A NREL PVWAtts API v5 thin Python wrapper built around requests library.
Developed by http://renooble.com.
PVWatts API v5 Documentation: http://developer.nrel.gov/docs/solar/pvwatts-v5/
Python requests library: http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/
pypvwatts can be installed using distutils/setuptools, either using the setup.py included or directly over PyPi package repository:
Using PyPi
$ pip install pypvwatts
Download the tarball, unpack and then run setup.py
$ python setup.py install
>>> from pypvwatts import PVWatts
>>> PVWatts.api_key = 'myapikey'
>>> result = PVWatts.request(
system_capacity=4, module_type=1, array_type=1,
azimuth=190, tilt=30, dataset='tmy2',
losses=0.13, lat=40, lon=-105)
>>> result.ac_annual
>>> from pypvwatts import PVWatts
>>> p = PVWatts(api_key='myapikey')
>>> result = p.request(
system_capacity=4, module_type=1, array_type=1,
azimuth=190, tilt=30, dataset='tmy2',
losses=0.13, lat=40, lon=-105)
>>> result.ac_annual
All request parameters correspond to NREL PVWatts API parameters.
This library provides shortcuts for all response output fields, all can be accessed as a result property.
Please refer to NREL PVWatts documentation for further details.
Raw result data can be queried using the result.raw attribute.
>>> from pypvwatts import PVWatts
>>> result = PVWatts.request(
system_capacity=4, module_type=1, array_type=1,
azimuth=190, tilt=30, dataset='tmy2',
losses=0.13, lat=40, lon=-105)
>>> result.raw
{u'errors': [u'You have exceeded your rate limit. Try again later or contact us at http://developer.nrel.gov/contact for assistance']}
All API errors are reported via JSON response, using the errors attribute.
>>> from pypvwatts import PVWatts
>>> result = PVWatts.request(
system_capacity=4, module_type=1, array_type=1,
azimuth=190, tilt=30, dataset='tmy2',
losses=0.13, lat=40, lon=-105)
>>> result.errors
[u'You have exceeded your rate limit. Try again later or contact us at http://developer.nrel.gov/contact for assistance']
All parameters feeded to make the request are validated, all validations follow the restrictions documented in NREL v4 API docs at http://developer.nrel.gov/docs/solar/pvwatts-v4/. All validation errors will be raised with pypvwatts.pvwattserror.PVWattsValidationError exception.
pypvwatts does not try to hide the fact is a thin wrapper around requests library so all other service errors such as connectivity or timeouts are raised as requests library exceptions http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/quickstart/#errors-and-exceptions.
Simple tests are provided in test.py. Run them with:
$ python -m unittest pypvwatts.test
2.0.0 - Version is now compatible with PVWatts v5. 2.0.0 is not backwards compatible with 1.2.0. Attributes of the API have changed.
1.2.0 - Fixed proxy handling, now using proxies parameter.
1.1.1 - Updated copyright notice
1.1.0 - Minor import fix and README update
1.0.0 - First release
Author: Miguel Paolino miguel@renooble.com, Hannes Hapke hannes@renooble.com - Copyright http://renooble.com