diff --git a/vllm/model_executor/layers/sampler.py b/vllm/model_executor/layers/sampler.py
index e8b1d3e570f..b9096ba4552 100644
--- a/vllm/model_executor/layers/sampler.py
+++ b/vllm/model_executor/layers/sampler.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 """A layer that samples the next tokens from the model's outputs."""
 from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
+import time
 import torch
 import torch.nn as nn
@@ -37,13 +38,20 @@ def forward(
         hidden_states: torch.Tensor,
         sampling_metadata: SamplingMetadata,
         embedding_bias: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
+        logits: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
     ) -> Optional[SamplerOutput]:
-        # Get the hidden states that we use for sampling.
-        hidden_states = _prune_hidden_states(hidden_states, sampling_metadata)
-        # Get the logits for the next tokens.
-        logits = _get_logits(hidden_states, embedding, embedding_bias,
-                             self.vocab_size)
+        if logits is None:
+            # Get the hidden states that we use for sampling.
+            hidden_states = _prune_hidden_states(hidden_states, sampling_metadata)
+            start = time.time()
+            # Get the logits for the next tokens.
+            logits = _get_logits(hidden_states, embedding, embedding_bias,
+                                self.vocab_size)
+            end = time.time()
+            print(f'Out-of-model logits calculation (MatMul) took {(end - start)*1000} ms')
+        else:
+            logits = _prune_hidden_states(logits, sampling_metadata)
         # Only perform sampling in the driver worker.
         # Note: `_get_logits` is still distributed across TP workers because
diff --git a/vllm/worker/model_runner.py b/vllm/worker/model_runner.py
index 3a9c4f14bbd..aca25b99952 100644
--- a/vllm/worker/model_runner.py
+++ b/vllm/worker/model_runner.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import time
 import os
 from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+import math
 import numpy as np
 import torch
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@
 logger = init_logger(__name__)
 is_openvino = True if os.getenv('VLLM_OPENVINO', "0") == "1" else False
+is_openvino_optimum_intel = True if os.getenv('VLLM_OPENVINO_OPTIMUM', "0") == "1" else False
 KVCache = Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]
 _PAD_SLOT_ID = -1
@@ -28,10 +30,69 @@
 current_iteration_idx = 0
 total_time_second_token = 0
+def flattenize_inputs(inputs):
+    """
+    Helper function for making nested inputs flattens
+    """
+    flatten_inputs = []
+    for input_data in inputs:
+        if input_data is None:
+            continue
+        if isinstance(input_data, (list, tuple)):
+            flatten_inputs.extend(flattenize_inputs(input_data))
+        elif isinstance(input_data, dict):
+            flatten_inputs.extend(flattenize_inputs(list(input_data.values())))
+        else:
+            flatten_inputs.append(input_data)
+    return flatten_inputs
+def ov_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
+    #print('OV FORWARD WRAPPER')
+    #print(f'model class: {type(args[0])}')
+    #for i, input in enumerate(args[1:]):
+    #    print(f'[{i}]: {type(input)}')
+    #for key, value in kwargs.items():
+    #    print(f'{key}: {type(value)}')
+    #result = args[0]._openvino_patch_orig_forward(*args[1:], **kwargs)
+    input_metadata = kwargs['input_metadata']
+    #print(dir(input_metadata))
+    #print(input_metadata.is_prompt, input_metadata.slot_mapping, input_metadata.max_context_len, input_metadata.context_lens, input_metadata.block_tables)
+    def prepare_data(t):
+        t = np.array(t, copy=False)
+        #print(t.__array_interface__['data'][0])
+        assert t.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]
+        return t
+    flatten_kv_cache = flattenize_inputs(kwargs['kv_caches'])
+    #total_size = sum([torch.numel(t) for t in flatten_kv_cache])
+    #print(f'kv-cache total size: {total_size}')
+    flatten_kv_cache = [prepare_data(t) for t in flatten_kv_cache]
+    inputs = [
+        kwargs['input_ids'],
+        kwargs['positions'],
+        *flatten_kv_cache,
+        input_metadata.is_prompt, input_metadata.slot_mapping
+    ]
+    #print('slot_mapping:', input_metadata.slot_mapping)
+    if input_metadata.max_context_len is not None:
+        # available from the second iteration
+        inputs.append(input_metadata.max_context_len)
