Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- A brief introduction to the Quorum architecture
- Interacting with the Quorum nodes
- Configuration for the Quorum nodes
Each Quorum node is composed of a Geth node and a Contellation node. The Geth node is an Ethereum node implemented in Go and slightly modified in Quorum to support privacy features. The Constellation node is a message broker/manager that encrypts and routes messages to other Constellation nodes. The Constellation node is itself composed of the transaction manager, which routes the transactions to its proper recipients, and the Enclave, responsible for holding cryptographic keys and encrypting the transactions. So the Quorum architecture in ClearGDPR looks like this:
- Quorum node
- Geth node
- Constellation node
- Transaction manager
- Enclave
Both the Geth node and the Constellation node run inside their own Docker containers. It is possible to interact with the Geth and Constellation containers by opening a bash shell in them:
docker-compose exec geth1 bash
Switch geth1
for constellation1
to open a bash in the constellation container instead.
Inside a Geth or Constellation shell, it's possible to see which files are on the container. Remembering that these containers are Ubuntu 16.04 Linux with only the dependencies required for Geth or Constellation to run in them.
In particular, the directories /scripts
and /qdata
are important, as they contain the changes made on top of the basic Ubuntu 16.04 filesystem. You should take a look around these directories to get familiarized with them.
Furthermore, you can open an interactive JS console in a Geth node with the command bellow if you are already inside a Geth's bash:
geth attach ws://quorum1:8546
The command above opens a JS interactive console in Quorum node 1 via a websocket port. Or if you are not inside a Geth's bash:
docker-compose exec geth1 geth attach ws://quorum1:8546
When inside the JS interactive console, you should see the management Application Programming Interfaces - APIs, available:
- admin
- db
- eth
- debug
- miner
- net
- shh
- txpool
- personal
- web3
- raft
All of the management APIs are set to be available in ClearGDPR. More information on the management APIs, except raft which is Quorum only, can be found in the Ethereum's Github repo wiki. About the raft API, more can be found in the Quorum's Github repo docs.
ClearGDPR's Quorum nodes are containerized with Docker containers. The Quorum node Docker containers were based on this project:
In the root directory, run:
node setup.js
As mentioned in the Quick Start guide, this will set a development environment for you.
Usage is described when running the scripts without parameters:
$ quorum/scripts/
Usage of the command:
quorum/scripts/ target_directory constallation_ip geth_ip constellation_port eth_port raft_port rpc_port websocket_port [password]
target_directory: subdir under quorum/generated_configs/
password: password used to lock / unlock the geth account (optional)
$ quorum/scripts/
Usage of the command:
quorum/scripts/ target_directory [[target_directory2] ...]
quorum/scripts/ node1 node2
Example commands to generate configs for 2 nodes for AWS/Kubernetes deploy:
quorum/scripts/ node1 9000 30303 50400 8545 8546 p@sw0rd1 && \
quorum/scripts/ node2 9001 30304 50401 8547 8548 p@sw0rd1 && \
quorum/scripts/ node1 node2
Example commands to generate configs for 2 nodes for local docker-compose:
quorum/scripts/ node1 9000 30303 50400 8545 8546 p@sw0rd1 && \
quorum/scripts/ node2 9000 30303 50400 8545 8546 p@sw0rd1 && \
quorum/scripts/ node1 node2
You can use the command below to get the private key of a node:
docker-compose exec geth1 /bin/sh -c "cat /qdata/dd/keystore/*"
Save the output to a file in cg/
subdirector, ex. cg/test-key.temp.json
, and then run:
docker-compose exec cg node scripts/get-wallet-pk.js test-key.temp.json [PASSWORD FROM .env - default is empty]
Then remove the key file.
docker-compose down -v