Duo is a very popular 2fa application used by many companies to protect enterprise resources and applications. Below, we will be testing the Duo API with a very simple example. Duo makes this super easy, and the documentation is pretty good. We will be uing Javascript (specifically Node.js) to test an API end-point, but there is documentation and samples for a variety of languages.
Here is a simple diagram showing how we will interact with the Duo API:
Sign up for a free Duo Trial Account here. You will need to use an email you can reach (to validate your account), and have your smartphone to install the Duo app.
Login to the Duo admin panel here, and navigate to "Applications".
For purposes of this tutorial chose Duo "Admin API" and click on Protect. Once you chose to protect the "Admin API", you will be taken into the details for this application. Note, you can chose to protect this app, or any application in the list as many times as you like and provide unique names to each one.
Once you are in the details of your Admin API application, note a few things we need to setup or note:
- Integration key - you will need this in the command line when we call the Duo Admin API
- Secret key - you will need this in the command line when we call the Duo Admin API
- API hostname - you will need this in the command line when we call the Duo Admin API
- Under Permissions, you need to grant read permissions, so check the box next to
Grant read information
We will also need a test program provided by Duo for Node.js. Download the zip file from Duo's github page here. Click the green "Code" button, and either clone the repository, or just download the zip file. In the repository, under example
, you will find a javascript file called duo_admin.js
From the command line, we will execute the following command, using our assembled details from step #4.
node duo_admin.js --ikey your_integration_key --skey your_secret_key --host your_api_host_name
From where you downloaded (or cloned) the repository, you will execute the following:
node duo_admin.js --ikey your_integration_key --skey your_secret_key --host your_api_host_name
There will be one of two outcomes:
The API returns a failure, which looks like:
API call returned error: Access forbidden
This is due to missing the permissions step in step 4, the API needs (at minimum) read permissions to your "application" in order to use it. Go back to your application and check the box as outlined above. Then rerun step 6.
The API returns a success, which looks like:
mintime = 1657483539 maxtime = 1660075539 ERROR count = 0 FAILURE count = 0 FRAUD count = 0 SUCCESS count = 0
There are a LOT more API endpoints you can test, for a variety of applications that Duo supports. What we did above is just scratching the surface. To explore the API end points, navigate over to https://duo.com/docs/authapi#endpoints, and start playing. Don't forget the example we used above can be found on the Duo GitHub page here.