+        inputs.append(input_metadata.context_lens)
+        inputs.append(input_metadata.block_tables)
+    else:
+        inputs.append(np.array(0, dtype=np.int32))   # for optimum-based models this parameter can be used even on the first iteration
+    #for input in inputs:
+    #    print(f'{input.dtype} wiht shape {input.shape}' if isinstance(input, torch.Tensor) else type(input))
+    result = self.ov_request.infer(inputs, share_inputs=True, share_outputs=False)
+    #print(f'result: {type(result)}')
+    return torch.from_numpy(result[0])
 def patch_model_with_openvino(model, model_config, *model_args, **model_kwargs):
     if hasattr(model, '_openvino_patch_orig_forward'):
-    print(' ============= PATCHING MODEL =============')
+    print(' ============= PATCHING vLLM MODEL =============')
     # model._openvino_patch_orig_forward = model.forward
     # Replace forward with our stuff
     import openvino as ov
@@ -167,22 +228,6 @@ def forward(self, input_ids, position_ids, kv_cache, meta_dict):
     RMSNorm.forward = RMSNorm._forward
     RotaryEmbedding.forward = RotaryEmbedding._forward
-    def flattenize_inputs(inputs):
-        """
-        Helper function for making nested inputs flattens
-        """
-        flatten_inputs = []
-        for input_data in inputs:
-            if input_data is None:
-                continue
-            if isinstance(input_data, (list, tuple)):
-                flatten_inputs.extend(flattenize_inputs(input_data))
-            elif isinstance(input_data, dict):
-                flatten_inputs.extend(flattenize_inputs(list(input_data.values())))
-            else:
-                flatten_inputs.append(input_data)
-        return flatten_inputs
     flatten_input = flattenize_inputs(example_input)
     input_names = ["input_ids", "position_ids"]
     output_names = ["logits"]
@@ -212,7 +257,7 @@ def wrapper(module, target_op, *args, **kwargs):
     with torch.no_grad():
-        print('>>>>>>>>>>>>> CONVERTING OV MODEL')
         ov_model =  ov.convert_model(
@@ -236,8 +281,8 @@ def wrapper(module, target_op, *args, **kwargs):
         for out_name, out in zip(output_names, ov_model.outputs):
-        # ov.save_model(ov_model, "vllm_openvino_model.xml")
-        print('>>>>>>>>>>>>> OV MODEL CONVERTED')
+        #ov.serialize(ov_model, "vllm_openvino_model.xml")
+        print('MODEL IS CONVERTED')
     core = ov.Core()
@@ -245,49 +290,221 @@ def wrapper(module, target_op, *args, **kwargs):
     ov_config = {ov.properties.enable_profiling: True}
     # ov_config = {}
     ov_compiled = core.compile_model(ov_model, "CPU", config=ov_config)
-    ov_request = ov_compiled.create_infer_request()
+    model.ov_request = ov_compiled.create_infer_request()
     from functools import partial
-    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
-        #print('OV FORWARD WRAPPER')
-        #print(f'model class: {type(args[0])}')
-        #for i, input in enumerate(args[1:]):
-        #    print(f'[{i}]: {type(input)}')
-        #for key, value in kwargs.items():
-        #    print(f'{key}: {type(value)}')
-        #result = args[0]._openvino_patch_orig_forward(*args[1:], **kwargs)
-        input_metadata = kwargs['input_metadata']
-        #print(dir(input_metadata))
-        #print(input_metadata.is_prompt, input_metadata.slot_mapping, input_metadata.max_context_len, input_metadata.context_lens, input_metadata.block_tables)
-        def prepare_data(t):
-            t = np.array(t, copy=False)
-            #print(t.__array_interface__['data'][0])
-            assert t.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]
-            return t
-        flatten_kv_cache = flattenize_inputs(kwargs['kv_caches'])
-        #total_size = sum([torch.numel(t) for t in flatten_kv_cache])
-        #print(f'kv-cache total size: {total_size}')
-        flatten_kv_cache = [prepare_data(t) for t in flatten_kv_cache]
-        inputs = [
-            kwargs['input_ids'],
-            kwargs['positions'],
-            *flatten_kv_cache,
-            input_metadata.is_prompt, input_metadata.slot_mapping
-        ]
-        #print('slot_mapping:', input_metadata.slot_mapping)
-        if input_metadata.max_context_len is not None:
-            # available from the second iteration
-            inputs.append(input_metadata.max_context_len)
-            inputs.append(input_metadata.context_lens)
-            inputs.append(input_metadata.block_tables)
-        #for input in inputs:
