Personal Plaster templates
Import the module and then run the only function in the module New-PlasterModule
There are 3 parameters:
ModuleName - This is the name of the module
OutPath - This is the folder in which to create your new module (do not include the ModuleName folder - this is added and created automatically)
TemplateName - This is a tab-completable parameter to choose the particular plaster template
Here is an example:
New-PlasterModule -ModuleName TestModule -OutPath C:\temp\ -TemplateName GitLab
You will then be prompted with the Plaster questions. Here's an example of some questions and responses:
____ _ _
| _ \| | __ _ ___| |_ ___ _ __
| |_) | |/ _` / __| __/ _ \ '__|
| __/| | (_| \__ \ || __/ |
|_| |_|\__,_|___/\__\___|_|
Module author's name: Test Author
Module author's GitLab user account name: tauthor
Module author's GitLab email address:
The URL of the GitLab server:
Name of your module: TestModule
Brief description on this module: Test module
Do you want to deploy to a custom repository or the PSGallery?
[C] Custom repository [P] PSGallery [?] Help (default is "C"): c
Enter the URL for the custom repository:
Do you want to deploy docs with mkDocs?
[No] Do not deploy docs with mkDocs [Yes] Deploy docs with mkDocs [?] Help (default is "No"): yes
If you choose to deploy docs with mkDocs, you will need to ensure that your GitLab-CI running has access to a Personal Access Token via a variable.
At this point it will create your module.
Following the module creation you will need to do the following steps:
- Create the repository on the Git server using the module name specified
- Add the PowerShell repository API key to your repository environment variables as the name
- cd into the directory of your new module and run
git push -u origin master
to push the initial commit up to the Git server
To create a deployment you need to tag a commit with the release version and then push that tag to the git server. So, if you were deploying version 0.1.0 you would do the following:
git tag 0.1.0
git push origin 0.1.0