
"username", "password", AuthMethod.Login, true))
// Find messages that were sent from abc@def.com and have
// the string "Hello World" in their subject line.
IEnumerable<uint> uids = Client.Search(
SearchCondition.Subject("Hello World"))
Figure out the amount of free space left for the inbox
This is not supported by all IMAP servers and some may just return 0
using System;
using S22.Imap;
namespace Test {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args)
using (ImapClient Client = new ImapClient("imap.gmail.com", 993,
"username", "password", AuthMethod.Login, true))
MailboxStatus status = Client.GetStatus();
Console.WriteLine(status.FreeStorage + " Bytes left");
Console.WriteLine(status.UsedStorage + " Bytes used");
Receive IMAP IDLE notifications
using System;
using S22.Imap;
namespace Test {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args)
using (ImapClient Client = new ImapClient("imap.gmail.com", 993,
"username", "password", AuthMethod.Login, true))
// Should ensure IDLE is actually supported by the server
if(Client.Supports("IDLE") == false) {
Console.WriteLine("Server does not support IMAP IDLE");
// We want to be informed when new messages arrive
Client.NewMessage += new EventHandler<IdleMessageEventArgs>(OnNewMessage);
// Put calling thread to sleep. This is just so the example program does
// not immediately exit.
static void OnNewMessage(object sender, IdleMessageEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine('A new message arrived. Message has UID: ' +
// Fetch the new message's headers and print the subject line
MailMessage m = e.Client.GetMessage( e.MessageUID, FetchOptions.HeadersOnly );
Console.WriteLine("New message's subject: " + m.Subject);
Download mail headers only instead of the entire mail message
using System;
using S22.Imap;
namespace Test {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args)
using (ImapClient Client = new ImapClient("imap.gmail.com", 993,
"username", "password", AuthMethod.Login, true))
// This returns *ALL* messages in the inbox.
IEnumerable<uint> uids = Client.Search( SearchCondition.All() );
// If we're only interested in the subject line or envelope
// information, just downloading the mail headers is alot
// cheaper and alot faster.
IEnumerable<MailMessage> messages = Client.GetMessages(uids. FetchOptions.HeadersOnly);
Download attachments only if they are smaller than 2 Megabytes
using System;
using S22.Imap;
namespace Test {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args)
using (ImapClient Client = new ImapClient("imap.gmail.com", 993,
"username", "password", AuthMethod.Login, true))
// This returns all messages sent since August 23rd 2012.
IEnumerable<uint> uids = Client.Search(
SearchCondition.SentSince( new DateTime(2012, 8, 23) )
// The expression will be evaluated for every MIME part
// of every mail message in the uids collection.
IEnumerable<MailMessage> messages = Client.GetMessages(uids,
(Bodypart part) => {
// We're only interested in attachments.
if(part.Disposition.Type == ContentDispositionType.Attachment)
Int64 TwoMegabytes = (1024 * 1024 * 2);
if(part.Size > TwoMegabytes)
// Don't download this attachment
return false;
// Fetch MIME part and include it in the returned MailMessage instance.
return true;
Download attachments only if they are zip archives, otherwise skip them
using System;
using S22.Imap;
namespace Test {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args)
using (ImapClient Client = new ImapClient("imap.gmail.com", 993,
"username", "password", AuthMethod.Login, true))
// This returns all messages sent since August 23rd 2012.
IEnumerable<uint> uids = Client.Search(
SearchCondition.SentSince( new DateTime(2012, 8, 23) )
// The expression will be evaluated for every MIME part
// of every mail message in the uids collection.
IEnumerable<MailMessage> messages = Client.GetMessages(uids,
(Bodypart part) => {
// We're only interested in attachments.
if(part.Disposition.Type == ContentDispositionType.Attachment)
// Zip files have a content-type of application/zip.
if(part.Type == ContentType.Application &&
part.Subtype.toLower() == "zip")
return true;
// Skip this attachment, it's not a zip archive.
return false;
// Fetch MIME part and include it in the returned MailMessage instance.
return true;
Store mail message on an IMAP server
using System;
using System.Net.Mail;
using S22.Imap;
namespace Test {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args)
using (ImapClient Client = new ImapClient("imap.gmail.com", 993,
"username", "password", AuthMethod.Login, true))
MailMessage m = CreateSimpleMailMessage();
uint uid = Client.StoreMessage(m);
Console.WriteLine("The UID of the stored mail message is " + uid);
// This creates a simple mail message with a text/plain body and a PNG image
// as a file attachment.
// Consult the MSDN website for details on the System.Net.Mail.Mailmessage class
static MailMessage CreateSimpleMailMessage() {
MailMessage message = new MailMessage();
message.From = new MailAddress("someone@someplace.com");
message.Subject = "This is just a test!";
message.Body = "This is the text/plain body. An additional HTML body " +
"can optionally be attached as an alternate view";
// Add the attachment
Attachment attachment = new Attachment("some_image.png", "image/png");
attachment.Name = "my_attached_image.png";
return message;