-        #    print(f'{input.dtype} wiht shape {input.shape}' if isinstance(input, torch.Tensor) else type(input))
-        result = ov_request.infer(inputs, share_inputs=True, share_outputs=False)
-        #print(f'result: {type(result)}')
-        return torch.from_numpy(result[0])
     model._openvino_patch_orig_forward = model.forward
-    model.forward = partial(wrapper, model)
+    model.forward = partial(ov_wrapper, model)
+def patch_stateful_model(model):
+    from openvino.runtime.passes import Manager, MatcherPass, WrapType, Matcher, AnyInput, Or
+    from openvino.runtime import opset13
+    from openvino.runtime.utils.node_factory import NodeFactory
+    from openvino.runtime.utils import replace_node
+    factory = NodeFactory()
+    factory.add_extension("libuser_ov_extensions.so")
+    #model.remove_parameter(model.input('beam_idx').get_node())
+    max_context_len = opset13.parameter(shape=[], dtype=np.int32, name='max_context_len')  # max_context_len
+    model_remaining_params = [
+        opset13.parameter(shape=[], dtype=bool, name='is_prompt'),  # is_prompt
+        opset13.parameter(shape=[-1, -1], dtype=np.int64, name='slot_mapping'),  # slot mapping
+        max_context_len,
+        opset13.parameter(shape=[-1], dtype=np.int32, name='context_lens'),  # context_lens
+        opset13.parameter(shape=[-1, -1], dtype=np.int32, name='block_tables'),  # block_tables
+    ]
+    paged_attention_remaining_args = [
+        opset13.constant([]),  # alibi_slopes
+        opset13.constant(0),  # sliding_window
+    ]
+    kv_parameters = []
+    assignes_to_remove = []
+    parameters_to_remove = []
+    results_to_remove = []
+    position_ids_parameter = []
+    class StateManagementPattern(MatcherPass):
+        def __init__(self):
+            MatcherPass.__init__(self)
+            self.model_changed = False
+            k_past_var = WrapType("opset13.ReadValue", AnyInput())
+            k_past_par = WrapType("opset13.Parameter")
+            k_past = Or([WrapType("opset13.Gather", [k_past_var, AnyInput(), AnyInput()]), k_past_par])
+            k_current = AnyInput()
+            k_concat = WrapType("opset13.Concat", [k_past, k_current])
+            def kv_shaping(kv_concat):
+                interim = WrapType("opset13.StridedSlice", [kv_concat, *[AnyInput() for _ in range(3)]])
+                interim = WrapType("opset13.StridedSlice", [interim, *[AnyInput() for _ in range(3)]])
+                unsqueeze = WrapType("opset13.Unsqueeze", [Or([kv_concat, interim]), AnyInput()])
+                interim = WrapType("opset13.StridedSlice", [unsqueeze, *[AnyInput() for _ in range(3)]])
+                interim = WrapType("opset13.StridedSlice", [interim, *[AnyInput() for _ in range(3)]])
+                interim = WrapType("opset13.Broadcast", [Or([unsqueeze, interim]), AnyInput()])
+                interim = WrapType("opset13.Reshape", [interim, AnyInput()])
+                return interim
+            v_past_var = WrapType("opset13.ReadValue", AnyInput())
+            v_past_par = WrapType("opset13.Parameter")
+            v_past = Or([WrapType("opset13.Gather", [v_past_var, AnyInput(), AnyInput()]), v_past_par])
+            v_current = AnyInput()
+            v_concat = WrapType("opset13.Concat", [v_past, v_current])
+            q = AnyInput()
+            sdpa = WrapType("opset13.ScaledDotProductAttention", [
+                q,
+                Or([k_concat, kv_shaping(k_concat)]),
+                Or([v_concat, kv_shaping(v_concat)]),
+                AnyInput()
+            ])
+            def callback(m: Matcher) -> bool:
+                assert sdpa in m.get_pattern_value_map()
+                mapping = m.get_pattern_value_map()
+                assert sdpa in mapping
+                real_q = mapping[q]
+                real_k = mapping[k_current]
+                real_v = mapping[v_current]
+                hidden_shape = real_q.get_partial_shape()
+                hidden_dim = hidden_shape[hidden_shape.rank.get_length() - 1].get_length()  # TODO: What if it is a dynamic? Need to insert a ShapeOf sub-graph instead
+                k_parameter = opset13.parameter(shape=[-1, -1, -1, -1, -1], dtype=np.float32)
+                v_parameter = opset13.parameter(shape=[-1, -1, -1, -1], dtype=np.float32)
+                kv_parameters.append(k_parameter)
+                kv_parameters.append(v_parameter)
+                # TODO: The rank 4 is used in the following code, but it is not guaranteed for all models, adopt to other ranks.
+                q_transpose = opset13.transpose(real_q, opset13.constant([0, 2, 1, 3]))
+                q_reshape = opset13.reshape(q_transpose, opset13.constant([0, 0, -1]), True)
+                k_transpose = opset13.transpose(real_k, opset13.constant([0, 2, 1, 3]))
+                k_reshape = opset13.reshape(k_transpose, opset13.constant([0, 0, -1]), True)
+                v_transpose = opset13.transpose(real_v, opset13.constant([0, 2, 1, 3]))
+                v_reshape = opset13.reshape(v_transpose, opset13.constant([0, 0, -1]), True)
+                # TODO: Detect whether SDPA in the model graph has scale argument set and use it instead of the computed scale below
+                scale = opset13.constant(np.array(1.0/math.sqrt(float(hidden_dim)), dtype=np.float32))
+                paged_attention = factory.create("PagedAttentionExtension", [
+                    q_reshape,
+                    k_reshape,
+                    v_reshape,
+                    k_parameter,
+                    v_parameter,
+                    *model_remaining_params,
+                    scale,
+                    *paged_attention_remaining_args
+                ])
+                pa_reshape = opset13.reshape(paged_attention, [0, 0, -1, hidden_dim], True)
+                pa_transpose = opset13.transpose(pa_reshape, opset13.constant([0, 2, 1, 3]))
+                # def add_kv_parameter(past_node):
+                #     if past_node.get_type_info().name == 'Parameter':
+                #         parameters_to_remove.append(past_node)
+                # add_kv_parameter(mapping[k_gather])
+                # add_kv_parameter(mapping[v_gather])
+                if v_past_par in mapping:
+                    parameters_to_remove.append(mapping[v_past_par].get_node())
+                if k_past_par in mapping:
+                    parameters_to_remove.append(mapping[k_past_par].get_node())
+                def add_assign_consumers(output):
+                    for consumer in output.get_target_inputs():
+                        consumer_node = consumer.get_node()
+                        consumer_type = consumer_node.get_type_info().name
+                        if consumer_type == 'Assign':  # stateful model
+                            assignes_to_remove.append(consumer_node)
+                        elif consumer_type == 'Result':  # stateless model
+                            results_to_remove.append(consumer_node)
+                add_assign_consumers(mapping[k_concat])
+                add_assign_consumers(mapping[v_concat])
+                replace_node(m.get_match_root(), pa_transpose)
+                print('INSERTED PageAttentionExtension')
+                return True
+            self.register_matcher(Matcher(sdpa, "StateAndSDPA"), callback)
+    class MaxSequenceLengthPattern(MatcherPass):
+        def __init__(self):
+            MatcherPass.__init__(self)
+            self.model_changed = False
+            kv_past = WrapType("opset13.ReadValue", AnyInput())
+            kv_gather = WrapType("opset13.Gather", [kv_past, AnyInput(), AnyInput()])
+            kv_shape = WrapType("opset13.ShapeOf", [kv_gather])
+            seq = WrapType("opset13.Gather", [kv_shape, AnyInput(), AnyInput()])
+            def callback(m: Matcher) -> bool:
+                replace_node(m.get_match_root(), max_context_len)
+                print("DETECTED PATTERN FOR max_sequence_length, CONNECTED TO A DEDICATED PARAMETER")
+                return True
+            self.register_matcher(Matcher(seq, "MaxSequenceLengthPattern"), callback)
+    # TODO: Instead of using the following transformation that matches quite a specific place in a model graph in case when position_ids parameter is missing,
+    #       consider replacing always existing attention_mask parameter with a sub-graph using a new slot_mapping parameter.
+    class PositionIDsReplacer(MatcherPass):
+        def __init__(self):
+            MatcherPass.__init__(self)
+            self.model_changed = False
+            input_ids = AnyInput()
+            input_embed = WrapType("opset13.Gather", [AnyInput(), input_ids, AnyInput()])
+            position_ids = AnyInput()
+            offset = WrapType('opset13.Constant')
+            add_offset = WrapType('opset13.Add', [position_ids, offset])
+            convert = WrapType('opset13.Convert', [add_offset])
+            position_embed = WrapType("opset13.Gather", [AnyInput(), convert, AnyInput()])
+            add = WrapType("opset13.Add", [input_embed, position_embed])
+            def callback(m: Matcher) -> bool:
+                mapping = m.get_pattern_value_map()
+                if not position_ids_parameter:
+                    position_ids_parameter.append(opset13.parameter(shape=[-1, -1], dtype=np.int64, name="position_ids"))
+                    print('CREATED A NEW position_ids PARAMETER')
+                replace_node(mapping[position_ids].get_node(), position_ids_parameter[0])
+                print('APPLIED position_ids PARAMETER INSTEAD OF attention_mask-BASED SUB-GRAPH')
+                return True
+            self.register_matcher(Matcher(add, "InputAndPoistionIDsAdd"), callback)
+    m = Manager()
+    m.set_per_pass_validation(False)
+    m.register_pass(StateManagementPattern())
+    m.register_pass(MaxSequenceLengthPattern())
+    def has_parameter(model, name):
+        return name in sum([list(t.get_names()) for t in model.inputs], [])
+    if has_parameter(model, 'position_ids'):
+        position_ids_parameter.append(model.input('position_ids').get_node())
+    else:
+        m.register_pass(PositionIDsReplacer())
+    m.run_passes(model)
+    if has_parameter(model, 'beam_idx'):
+        model.remove_parameter(model.input('beam_idx').get_node())
+    model.remove_parameter(model.input('attention_mask').get_node())
+    # print('parameters_to_remove:', parameters_to_remove)
+    # print('results_to_remove:', results_to_remove)
+    # print('sinks_to_remove:', assignes_to_remove)
+    for parameter in parameters_to_remove:
+        model.remove_parameter(parameter)
+    for sink in assignes_to_remove:
+        model.remove_sink(sink)
+    for result in results_to_remove:
+        model.remove_result(result)
+    if not has_parameter(model, 'position_ids'):
+        model.add_parameters(position_ids_parameter)
+    model.add_parameters(kv_parameters)
+    model.add_parameters(model_remaining_params)
 class ModelRunner:
@@ -328,7 +545,28 @@ def __init__(
         self.in_wsl = in_wsl()
     def load_model(self) -> None:
-        self.model = get_model(self.model_config)
+        if is_openvino_optimum_intel:
+            import openvino as ov
+            from optimum.intel import OVModelForCausalLM
+            self.model = OVModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(self.model_config.model, export=True, compile=False, load_in_8bit=False) # need stateful because it also enables SDPA
+            patch_stateful_model(self.model.model)
+            #ov.serialize(self.model.model, 'vllm_openvino_model.xml')
+            core = ov.Core()
+            ov_compiled = core.compile_model(self.model.model, "CPU")
+            self.model.ov_request = ov_compiled.create_infer_request()
+            from functools import partial
+            self.model._openvino_patch_orig_forward = self.model.forward
+            self.model.forward = partial(ov_wrapper, self.model)
+            # self.vllm_model = get_model(self.model_config)
+            # def sample_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+            #     return self.vllm_model.sample(*args, hidden_states=None, **kwargs)
+            # self.model.sample = sample_wrapper
+            from vllm.model_executor.layers.sampler import Sampler
+            self.sampler = Sampler(self.model_config.hf_config.vocab_size)
+        else:
+            self.model = get_model(self.model_config)
     def set_block_size(self, block_size: int) -> None:
         self.block_size = block_size
@@ -723,7 +961,7 @@ def execute_model(
         input_tokens, input_positions, input_metadata, sampling_metadata = (
         # passing input data as well to ease process of model conversion
-        if is_openvino:
+        if is_openvino and not is_openvino_optimum_intel:
             patch_model_with_openvino(self.model, self.model_config,
@@ -753,10 +991,24 @@ def execute_model(
         current_iteration_idx += 1
         # Sample the next token.
-        output = self.model.sample(
-            hidden_states=hidden_states,
-            sampling_metadata=sampling_metadata,
-        )
+        if is_openvino_optimum_intel:
+            # TODO: In OpenVINO case we still doing logits compute in the model for all output tokens, which is not
+            #       an efficient approach for pre-fill as a part of the values are dropped in the sampler below.
+            #       So, the better appraoch is to fuse the gather/slice on hidden state directly to the model and do
+            #       a part of the work that sampler does in the model itself. Alternative apprach is to return real hidden_states
+            #       from the model as an output dropping a final MatMul in the end of the model but it will lead to MatMul compute
+            #       in vanilla torch in the sampler below.
+            output = self.sampler(  # calling sampler directly (not sample method) to avoid modifying vLLM model classes
+                embedding=None,  # won't be used because logits are passed as another argument
+                hidden_states=None,
+                sampling_metadata=sampling_metadata,
+                logits=hidden_states,  # hidden state is not really a hidden state in openvino, it is already logits
+            )
+        else:
+            output = self.model.sample(
+                hidden_states=hidden_states,
+                sampling_metadata=sampling_metadata,
+            )
         return output